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Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:59 pm

Hey hey! Welcome to Deri's plot thread, v 2.0!

The other one was full of info, but the more I looked at it the more cluttered it seemed... so hopefully this one will be more straightforward and easier to navigate than the last. c:


BASICALLY, I only have a few guidelines, and they're the same as anyone else's.

o1. I have the right to refuse any plot.

o2. Be nice. I am a nice person, so I expect you to be nice, too.

o3. Check the drama at the door. I really don't want to deal with it, and I'm sure you don't either. Let's just have fun. c:

o4. I used to be much more into the RP scene but now I am very busy with RL and a couple of RP required shops, so I will most likely be doing plotting/casual RP with guild RP only for plot-oriented storylines.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:01 pm
Plot/Breeding policy

I am a fairly busy person. I work full-time and am taking classes, so the time I spend on Gaia is usually at night after work or idle time on my days off. So, while I love to RP, I'd much rather get involved in plots with my Soq than not. That said, I'm also very much interested in romance plots for them, though not all the typical kind of romance - throw all sorts of things at me, but I'll need a plot and some kind of storyline for them, even if we don't RP them.

As for breeding, some of my Soq are looking for lifemates, some aren't. It'll say so in their individual bios, so unless it states they're taken, please feel free to offer! c:

Also -- I don't do contests anymore, period. So if you want a breeding with my Soq, please be prepared to discuss who we might gift an additional basket to in the event that we have one. C: I am very open to each person putting forth a co-owner, though it'd be great if we could agree on just one person, too. I'm flexible.

RP Policy

I... am very busy. :c

Please don't be shy to offer for AIM rp! I love it. <3

I will not be accepting new guild RPs except under very special circumstances because I just don't have the time, and I don't want to keep people hanging for months waiting for a reply. It makes me feel guilty. I don't like it. :<


Anxious Prophet


Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:03 pm

User Image Name: Jonquil
Parents: Rasui & Luca
Siblings: Several
Mate: Maharet
Children: None
Temper: Inquisitive
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Co-own: Agreement here.

Likes: Adventure, playing games, peaceful places, physical contact, relaxing.
Dislikes: Being pushed around, condescending Soquili, feeling rushed, violence, discouraging attitudes in general.

Personality: Jonquil is a peaceful, but curious, soul. He's very laid-back about most everything, preferring to be friendly and calm in the face of nearly any situation. It isn't difficult to get on his good side because he tends to give almost everyone he meets the benefit of the doubt until they prove to him that they aren't worth trusting; however, he is not naive. Cross him, or someone he cares for, and he'll never forget it. He doesn't really believe in holding grudges, so if forgiveness is warranted he will grant it, but he will always remember the slight to him or someone he cares for.

He is intensely loyal and willing to do anything for those that he loves, even if it means setting aside his own happiness for their sake. He is also very honest and open with his feelings, so if he trusts and respects you, you will know it. At the same time, if he thinks little of you, you'll also know that.

Curious about nearly everything, Jonquil has always found himself sort of a wandering spirit. He dislikes being confined in one area for long, and will often roam in search of new and interesting things. It isn't that he dislikes where he is or who he knows, just that he has a thirst for knowledge and discovery, and he feels there is simply too much in the world to confine oneself to a tiny sphere of knowledge. At the same time, home is a very important concept to him, as is family; at the end of the day, he always returns to the familiar, and he would never leave behind those he loves for long.

While he loves to adventure, he can also be equally satisfied by relaxing in a pretty setting, be it alone or with a pleasant companion. Jonquil has always been just as fond of stretching out in a sunny field and whiling away the time as he is exploring; it really just depends on his mood which he'll choose to do.


Breeding 1: Maharet (Sayuri_Nitta)
Breeding 2: Maharet* (Sayuri_Nitta)
Breeding 3: Maharet* (Sayuri_Nitta)
(*Amirynth's breedings.)

User Image Name: Gaspard
Parents: Auguste & ____
Siblings: Corine
Mate: None
Children: None
Temper: Stoic
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual? Though there is the potential for a friendship to just deepen over time with another male Soq, though in a bit of warning, this would take a while. It doesn't really occur to Gaspard to dig dudes. It would kind of sneak up on him.

Likes: Stargazing, swimming, warm weather, eating flowers.
Dislikes: Excessive cold, being smothered/taken care of excessively, brash mares, overbearing stallions.

Personality: Gaspard is a rather solitary Soquili. It isn't that he dislikes others, just that he has a difficult time relating to them. He was quiet and shy as a colt, and as he grew he didn't really grow out of that; he lacked in rowdy playmates and didn't make many friends growing up. Those he did come to care for he gave all of himself to, as is his habit, but they were few and far between.

