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[PRP] - - - flickering candle - [[ama&kano]] - complete! Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:19 pm
The ship rocked back an forth as it's bow plowed through the warm waters of Faleen. The ship was crossing to the island after a long journey fro Aimes and on it's final leg the crew men were moving fast overhead to make sure the docking went flawlessly. A curious newbie to ship life sat below deck docking items in his own journal as he went on in his thoughts for the day. This teenager was Hymn, a peculiar dust of the sort who had come to Faleen for knowledge about human wars from the islands countless libraries. It happened to be noted as one of the smartest places on the continent.

Life on the island was moving through the day and peaceful at night, show showing up as the morning sun rose over the horizon had been a good choice. The mindful teen rose from his bunk and opened the door to the smell of a sweet breakfast but ignoring the turning stomach he made his way up-level onto the dock. A few passengers stood pointing out to see, mainly artists or couples who traveled only a few times on vassals like this.

Hymn moved and leaned against the railing on the port side of the ship and looked Eastward past the bow to the city that was approaching them. The island looked primarily filled with high hills and mountains and the closest city, merely a line on the horizon already glimmered in the sunlight. Hymn was breathless as they neared the shore and feeling a tap on his shoulder he turned toward a ship worker an smiled. As he was asked about breakfast he smiled and waved,
"No thank you sir, I have plans in town."

The crewman just walked off into the lower levels of the ship to ask those remaining in their rooms. He just smiled and as the docks grew closer he straightened up. The ship let out a roar of steam and began to slow. Hymn leaned forward and jumped onto the dock between some boxes, no one noticed him leap from the ship. He just frowned and straightened up walking into Fayleen.

Abis was the first town, it was built flat on the beaches of Fayleen and shinned like the morning sun as the brilliant buildings shinned full of presence. Each person even seemed to carry a spirit of their own and with happiness floating from face-to-face the dust smiled.

Maybe he would suggest moving here.

Passing past a part Hymn froze as the spirit of another dust grew and turning toward the large trees he tried to spot a face and foun an old friend, Krinn's hidden amongst a crowd of people.
PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:16 pm
A vacation.

Krinn thought again. The word tasted foreign on his lips - but nonetheless, he was rather content with it. Lan had taken the week off to bring Krinn to an island - Faleen was it? - for the week. It had been three days already... And the Dust child was getting used to the familiar sea breeze, but the different people, the unfamiliar faces. He felt a slight tug on something inside of him as he walked along, but chose to dismiss it for the moment. He had his hands stuffed into his pockets and his head turned up towards the sky as he walked along, wearing a white tank top and shorts with sandals. There was a piece of candy sticking out from his mouth - something he had bought from one of the venders as he tagged along the concrete of the city, surrounded by other natives, and other travelers. Boats were coming in, and he watched them out of the corner of his eye, knowing that he had taken one with Lan earlier to get here.

Speaking of which, the guardian happened to be nowhere in sight. Lan had declared to sleep in as "long as he damn well pleased" back at the place they were staying at. It was actually a villa belonging to Shuuhei, who had actually accompanied them there for a short break. The two cooks had declared a state of war against each other the week prior, but had ended it on terms when Lan had offered to do double Shuuhei's work at the cafe if the man let them stay at his family's villa for a week in Faleen to get back some of their strength. After all, with such hot weather back in Amies, it was quite a relief to be in a place where the sea breeze whistled even stronger then before. Breathing out, Krinn tilted his head back, and stared at the sky for a moment.


Blinking out of his reverie, the Dust child blinked in astonishment and came to a stop, glancing around suddenly, dual eyes searching for something, someone. He was near the edge of a small forest that extended to a park in the hills, and paused, the wind rustling his deep gray hair for a moment before he finally located a familiar face.
"Hymn...?" He murmured to himself for a moment, and then shot forward through the crowd, ducking under people and making sure not to crash into anyone. His flighty feet took him to the edge of the crowd, and panting a bit, he came to a stop a few meters from the other dust, eyes a bit wide at the new sighting, a if it were an illusion. He hadn't seen Hymn in forever - and was astonished that he had found him here.

