• a livid shadow stands at my side festering silently writhing as i refuse to ackowlege it. the shadow wispers in my ear 'do this for me and i can help you just look at me just once see me i'm here i can end your pain' and still i inore the shadow at my side walking in the rain words others had said rattling in my brain. 'i'll tell you what 'the shadow wispered one night 'look at me see me and ill leave you alone in your pain or i'll stay if you want but just look at me' day after day the shadow wispered this to me and finaly i look and what i saw was not the beast i had expected to see but a reflection,a shadow of me 'keep walking ahead to the light and i will follow behind no matter what keep walking forward and all will be fine' my shadow said and fell silent and i began walking into the light followed by my past finding that my burdon got lighter as i went