Most see him as cold and boring, lacking in passion and excitment - and to the untrained eye, this is probably true. Gaspard rarely lets his guard down in front of others, and if he does, he's actually paying a very grand compliment, though few see it that way. He often feels awkward around mares save for his sister and is easily flustered by them, which tends to prompt him to retreat quickly and find other pursuits.

Despite how many may see him, the last thing Gaspard wants to do is make others feel uncomfortable, and he's found that his presence often does that - without much to contribute to a conversation, there are often long silences that produce fidgets and stray glances, and after enough of those, he's come to realize that it's probably him. He doesn't bore easily, but it seems that others do, and while he is comfortable in silence, he hasn't met many others who are. This has led to him being a little self-conscious overall, but he's typically more at ease around stallions than he is mares, just because they seem to need to talk less.

While he may be shy in social situations he is a very trustworthy, loyal stallion. There isn't a lot he wouldn't do for his sister or someone he really cares for, and that includes putting himself in harm's way. There's something to the saying about it always being the quiet ones, after all.


Breeding 1: Azn (Rita Zyon)
Breeding 2: Tentatively available
Breeding 3: Tentatively available

User ImageName: Einarr
Parents: Full blooded Kalona stallion, full blooded regular mare.
Siblings: None that he knows of; assuredly has a littler of half-siblings running around thanks to his dad.
Mate: To be mated to Logue's Viraj.
Children: None
Temper: Fiery
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (but in heavy denial)

Likes: His mother <3, fighting, winning, arguing.
Dislikes: His father
Personality/History: Einarr is a difficult stallion to get to know, mostly because he doesn't give anyone a chance to get to know him. Born into a herd of prejudiced and narrow-minded regulars, who scorned any of their members if they bred with another breed of Soquili, he was considered a demon child from the start. Not only did he have a wicked tail and horns, but as he grew older his fangs came in, and he had a taste for meat that none of the regulars shared. Confused and belittled for what came natural to him, Einarr grew tense and unhappy, often lashing out angrily at those who scorned him and sometimes attacking them. As a foal, it wasn't really a problem.. but the herd knew that he would grow.

The only one who treated him with love and decency was his mother. A quiet and steady mare, she seemed immune to the jeers and abuse that the herd gave her, only ever retaliating when they directed their anger and hate toward her son. Though she had little to offer to Einarr to explain their situation, she made certain he knew that he was not a demon for his wants and needs - he was simply a halfbreed, something that the herd could not understand and therefore feared. Of his father, she told him very little, only that he was a Kalona and they would likely never see him again.

Einarr grew to resent and hate his father as time passed, not only for being absent, but for the way his mother was treated for having a child with him. Though she was full blooded regular, because she had produced offspring with a Kalona, she was considered more of a devil than her halfbreed child, and was never allowed within the herd again. Always lingering on the outskirts, when they moved, she remained behind them, open to predators and all dangers, because she was considered untouchable. None would talk to her unless it was a hard word, and Einarr had to watch as his mother was slowly degraded to the point of being considered worse than a full Kalona itself, simply because of her indiscretion. He felt it was his fault, and as much as he hated his father, he began to hate himself as well.

When he reached adulthood, Einarr was finally strong enough to do something about all of the anger and resentment inside of him. The herd recruited him as a guardian, having him prowl the outskirts of any resting place they had, in exchange for better treatment of his mother. She was allowed to eat and drink at the same time as the rest of the herd, and rather than being scorned openly, she was simply ignored. Though it wasn't what he wanted, Einarr's mother insisted that she was happy, and wanted to see him doing something good for the herd. Even if they hadn't loved him, she insisted, they had protected him, and it would be wicked not to do the same.

It grew to the point where Einarr could no longer stand by and watch his mother continue to live under these conditions, and he decided that breaking away from the herd would be the only way to find happiness. He was strong enough to protect them both, he insisted, and pleaded with her to leave. His mother said no, however; this was the only herd she had ever known, the only way of life she had ever known. She loved her son, but couldn't leave behind the security of a herd.

Disappointed and angry, and feeling that his mother thought he was inadequate, he left on his own, destination unknown. Along the way, he mulled over his mother's reasons, still not quite understanding why she would stand beside a herd that hated her, but coming to respect her decision because it did, admittedly, take more strength than running away. He decided that he would form his own herd, one that would never abuse its members for who they chose to dally with, and when they were strong and had large numbers, he would go back and retrieve his mother.


Breeding 1: Mixcatl (Sabin Duvert)
Breeding 2: Kawoni Lillian (sbuggy166)
Breeding 3: Chihuacoatl (Kamiki)

User ImageName: Auguste
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Mate: Meena
Children: Gaspard & Corine
Temper: Guarded
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Likes: Flashy mares (they'll be the end of him), music, swimming, children.
Dislikes: Disrespectful individuals, biddable mares, excessive heat, bees.