"Morning stranger."
He said again, to make sure his voice worked. Then a small smile broke onto the Dusts face. An old friend, a good friend. Krinn was glad to have found him. "Its been awhile, hasn't it?" He said cheerfully, hands still stuffed in his pockets. It was true that Krinn looked a bit taller now that it had been so long since their last meeting, but it looked as though Hymn was completely different. "Wow, you remember me right? I'd be kinda hurt if you didn't." The last part was a tease and he knew it. "You look older. You really surprised me - showing up here." He left it at that, not wanting to overwhelm the other with his words. He watched the others face, examining him a bit. How long had it been? Perhaps a month or more. The last time they had seen each other was when Hymn had created a mirage of illusions.

Now Krinn was curious as to how this mysterious dust would react to Krinns sudden showing up.

xx - SHARKattack


PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:34 pm
"Krinn I'd say my adventures with you would be near impossible to forget. The adventures through Aimes' alleys to the gardens of my dreams, up to the tower of choice. All hold a special place in my mind and have been shared with a few through the gift I have to change what is around us. Like this."the dust raised his hand and tapped it in the air. Suddenly, the city was empty of people. All the shops were still open and the wind laid undisturbed but it seemed as if their own race had just parted. When in reality, they had left the world to come here: a barren copy of their own.

Hymn smiled and looked around the city finding part of an older building to climb. He soon made his way to the roof top and looked off the edge into the ocean. It reminded him of Aimes just happier and more pleasant. This would be a fun place for the dusts if they would deal with the intellectual challenge of this island. Everything was decorated in high class and possessed a higher stature than most of the continent. Education was critical here.

Jumping back down to Krinn the dust landed slightly off and hurt his ankle slightly but he didn't show it. His nerves just tingled as the leg tried fixing it. The dust stood up and looked down at his friend.
"Well as all, I have grown. You have too, how have things been on your end?" he asked.

Hymn flexed his fingers a bit and adjusted the illusion to a cooler day so he wouldn't sweat but it was still warm. Moving along the beaches he entered a beach side inn run by an old friend of Sojo's Coco De`Les, a extravagant woman with a peculiarly rare accent. Hymn entered the resort and took his keys off the counter pulling Krinn back towards his room where he threw open the door too a nice ocean breeze. Beach side access and privacy with a room next door made this resort the top of it's class.

Hymn paid for it by doing favors for Coco rather than paying her cash, the price on this resort was high and often cost way to much for anyone in Aimes. The low budget port town didn't bring in much outside of festivities and sea-charters. Pirates too helped.

Shrugging the dust threw the keys down and fell on the bed allowing Krinn to explore if he wished.
"How have things been in Aimes while I was gone?" he asked.
PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:17 pm
Krinn smiled at the others words, taking his hands out of his pockets and crossing them behind his head to c**k an eyebrow at the others talk. It was a bit nostalgic to talk of their past adventures, and it was always quite an interesting thing as well. Hymn had taught him quite a lot, and Krinn was thankful for it as well. As the other tapped the air, Krinn tilted his head back, not surprised by the change of scenery. He watched everyone else disappear, the hum of the worlds other inhabitants quickly fading. The dust let loose a small smile, a purr of happiness. It was nice to get away from the noise of it all sometimes. "Always amazing." He said loftily with a tease hidden in his voice, glancing back at Hymn with a smile.

As the other reached the rooftop, Lan inclined his head upwards, staring at the sky and listening to the ocean for a moment. It was all so peaceful whenever he was with Hymn. As if the world had stopped and let the two walk alone with each other for just a moment. He could finally hear himself think again. As the older dust jumped down, Krinn glanced at his legs, wondering just how the other had gotten down without hurting something and put in the back of his mind, realizing that unless the other showed signs of pain, he wouldn't attempt to pry for information. When the other mentioned that he had grown, Krinn turned a bit red and looked down, brushing his hands over the tank top nervously. It was odd to have other people noticing him changing.
"Er, thanks... But not as much as you." He said, then glanced back up as the other asked him how things were on his end. As Hymn let the entire city cool, Krinn shivered with pleasure a bit.

