• Tinted Hearts of black

    The hustle and bustle of people

    There are so many paths just existing

    You want to make the perfect road

    When there's really none

    Everything leads to something

    Some amiss

    Others pleasing

    Paths for most people always are easy

    Or that's at least how it feels

    My path is stuck in a gutter in a hole

    Always stuck in the nooks or holes

    Like a broken record

    Over over and over again

    Intertwines with everything wrong

    The blessing of life is a blight of corruption

    This agony needs to cease to exists in my heart

    Anguish, desperation, devastation, anxiety fill me

    Replace it, vanquish it all

    Fill it with gratification, amity, serenity, order

    Triumph over my widespread axiom

    Decamp this apprehension confounded in my heart

    For I posit I can take this no more