Aretoo, I can't wait for he Hobbit. Ever since I saw it waaaay back when I've been dieing to see it! I'm there on the band waggon with you!
Shram there are a s**t load of long titles out there, no worries! ^_^
Sanzo, I not sure if you thought I regretted mine or not but I didn't. I just think GTR and I could have gone outside instead of in our bathroom, at least it was a large bathroom. And I made the mistake of telling a "friend" who was the biggest blabber mouth in the entire school. And like I said, it's not painful for everyone. If it is just make sure you ask who ever to be gentle. GTR was really good that way, he kept asking if I was ok, or if anything hurt. Oh and don't go on top! GTR tried putting me on top at first, and theres a bit more to it than just going up and down or back and forth.
redface Just some suggestions ^_^