"Things on my end have been.... alright."
He said, humming in thought as he thought of the days he had spent around in the last few weeks. "Its been really hot back at the city... And Lans been... doing embarrassing things..." Krinn abruptly turned red again, remembering the shameless flirting on Lans behalf, and the strange things he'd done with his mouth to other people. No, not like that! A kiss Lan had called it...? But Krinn still didn't know exactly what that was, or why others gave it to eachother. Shuuhei had promised to tell him this week, but Krinn was still waiting. "But anyways." He shook his head and put his hands on his hips. "What about you? Where have you been all this time?"

As the two stepped into a beach side inn, Krinn took a moment to look around in wonder and blinked, quickly following Hymn into the room that he must have been staying in. Krinns breath hitched in his throat a bit as he eyed the luxurious escape, and for a moment he closed his eyes and smiled, put a bit at ease by the calm sea breeze.

Finally turning after examining the room a bit, he fell down beside Hymn, laying on his back on the bed, tank top riding up a bit. His skin had tanned a little from the constant sunlight of the city, and his dual colored eyes flickering as he glanced back at the ceiling.
"Boring." he replied instantly with a laugh to Hymn's question. "Really boring. Everyone seems to have disappeared, or gotten busy... But the cities still itself, as usual. Nothings changed, really..." He paused, humming in thought.

"Is this where you've been all along, Hymn?"
Krinn asked lazily, glancing over at the other, eyes dancing. He had missed the older dust. He was content just spending some time with the other.

xx - SHARKattack


PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:51 pm
Hymn leaned back and looked up at the ceiling before he sat up beside Krinn. The others question had caused his memory to flash back to the months spent in heaven. "I have only been here a few days, before than-" he paused for a moment moving over to the balcony,"Before than I was above, I had some business to deal with and before that I had been exploring the cities with Sojo. A time to get away, a vacation. It was fun at first, and it just got interesting. I've done a lot of changing, I'm not so shy about myself anymore." The dust leaned over the balcony and flipped off on accident but he straightened up and fell straight through the ground, the illusion shattered and around him appeared a grid like structure. The old building was replaced with the simple black squared pattern. The lines glowed a purple color, easy on the eyes.

The dust concentrated, using a large portion of his energy to bring Krinn close to him as the land shifted more rapidly than before. This time he danced to create this illusion. It was completely imagination and took some work, combining memories. Around them a forest floor appeared surrounded by tall, vine tangled, moist trees. They stood on the edge of a clearing and in the center a enormous temple stood, warped by nature in time. A dark entrance was near the top for exploration and smiling Hymn looked at his friend.

"I think it's about time I got some use of my more offensive skills, care to join me for an adventure Krinn?"
he asked. Playing with his hair the teen thought of Cada for a moment before stepping forward into the clearing. He'd allow his mind to wander so he had no idea where the beasts awaited him.

One step into the clearing and he was attacked. His first attack was a wire attack he used that trapped the enemy, he could send music through the wires which in turn destroyed the enemy as the tiny vibrations moved into the needles which destroyed the nerve system. Acupuncture was how this was achieved and it was a careful attack that required a lot of studying to do it right on every beast.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:23 pm
Krinn watched the other for a moment, eyes dancing as he heard about the others stories. It was so curious to know that while he had been stuck in Amies, his old friend had been traveling the regions, to whatever "above" meant as well. He hummed a bit as the other told him he had traveled and straightened up, looking at the other, examining him a bit, eyes glistening with curiosity and bewilderment.

"Thats so..." He started in a murmur, cocking his head to the side as he watched the other for a moment. "You traveled a lot it seems..." He smiled at the other. "You must have learned a lot - seen a lot." He paused, leaning his head back to eye the ceiling once more. "You were shy about yourself?" He repeated, humming. He had never thought that... but perhaps Hymn was. He didn't say any more, the other dust was already gone.

