• Kill, kill, kill...

    Slaying all the humans
    Wishing they would take a stand
    It's all too easy to do
    Rip off their heads
    Or tear out their hearts
    The body of man all too wimpy
    Yet their blood tastes oh so sweet

    Scream, scream, scream...

    That's all I hear
    Screech their lungs out
    Till blood shoots from their mouths
    Yum juicy blood
    Red goo dripping from my full lips
    All I want is the nectar of life
    Kill another and another

    Die, die, die...

    Their bodies pile up
    Never their corpses are to be buried
    Let them rot where they fall
    Not a drop of blood left
    Empty are their delicate veins
    Crimson blood dries
    Upon my lips

    Lick, lick, lick...

    All are dead
    Another village falls into darkness
    Their houses empty
    My stomach somewhat soothed
    Yet my throat still burns
    Need more nectar
    Sweet crimson blood

    Run, run, run...

    Again the cycle begins
    To the next village
    More humans wait
    Their lives hanging from my teeth
    Only for their blood to be taken
    The only way for me to survive
    Drink the nectar of life

    Blood, blood, blood...

    Sliding down my throat
    Quenching only my blood lust
    Never my burning thirst
    Fueling only my body
    Leaving out my twisted mind
    Blood sticks to my lips
    Falling from my chin

    Drip, drip, drip...