• Twisted words to mislead the young minds of the future. Governments block all the connections of greater minds. Hardships suffered and chances blown away. The concept of something so natural told to be so wrong. The sexual intercourse shown internationally on video over the creation of man called the internet is assumed to be vulgar yet in my eyes its people who are doing what people naturally do except with the eyes of viewers. A human being has desires and it doesn’t matter how they got there pleasure it could be from masturbation to satisfaction of being with another human being. The fact that is not age appropriate; that is for the undeveloped minds of a child who hasn’t hit puberty. As you grow your craving for satisfying your sexual desires increase. The only shocking thing is that no one has come to realize is that if you’re paying it’s the same as prostitution without the actually feeling of feeling the pleasure from another. Laws against fighting are absurd because we we’re born as savage beast so we will remain savage beast. What is the difference of this law if we send others to a country over something so desirable such as resources? Why lie to the youthful minds my telling them that they we’re fighting for their land; that they we’re going to be heroes. Why because they would never approve of what they’re really fighting for and now they can’t turn back. Off animal instincts that they contain they realize its survival to the fittest and some can’t bear the fact that they killed an innocent confused mind who’s was tricked into a battle that wasn’t even his. Reason why the fact that you can’t get over the fact is because that could have been the exact same fate for them.The ones who usually can kill and kill and brutally torture another human has coped with war and let insanity take over there whole system. We fight and fight to finally realize the mass destruction lies within the government. Ignorance of saying terrorist because people are difference that is a powerful impact into ones heart. The fact that we have a “BORDER” is discouraging because how can we fully learn of one another when others are shut out of a land looking for a new life. People struggle because of other higher authorities decision which we all don’t agreed with but we know the riot and chaos of fighting for belief could get you killed. If this was the outcome Im ready to die and stand for the ones who don’t have the right. Even other the littlest things I will fight for the right of perfect harmonization. Woman jokes such as “Woman’s Rights” is no joke they deserve more credit because even in ancient times every tribe, empire, and monarch, it was always said that a woman had no rights so they had to watch and raise the children. Woman raised little boys and girls so if a boys died from not being watched the decrease of soldiers, businesses, and taxes would fall in the future.They deserve as much rights if not more than what they proclaimed to be given. Every ones says things have changed, not at all because people are still stereotyped, segregation, racist, and sexist.Why though if you look around we’re all living creatures, why treat people as they are a parasite on the tip of your finger. It’s because people are told incorrect things by higher authority such as the government. Different culture, race, and religion changes the way people think. Those three things Is what has created the most change in America, South America, Asia, Africa, and everywhere else. Change was never the problem it was