Krinn got off the bed quickly, following the other over and leaning over the balcony to eye Hymn for a moment. When the illusion shattered, Krinn sucked in a breath and eyed it as the dust concentrated, changing it to his whims. He watched Hymn as he danced, and found himself near the other once the illusion showed as a large forest, in which they were sitting right in the middle of. The temple before them knocked the breath from Krinn for a moment, and glanced up when Hymn looked back at him.

When the other asked him to accompany him for an adventure, Krinn couldn't help it. A sharp grin broke out on his face for a moment and he smiled at Krinn, putting his hands behind his head for a moment.
"Hymn, how could I ever say no to a tempting offer like that?" He joked, and then lowered his arms, following Hymn and watched in a bit of shock when the first beasts appeared. He had never been near to creatures like that before, so when Hymn destroyed them with ease, he gaped a bit and then turned to Hymn once they were both safe. "How did you..." He started, staring. Then he glanced over at Hymn. "Is that a dusts power...?"

xx - SHARKattack


PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:33 pm
"That is my essence power, Siren's Voice." he instructed, "Each dust has their own essence which possesses it's own power. You have to find it in yourself to discovering it. I have three skill's I've discovered. My illusions, my wires, and of course the one thing I have not revealed. We all hold a special ability over something, mine always has to do with sound. My illusions are created by song, my wire attack is produced from high pitched melodies. Take a guess, what is my last ability?" He asked Krinn the question than relaxed rocking on his heels for a moment before standing straight.

"Let us discover your abilities, you should have a couple hidden within you already. Why don't we bring them out. Do you know your essence?"
he questioned looking at Krinn.

The other dust seemed to be absorbing the information so standing still the dust listened to the breeze and examined the temple for certain elements. His illusion was weak in some point but they all were. He had to be careful not to get hurt to much here or the illusion would trap them at the end, in nothingness till Hymn regained energy.

That was the only drawback of messing with illusions.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:50 pm
Krinn listened intently to the others talk of power. Sirens Voice. It sounded interesting, no wonder Hymn had such strange powers. Krinn watched the illusion around them with curiosity as the other continued, taking in the information with ease even though it still sounded foreign to his mind. He hummed a bit in thought and glanced over at the other as he asked for him to take a guess. Looking sheepish, Krinn grinned a bit. "Melodies and song... the only other thing that I would relate to that is dancing... but I'm not sure." He paused, blinking and looking at the other for a moment. "Tell me?" He asked teasingly and blinked as the other spoke again.

Tilting his head back, Krinn looked at the sky past the trees, the dappled clouds hanging over the edges. He remembered the previous week when he had accidentally called for the rain. He remembered everything prior as well, and paused, wondering just how he would be able to discover his own abilities. He had barely just discovered himself.
"Raincloud." He murmured for a moment, still glancing up at the sky for a moment before turning to Hymn. "I'm pretty sure thats it." Krinn smiled, clasping his hands behind his back for a moment. "Or the essence of rain." He paused, humming a bit in thought. "That is what I've figured out, at least. How do I.... discover these abilities though?" Krinns eyes flashed curiously. "I dont even know what they are." He paused, humming a bit more in thought and looking back at the clouds.

Whenever he had been with Hymn in the past, he had discovered something, or learned of something. But he had never talked with the other about things that truly related to their being a dust. This was all so new... so foreign. But at least Krinn was willing to learn. The youthful dust glanced over at the other, wondering just how Hymn had discovered himself, and his skills. Had he trained with Sojo? Or gone off on his own? Krinn wasn't sure, but he was just dying to find out.

What a strange thing this is...

xx - SHARKattack


PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:59 pm
"Correct, my third is my power of song. I can use the same abilities the ancient siren's held over oblivious sailors centuries ago." he began to explain, "My voice is like the lure on a fishing line, I can sing to catch them than finish them off. My voice can be enchanting, enraging, or just plain painful; it all depends on what I desire." Hymn leaned back and took a step forward, the ruins changed around them and they were back in Faleen where they'd vanished back in Hymn's room. Instead off outside off the balcony they were both still standing on the surface.

