Cold Lazarus
OOOooo... you live in Australia.... that's awesome.... suddenly i feel cold...
Yush! Australia is fantastcio! But why does that make you feel cold?
And I recently watched Michael Moore's latest Doco on Helathcare. Is it really that bad in the USA?
it's worse in countries where the government pays for the healthcare... In Canada, you could wait for months to get an appointment with your doctor...
Well in his documentary it was showing that alot of Americans would NOT get any money from their Insurance companys even if they had fukll cover. He went through quite a number of people who had actually lost someone they loved because their Health Insurance wouldn't pay.
One Health Insurance company told this woman with Ovarinan (Sp?) Cancer that they wouldn't pay because someone her age shouldn't get that cancer.
And also what the news says about Cannada is a complete load of BS. I know alot about Cannada and as Moore shows in his Doco they have great healthcare. And its free. He went to Cannada to a hospital and asked the peoples there and none had waited more than 45 minutes for help and this room was packed.
The woman mentioned above with the cancer actually went to cannada for treatment and they gave it to her.
He went to Great Britan where Health Care is under one big Universal ting called NHS (National Health Service) and no one has to pay a cent for doctors or hospital stays, operations or ANYTHING. Oh wait they have to pay for medication. 6.95 pounds for ANY amount of prescription drugs they need. It don't matter if it's just 30 pills or 130, it still only costs 6.95 pounds, well unless you are under 14 or over 60. Then its free.
France, Great Britain, Cannada and even Cuba have better helth care then USA and they are all free.
I recomend the movie to anyone. It's a real eye opener.