Fun; Spontaneity; Shiny Things; Support; Free Speech.
Those five words more then sum up everything our guild stands for.
We have tons of interesting games, including one where you can ask our vice captain anything you want, why is the sky blue? why do dogs have cold noses? why do bee's sting me?
You ask it and your guaranteed a witty response.
Look behind you!
Weren't expecting that were you? or perhaps you were o.0?
Ether way we guarantee you will not spontaneously combust while in our guild.
Shiny things.
Ooh pretty0.o
Contests, prizes, begging, a place to put your wonderful quest thread!
We're always here to give you advice on gaia issues, and even real life problems.
Free Speech.
Self explanatory.
Feel free to say whatever you like, we have thick skin.
Just as long as it isn't a blatant attack on someone else, or an UBER violation of the gaia Tos its fair game.
So won't you join our crazy little family? and remember to say Ayumu Kamiyama sent you so they know who recommended you.