Hymn leaned forward letting the salty wind blow through his hair. He turned in the direction it blew and watched, as his hair covered his face, the leaves blowing into the distance. Such beauty that nature created. Why had his essence been voice? No one knew at this point and they wouldn't know but for now the dust just wished to help others find themselves.

"Rain hmm?"
Hymn whispered and looked up at the sky. If Krinn possessed the rain element he held an attribute over water, or at least the rain cycle. Hymn smiled and shifted the land around them. They stood a distance off Faleen shores in the middle of the ocean and Hymn smiled. "Now I can't really change elements in my illusions, no in reality. By the way, we're not in my illusion anymore. The only way your standing is by my help. Now it's your job to take hold of your element and stand on your own. If you are water aligned, walking on it should be the easiest of it all. If your Water Cycle aligned.. you may be able to walk on dense, wetter air."
PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 6:13 pm
Krinn nodded as the other explained his third power of song. It sounded interesting, and Krinn thought about just how interesting it would be to hear the words aloud. Shifting his eyes up as the scenery changed around them, he glanced around, finding both of them in Hymns room. Instead of moving, he simply stayed by the older dust's side for a moment, his dual eyes searching as if looking for something that would tell him what the other was planning. The salty wind hummed against his ears, and instantly Krinn let his eyes slide closed for a moment, a purr of content thrumming in the back of his throat as he let it tangle and mess with his hair. "It sounds like an amazing talent." He relayed back to Krinn finally in a soft tone, his eyes fluttering a little at the salty tang of sea breeze. It was soft and cool, as well as comforting. "I'd be amazed to see it."

As Hymn leaned out, Krinn watched the other out of the corner of his eyes, his tank top pulling slightly against his skin, the loose edges flowing against the wind. He smiled a bit, as he thought about the older dust for a moment. A Sirens voice was his essence, or so Hymn had told him. A creature he had only read of in mythical books with dusted pages. But here was another, standing in front of him, with the essence of the melodic voice they used. It was interesting, and curious. The rain dust turned his eyes back to the scenery before him, thinking for a moment. But he still knew nothing of Hymn, and the dust was a mystery to him.
Thats alright though... He thought to himself. I still have time to figure him out.

As Hymn began to speak again, Krinn looked up, watching the others expression carefully before looking down as the land shifted around them until it had settled once more. He eyed the shores beneath them, the water lapping against the sand and the waves that crashed along the shorelines. As Hymn began to explain, he stared down at his feet, clad only in flip flops and then back at Hymn. A quirk of a smile fell on his lips.
"Well, we'll only find out if I try right?" He teased before glancing back down. Pushing himself forward a bit, he felt a tug - the power that Hymn was using to hold onto him - before it broke free and he was completely on his own. He felt a slab of fear pulsing in the back of his mind as he tentatively straightened out a foot and felt the water lap against the flip flops and over his toes. For a moment, he felt his foot fall through, and almost gasped out before something stopped him, as if the water beneath had transformed itself into a physical being for him.

Shivering a little, he pulled his foot out and replaced it on the surface of the water, taking two steps forward, concentrating so that he didn't fall through again. Feeling the wind wrestle with his small body, Krinn yelped a bit and teetered to the side, catching his balance and falling down.
"Ah!" Luckily, he had concentrated enough in the last minute for something curious to happen. Instead of falling through, he simply fell as if he were falling on the pavement back on land. His legs sprawled out in front of him, shorts now a bit damp from the waves hungrily bantering him to play, Krinn blinked, one arm behind him on the surface of the water before he started to laugh. His cheeks were a bit red from the embarrassment of falling over, but it had Hymn had been correct. He could walk like this. Looking back at Hymn, the rain dust blinked for a moment with a grin and a bit of red still lining his cheeks. "It looks like you were right." he said, the waves dancing across him a bit while he smiled teasingly at Hymn, enjoying the fun of it. "So does this mean I'm "water aligned" or whatever you called it?" He asked out of curiosity, and carefully started to stand, trying not to trip when the wind ravaged his body again. "That was fun." he laughed to the other, a smile on his face as he righted himself again.

xx - SHARKattack


PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:04 pm
Hymn laughed as Krinn stumbled off a bit on his own and helped the other dust up when he tried standing. "Your more mist aligned. Your not walking on the water but a bit above it where the mist hovers that's why the waves are only getting you wet." he guessed leaning down to examine the dust. Hymn helped him learn to walk around than took a seat above the water slightly and watched as Krinn walked around him on his own. When he finally looked back at the shores the other one got curious and began wondering away.

