Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:11 pm
^_^ There's a Tae on meh. Hi to Tae.
gonk I understand your frustration fully now, Invis. X_X
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:12 pm
bye bye, Sanzo~! <3
hullo, Pisces~!
@weirdo; well, I was kinda born and raised there~! So it's really easy for me to read and write and stuff, but I'm pretty whitewashed now, so when I speak, I've got an accent and I can't remember certain words for things, it sucks. D;
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:14 pm
Aw...poor Pisces...
Tsu: Ah ok then....See, I think I did pretty well considering my parents have been pretty Americanized (my mom at least sweatdrop ) and that I've never been there. And I probably won't be going there any time soon cuz my dad adamantly never wants to go back.
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:15 pm
Tsu.png Taeryyn Je te comprends parfaitement. : ) J'écris beaucoup plus lentement en français aussi, ne t'inquietes pas. Et souvent j'oublie des accents...ooups.
Comment puis-je t'aider?
Ahh~! Je suis jalouse~!
Mon français est tellement simple, x) Je veux ameliorer ma vocab. alors parlez avec moi en français! Heureusement, j'ai plus de confiance quand je PARLE (comme l'orale), mais, pas beacoup quand j'écris.
Sois-pas jalouse. x3 Je parle une mélange de français acadien et québecois. C'est pas le tabernak de français parisien. Et moi aussi, je travail en français mais je n'écris presque jamais qu'en anglais.
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:16 pm
*distracted by online videos >>"*
Pisces~ *huggles* How are you?
@weirdo: lol, doesn't work so well with English teachers >>"
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:19 pm
Taeryyn Sois-pas jalouse. x3 Je parle une mélange de français acadien et québecois. C'est pas le tabernak de français parisien. Et moi aussi, je travail en français mais je n'écris presque jamais qu'en anglais.
Quooi! J'aime beacoup le Français Parisien, XD Je le comprends mieux que l'accent Québecois, même si-
okay, wait, would 'j'en ai vecu' be the equivalent of 'I lived there' ?
Parce que c'est un concept qui n'était pas vraiment élaboré pour moi, x)
Quand est-ce qu'on utilise 'en' ?
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:21 pm
invisible-weirdo Aw...poor Pisces...
Tsu: Ah ok then....See, I think I did pretty well considering my parents have been pretty Americanized (my mom at least sweatdrop ) and that I've never been there. And I probably won't be going there any time soon cuz my dad adamantly never wants to go back.
My parents are the complete opposite, they want to go back as much and as often as possible. XD They've never managed to take me, though, considering the times they go are during exam times. =_=
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:26 pm
Tsu.png Taeryyn Sois-pas jalouse. x3 Je parle une mélange de français acadien et québecois. C'est pas le tabernak de français parisien. Et moi aussi, je travail en français mais je n'écris presque jamais qu'en anglais.
Quooi! J'aime beacoup le Français Parisien, XD Je le comprends mieux que l'accent Québecois, même si-
okay, wait, would 'j'en ai vecu' be the equivalent of 'I lived there' ?
Parce que c'est un concept qui n'était pas vraiment élaboré pour moi, x)
Quand est-ce qu'on utilise 'en' ?
I can't explain grammar IN French. x3 "En" replaces the COD (complément d'object direct) in a sentence.
Je parle français? (What do I speak? French. French is the COD). Le français? J'en parle.
If you were going to talk about a place, it would be "y". J'y suis allé. I went there.
Je trouve que les gens de france parle comme s'ils avaient le gueule plein de riz. x3 Je l'aime pas.
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:29 pm
*huggles back* gonk I fail at multitasking!
-activate lurk mode-
I shall return, fellows.
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:34 pm
I can't explain grammar IN French. x3 "En" replaces the COD (complément d'object direct) in a sentence.
Je parle français? (What do I speak? French. French is the COD). Le français? J'en parle.
