- A Small, clear, round, shining bead of refracted light falls to the ground. It’s so small, it looks insignificant. It only takes a half second to hit the ground, and within minutes it evaporates-it can no longer be found. As it fell, it did nothing, it helped no one, and it hurt no one. It lived a short run and was noticed by no one. It glided gently and fell from its perch to land on the ground and be no more. It saw nothing, it felt nothing and it had nothing in it but a drop of water with a hint of salt. Yet, somehow, it took with it pain, fear, and sadness. It was not those things, but the relief of it. Carrying the sadness and darkness of the entire world, the tiny bead dropped to the floor without making a sound. No one would thank it for its unknown job. No one would acknowledge its existence-even though it unknowingly, without a reason, motive, or hope of reward, dragged the evil away and threw it to the floor. Every one underestimates the beauty and the power of a tear.
- by Benjamen8354 |
- Poetry And Lyrics
- | Submitted on 09/14/2012 |
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- Title: Seemingly Insignificant
- Artist: Benjamen8354
- Description:
- Date: 09/14/2012
- Tags: seemingly insignificant tear
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