By the time Hymn looked back it was too late. Krinn had wandered beyond his control barrier and plummeted below the water. By this point he was drowning and Hymn stood up bursting into song. He called on some help but no one heard him so dropping below the water he looked around finding the dust struggling in the under current.

Hymn resurfaced grabbing more air than ducked down. He went head first into the under current and swam for Krinn further away from the shore grabbing the dusts hand. It was hard reaching the child but once he did Hymn concentrated as hard as he could and broke the illusion.

They appeared half way in the air of the hotel room and Krinn falling onto a bed and Hymn the floor he grunted and laid there for a moment. They were both soaked but okay and as he raised up the separation illusion snapped. Sojo appeared walking out of the room oblivious to what had happened and smiling Hymn sat up looking onto his bed at Krinn.

"You were still being helped by me," he said, "The reason you fell is because you walked out of that range and your concentration wasn't solid. For positives though you did excellent your first time, it was a great job well done. Come here though." Hymn stood up and ran to the bathroom changing. He came out in only his pants, shirtless and closing off the room he threw the other dust a towel. The room was lit by some of the light from the outside but for the most part they were by themselves relaxing.

Leaning back onto Sojo's bed Hymn fell back regaining his air from the long dive and undid his hair letting it all fall out. Feeling his head seemingly release he smiled and laughed slightly about their incident.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:39 pm
( ooc ;; kano, I edited the end a bit because it was killing me. D8 <3 I hope you dont mind. )

Drowning is not a pleasant experience. Nor has it ever been.

When the young dust had first went under he had yelped out, only to find his lungs full of water. Gagging, he jerked, the undercurrent seeming to drag him even further down into the water. It had gone by so fast, the time between when he was above and below. Now he was sinking faster then ever, eyes squeezed shut as he felt his breath cut and his heart beat speed up to a rapid pace. He had never experienced a true sense of fear before - was this what it was like? He wanted to cry out for help, but there was no one there. He wanted to open his eyes, but they were already stinging from the salty water. When he felt fingers sliding over his own, he struggled a bit more, desperately reaching out to grab the other. The fear of drowning held him for a moment before he found himself breathing air and yelped, eyes snapping open again.

Falling, falling -

Landing on the bed, he blinked, a cherry red blush staining his cheeks as he stared at the ceiling, trying to piece together what had happened. And then he started to cough a bit, sea water salting his tongue and the back of his throat. Pushing himself up, he covered his mouth for a moment, the salt tang sticking to him as his ears popped, water having filled those as well. He was drenched, and crawled to the edge of the bed, staring over the side at Hymn and panting a bit, not having expected that to happen. When the other got up, he turned red again and sat back on his heels, swaying for a moment and rubbing his eyes. When Hymn explained to him what had happened, the boy nodded dumbly for a moment, still red.
"Sorry, about that." He said instantly with a sheepish look, noticing Hymn was drenched as well. "You got all soaked over me." Blushing again when the other noted on a job well done, he lowered his eyes and brushed his hands over the tank top, the white fabric soaking and showing his skin through it. "Thanks though... I'll have to concentrate harder next time though, if I want to get it right." He murmured, replaying the events in his head. He was still embarrassed that he hadn't been paying enough attention, and felt like a wet dog.

