• Chaotic winds on moonless tide
    Sea bashing against routed shores
    Unfettered confidence and arrogant pride
    No end to these catastrophic wars

    Nature declares her burning rage
    Unleashing nightmarish beasts
    The entire coast has become her stage
    For an infamous and bloody feast

    The people run and scream and cry
    For the mercy they shall not receive
    The obvious end is growing nigh
    Will there be anyone left to grieve?

    The waves build larger and approach the land
    The populace scattered and confused
    A mighty fist made from liquid hand
    Fatally crashes upon them amused

    You may try and escape the aquatic hell
    But its fury is surely unending
    Water bolting through like a magic spell
    All the more projectiles it's bringing

    The morning sun is on the rise
    The waves have begun to retreat
    Ocean currents reduced in size
    But the innocents of the town beat

    The few survivors gathered around
    Their livelihood destroyed
    But with an undying spirit for their home once drowned
    Their hearts must fill the void