• I am nothing but a tree
    Can you hear my screams in this vast forest
    As i am being chopped down
    The ax slowly sinking into me
    Cutting in so deep by the people who were meant to care for and protect you
    But in the end having them surround you and chop you down
    And use you for nothing more than their own purposes
    Using you until there's nothing left but an old dead stump

    Can you see it in this fog
    These tears you all have created
    Pouring down like the rain but never stopping
    Chop after Chop, Slash after slash
    Is there no end to this pain?

    Question after question I have asked
    But no one answers
    You tell them what they have done but yet it bounces off them
    Like a ball never getting through the pavement
    Only bouncing up and down
    Until it just stops and rolls away

    Everything crashes into you
    You question yourself and others
    Yet again no one answers
    They leave you questioning are you the one going mad?
    Or is it the people around you who have gone mad?

    Either way it doesn't matter
    Cause in the end
    I am still a tree
    As they use me then leave me to die
    In this vast forest
    Empty and alone
    And never to be seen or heard from again.