When the other disappeared into the bathroom, Krinn blinked for a moment, and shook himself like a wet dog, shivering a bit at the cold and discarding his tank top onto the ground next to him, the piece of cloth only keeping him cold now that he was soaked to the bone.
"Ah!" When he looked up, he found a towel in his face and let out a small muffled yelp before pulling it away and examining Hymn, a stain of red dancing on his cheeks when he found him to be half naked. The boy quickly averted his gaze downwards and draped the towel over his gray hair, starting to rub it against the wet strands and extract some of the water. He also brushed it over his chest and bare legs, his shorts clinging and wet to his slightly long legs. Krinn glanced over when he felt the bed shift to find Hymn laying back on it and laughing slightly. Blinking a bit as he also recalled the events, the raincloud dust let loose a small laugh as well and continued to stroke the towel over his head, feeling his head start to lighten as he did so. "Well... that was certainly new, yeah?" He asked, closing his eyes as he let the towel settle on his head and curve over his shoulders.

"Thanks again for that, Hymn..."
He added on in a bit of a softer manner, true sincerity leaking through even though he didn't glance at the other, still blushing a bit, hands placed lightly on the towel, his bare feet and legs curled up to him on the bed a bit. "And for everything else as well..." He let his thoughts run loose on the things he had learned... And wondered what Hymn was thinking now. Sighing, he turned over to the other, swiveling so he was pressing his palms to the bed and leaning over the other, who was lying down and probably just staring at the ceiling. He had seen Lan do this before, but had never put two and two together to figure out that he had subconsciously inherited it from the other man. The towel slid back onto his bare shoulders, and the other cocked his head to the side curiously, damp bangs falling over his face in long gray streaks.

"Hey Hymn, can I ask you something?"
He said loftily, his eyes fluttering a bit as he considered his many encounters with the other again. "Why do you do all of this?"

xx - SHARKattack


PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:22 pm
Hymn leaned forward throwing his weight back up onto his feet as he stood again. The chilly rush of air nipped at his skin as he stood. The dust brushed the strands of lengthy hair from his face and paused before sliding over into the bathroom. Hymn let his hand glide along the door before he pushed it open continuing to leave the room silent while he thought. He roamed for another minute pulling out an old bottle from his pocket and walking over to Krinn. Hymn laid it on the blanket carefully and looked into the glass opening the top. "Normally, you wouldn't be able to open the top of a dust bottle. This is, however, my old one and can be opened so you can hear the first melody I sang when I came from the bottle. I show you this for a purpose; not to just show it off." Hymn explained. His hand closed the bottle and left it there taking Krinn's hand and as they met the room shook around them.

The air grew tight and pulled apart as Hymn chanted a verse quickly creating a new world around them. It seemed to ripple around them as the room fell apart their current environment fading to black. Hymn released Krinn as light blinded their eyes temporarily to reveal the square where they were standing. "We're back in the square but we can't be seen. I brought you here to show you why I do this. You see every human here? I teach dusts what I can, for them. We are here to protect them and our souls are bound to each other; that explains being able to feel one another." Hymn walked expressionless into the center of a patch of grass and put his hands out.

He brought them in slowly as his lungs drank the air. As they began growing full he released the air slowly at first before song quietly broke from his lips. He had never sang in front of Krinn that he could remember, so he tried to make the song as best as he could. He sang about the tale of a warrior and a maiden princess. Hymn's song brought two lover's together binding their souls in the story he told, it was riveting at first but his voice continued to spread and he sang.

The dust let his illusion fade away in time and slowly he was heard by the passing humans in the square. Sojo, unlikeliest to be there also stood back from the crowd listening to his dust curious about the tale he was singing. His clothes shivered in the wind as he frowned. He could tell Hymn had been using a lot of magic from the condition of his clothing but even then the dust remained strong and handsome. Sighing the god pushed forward off the building which he was leaning and faded into the crowds back to the hotel listening to his boy. 'What magic that Aevah created.' he thought quietly.