If you were going to talk about a place, it would be "y". J'y suis allé. I went there.
Je trouve que les gens de france parle comme s'ils avaient le gueule plein de riz. x3 Je l'aime pas.
But can't le or la replace the COD, too? Je parle français. Je le parle? Or does it not matter? Which one would be more correct? x)
Je toujours parlait-- see, that's another thing, would I be using imparfait here? Because it's a continuous action, so would it be j'ai toujours parlé... or je parlais-- but that's more like...I was speaking, right?
AUGH, see~! I'm not confident enough to speak french, ;_;
Anyways, je parle avec un accent parisien, je ne sais pas pourquoi, x) mais je pense que si j'ai vecu en Québec, ça changera.
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:39 pm
But can't le or la replace the COD, too? Je parle français. Je le parle? Or does it not matter? Which one would be more correct? x)
Je toujours parlait-- see, that's another thing, would I be using imparfait here? Because it's a continuous action, so would it be j'ai toujours parlé... or je parlais-- but that's more like...I was speaking, right?
AUGH, see~! I'm not confident enough to speak french, ;_;
Anyways, je parle avec un accent parisien, je ne sais pas pourquoi, x) mais si je pense que si j'ai vecu en Québec, ça changera.
Ohgod. Maybe I'm getting mixed up. gonk I would generally use le or la rather than en. So. Forget EVERYTHING I just said, because I don't want to tell you the wrong thing. Calice d'anglophone, moi. xp
Je dirait "j'ai toujours parlé". You're right, "je parlais" is "I was talking".
Tu parles aussi bien que moi! Peut-être mieux, vraiment. : D
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:42 pm
Tsu: lol A lot of my Filipino friends' families are like that. I have these two friends (they're twins) they just came back from there like....a couple months ago, I believe =P
Yunie: Aw...that sucks....Stupid English teachers >.> (That reminds me...a friend of mine who is actually rather good at learning languages on her own (I is envious of her skill) started titling her papers in different languages (not the big English papers, but still) and my teacher always just glared at her every time XP He was pretty awesome though so it's all cool)
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:57 pm
Taeryyn Tsu.png
But can't le or la replace the COD, too? Je parle français. Je le parle? Or does it not matter? Which one would be more correct? x)
Je toujours parlait-- see, that's another thing, would I be using imparfait here? Because it's a continuous action, so would it be j'ai toujours parlé... or je parlais-- but that's more like...I was speaking, right?
AUGH, see~! I'm not confident enough to speak french, ;_;
Anyways, je parle avec un accent parisien, je ne sais pas pourquoi, x) mais si je pense que si j'ai vecu en Québec, ça changera.
Ohgod. Maybe I'm getting mixed up. gonk I would generally use le or la rather than en. So. Forget EVERYTHING I just said, because I don't want to tell you the wrong thing. Calice d'anglophone, moi. xp
Je dirait "j'ai toujours parlé". You're right, "je parlais" is "I was talking".
Tu parles aussi bien que moi! Peut-être mieux, vraiment. : D
Naww, je pense que t'es correct. c'est difficile parler français, honnetement, ;_; je pense que si tu peux continuer un conversation, t'es mieux que moi. x)
aussi, quand les québecois disent 'BIEN OUI' comme 'benoui' je ris un peu, 8D c'est cute.
ALORS. J'ai besoin dormir~ Merci pour ton aide, monsieur. 4laugh
@weirdo (I HAVE TO CALL YOU SOMETHING ELSE, THAT'S MEAN. XD); My friend got back a few weeks ago, he's so DAAARK. x)
Anyways, I better get me some sleep! I have work tommorow, so I'm not sure if I'll be online, but it's so good to be back
Good night~! Bonsoir~!
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:02 pm
lol You can call me Invisible, Invis, Invi, etc. if you don't like Weirdo =P
And good night~
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:03 pm
De rien! Enjoy ton dodo, là!