i'd like to know how to play go...
Well, it's really simple.
-) Stones placed adjacent to each other are considered a single unit/entity
-) Stones placed diagonally are still seperate entities
-) Open spaces adjacent to a unit are called
liberties-) A unit that is tightly enclosed (has no liberties) is
captured, it is removed and the individual stones are tallied for the opponent
-) A stone exists until the end of the game or until it is removed
-) No suicide (
varies), you cannot place a stone in a space that has no liberties unless completing a capture
-) The
Ko rule, you cannot place a stone in a place that one of your stones has just been removed from
Passing, you may pass if you see no way of expanding your territory or limiting your opponents
1) Black goes first
2) Play alternates until both players have passed or the board is full
3) If passed, both players decide which stones are considered
dead (would inevitably been captured)
4) Territory is tallied, white is given a bonus of 5.5 points to even offset black's beginning, that tally is added to the number of captured stones. The player with the highest score wins...
@Jaft- I don't like it very much either. Is there a site with smaller boards?