• To your loved ones,
    in days to come
    and nights to follow
    you alone will be hallow.
    I'll greet you There and show you the way
    to the gate of your heaven
    or the pits of your own hell.
    No matter what you believe.
    You always end up in that place for which you where deceived.
    Religion is false,
    Your life is a lie,
    and your time is all mine.
    I am the grim reaper all for your souls.
    I hate you more then you will ever know..
    when you awake once again you will continue to walk this hateful land.
    you will forget me when you come back but will remember me when you have that heart attack.
    you have been warned!! but you don't fear, i am the hate and bitter truth of what you didn't Do or Hear.
    In do time you too will understand but don't worry i'll take you away by the hand.
    Everything you know here, most is false. no one really believes, you know who you are.. and you are truly lost, my friend...
    In Revaluations when i return, you will try to fight me off.
    but who cares i will win in that stand off.
    those who do not believe will be doomed to My Grave because that was the deal, we made in the beginning of time anyway..

    take that in mind and ill see you in the end....

    Signed Not your friend.

    "The Grim Reaper"