Hymn continued to sing for a few bars before smiling to the people who clapped at the end and pivoting he watched Krinn. "You seem somewhat thoughtful. Would you like to try again on water?" he asked putting his hand on the young dusts shoulder giving him a little playful shake.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:43 pm
Looking up as a bottle was placed down, Krinn cocked his head to the side, the refracted light glazing over both of his dual eyes and letting them glitter a bit with curiosity. He had never seen another one of these, much less up close... and with the bottle opened as well. The colors were befitting, and tore away his breath for a moment as he reached out a hand, fingers grazing like ghost kisses against the outer rim of the bottle. Wow... He thought, listening to Hymn talk. Then he glanced up as he felt fingers grazing his own and blinked. The room was shaking, and the astonishment on the dust's face made it clear that he was curious and confused as to where Hymn was taking them next. He felt the air growing tight and manipulating into itself as with all of Hymn's abilities. The ripples twisted and curled against one another, melding the environments, changing and washing them away to a show the two dusts a new place. A square.

Feeling his feet on solid ground, Krinn glanced around, eyes widening ever so slightly at the new center. He looked back as Hymn started to speak, and blinked when he was told they couldn't be seen. His mind whirled with thoughts on how they were sent to protect these humans - protect from what?
"Is that so..." He murmured in response, mulling it over in his head. His eyes narrowed a bit as he thought about this new information, the duty of protecting humans pressed onto them. It was strange to know that was what they were here for. It was strange to know the truth. Looking up as Hymn walked away, Krinn started to follow, but was stopped by the melody that now flowed from the others lips.

The song stopped him in his tracks, making Hymn suck in a breath and listen to the words through the air like a lullaby. The story was one that took both Krinns breath away as well as his ability to think coherently. It was so melodic, so interesting. There was such a mystery there, just waiting to be seen and heard. Krinn had never heard something like this, and was completely enraptured in thought that he barely recognized when humans started to see them again, and blinked as clapping strung about before them in low thrums, a few hoots going out to Hymn.

His mind was still trying to call itself back to its normal place, and Krinn crossed his hands behind his back, lowering the dual colored irises to the ground in thought. It was a strange thing, to listen to a melody of a tale and be able to envision it happening right before you. That sort of power was so interesting, so enrapturing. Krinn cocked his head to the side with a low thrum of interest. Hymns voice was so enchanting... He had almost been sucked away by it as well as all the other. Jumping a bit when a hand rested itself on his shoulder and gave a playful shake, Krinn glanced up, blinking away his thoughts. A grin spread onto his face.
"Thoughtful? I guess so. You never cease to amaze whenever I meet up with you. That was... wow." He hummed, knocking a bit into Hymn in return for the playful shake. Stepping forward, he stretched his hands above his head and turned his eyes back to the other dust with a smile on his face. "Of course I want to try again!" He said enthusiastically, eyes glittering with determination. "I want to get it right this time." he added on thoughtfully, before grinning again at Hymn.

"So, what are we waiting for?"

xx - SHARKattack


PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:00 am
Hymn took Krinn, locking their arms together, walking slowly down the uneven cityscape. The air around them twisted as they walking into an empty illusion. The transition was smoother this time as the replicated city just continued on the same in front of them, uninhabited. Letting the younger dust go Hymn pushed back a lock of hair from his helmet and hummed softly as they walked. He didn't want to transport them this time. A walk would be a nice thing anyway. Stretching to the sky Hymn yawned at the amount of magic he'd used and just patted his chest and took in a deep breath pushing toward the glistening beach.

His eyes caught sight of the last bit of sunlight fading in the dazzling colors over the ocean horizon and stopping to admire the sight he sighed. It was so beautiful out here, if only this beauty replaced the dreariness of Aimes. Shrugging the dust took a few long strides to catch up with Krinn and continued down the wide steps to the beach. Even the sand shined in the dusk of day and just admiring the taste of nature the dust pushed himself back falling into the sand. "You can go on first, I want to see if you can simply concentrate and do something with the shallows first. Taking you into the deeper water is too risky at this point." Hymn said somewhat distracted by the ocean.

Even the sensation of beauty lasted only a moment as the two dusts stood watching the final beams of light fade. As they did so the city did not light up with it's normal light so the air was still and dark. A simple full moon guided their hopes in this clear warm night. Hymn slid off the helmet feeling the sun having set and blinking he gazed out into the distance standing for his own. He had to keep close to Krinn in case something happened out of the ordinary.

"Let us go work." he smiled.

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