• [hey kid]

    what? who’s that? where are you?

    [don’t worry about it. if you could have any wish come true, any in the world, what would it be?]

    what? am I losing it?

    [probably. doesn’t change the fact that I’m here. just answer the question.]

    well I guess I’d wish for infinite wishes

    [you’re funny. pick a real wish.]

    um.. well, I guess omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence.

    [pick one.]

    well I guess if I knew everything, I’d know how to do everything and be everywhere, so omniscience. why?

    [I think it’s time you learn who I am. I am your writer. I am your creator. I am your god. you are a product of my imagination, created only for this short work of poetry.]

    this is ridiculous. I must be going crazy. you’re not real. I’m just hearing things is all.

    [silly reluctant little thing. then again I guess I wrote you that way. here, I’ll show you a different perspective.]

    [you’re a god now. you understand. you and I have become one in the same. you can do whatever you want. your wish has come true.]

    I know.