• Never in the world did I think I could find a man like him.
    Every sense is alert for him, and wanting more.
    Words true and strong, dancing in my ears.
    I love you like the sweetest song ever heard.
    Love that shines on me like a warm summer day.
    Pouring down on me and hold me even when my days are cold.
    His heart is protecting like the dragon to his keep.
    It welcomes me with force and passion, shielding me from the darkest dreams.
    His kiss is like fire that melts through the thickest ice.
    Lingering on my lips like the sweet of candy.
    A touch that leaves a trail on my skin
    Awaking my senses, and pulling me closer.
    His smile is what keeps my heart beating.
    Every time I see it, I feel flutters from my head to my toes.
    He's given me a reason to live,
    Motivation to breath,
    Support to carry on.
    My love for him will never falter.
    Never fade.