Personality & History: Auguste is an older Soquili, though he's by no means old. When he was young and reckless he had a fling with a mare, one of many, really, which would have suited him just fine, except this one ended up pregnant. Despite being something of a cocky fellow, he'd been raised with morals and a healthy idea of the concept of responsibility, so he did the only thing that seemed right: they lifemated, and agreed to stay together for the sake of their children. Though the relationship was rocky, with her still being rather young and yearning to have a life beyond family, and him having little control over his temper, they managed to make it work well enough to get by.

Though he hadn't dreamed of having a family so young, Auguste threw himself into the idea of being protector and provider with everything he had, to the detriment of his relationship with his mate and his children. Though he wanted to be there for him, he was awkward and not very good at sentimentality, leaving large gaps in their upbringing that they no doubt noticed. He gained a better control over his temper for the sake of his children, and through a lot of patience and will power, managed to convert it to something cold and slow-building, yet still mostly kept inside.

As his children grew he couldn't help but notice his mate become more and more distant, almost as though she was merely waiting for the right moment to leave. They hadn't been intimate as a couple, body or mind, for years, and Auguste really couldn't say he hadn't seen it coming - yet, he still found himself unprepared when, shortly after his son set off to see the world, his mate declared herself free of him and their children and took off as well.

Hurt, but unable to show it, he instead bottled his feelings up and became much more guarded, closing himself off emotionally to the only family still remaining nearby, his daughter. He hated to see her hurting, but he didn't trust himself not to make an embarrassment of himself in front of her if he tried to let her in, and so he vowed not to discuss his troubles with her at all. It made him seem cold and uncaring, but the truth was, he was hurting far too deeply to let even a bit of it show.

It wasn't too long before Corine left as well, and finding himself entirely alone, Auguste took the time to basically sulk. He lost patience with himself, however, and decided that if there was nothing left for him in his homeland, he would simply find another. He set out traveling, and hasn't stopped since, still looking for a place to call home.

Of course, he has no idea he's going to find the same place that his two children did.


Breeding 1: Meena (Sayuri_Nitta)
Breeding 2: Meena (Sayuri_Nitta)
Breeding 3: Meena (Sayuri_Nitta)

User ImageName: Mihai
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Mate: Nakanadi
Children: None
Temper: Demure
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual with a leaning toward stallions.

Likes: Flying, being mini!sized, pretty mares, flowers, foals.
Dislikes: Getting things tangled in his hair, getting his wings wet, loud noises, strong winds.

Personality: Quiet and unassuming, Mihai makes a pleasant companion if only for the fact that he makes just about everyone comfortable. He enjoys pretty, pleasurable things, and typically won't make too much of a fuss about anything as long as he's having a good time. He isn't simple-minded by any means, but he sees no reason to flaunt his intelligence in regular conversation. He'd much rather get along if at all possible.

Though modest and even shy under the right circumstances, Mihai enjoys lively conversation, going so far as to be teasing with those he feels comfortable with. It's much easier for him to make friends with stallions, showing a rambunctious side of his personality that he isn't able to express in front of mares, and he can in fact get quite saucy. That's only if he's made to feel comfortable and on level footing with others, most usually obtained in interaction with a stallion.


Breeding 1: Nakanadi (Logue)
Breeding 2: Nakanadi (Logue)
Breeding 3: Nakanadi (Logue)

User ImageName: Tobias
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Mate: N/A
Children: None
Temper: Protective
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Personality/Background: text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

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Breeding 1: Available
Breeding 2: Available
Breeding 3: Available

User ImageName: Guntur
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Mate: To be mated to Indah.
Children: None
Temper: Chivalrous
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.


Personality/Background: text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

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Breeding 1: Indah (Deriberry)
Breeding 2: Indah (Deriberry)
Breeding 3: Indah (Deriberry)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:04 pm

User ImageName: Celandine
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Mate: None
Children: None
Temper: Sprightly
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Likes: Foals, sweet smells, sunlight, bubbly personalities.
Dislikes: Being lost, being taken care of to the point that she's smothered, being assumed incapable because she's blind.

Personality: There is a lot more to Celandine than meets the eye. She is a kind, generous person who likes to have fun and look on the bright side of things if she can, and has little patience for situations that are dark and dreary. She firmly believes that there is always a way to accomplish a goal if you put your heart into it, and while there is some token of naivete to this way of thinking, she backs it up with conviction and perseverance that tend to prove her right. She refuses to let bad things get to her, and rises above any sort of disappointment or tough luck that comes her way. The one thing Celandine will never allow herself to do is become jaded, no matter what happens.

She is a mature person but knows how to be immature and enjoy life as it comes. Living is a precious thing and no large amount of time should be spent worrying over things you can't change; if it's that bad, find a way to fix it, or deal with the fact that it won't change. Either way, she firmly believes in finding your own happiness regardless of what others dictate it should be and doing the best you can with what you have.

Celandine is a loyal and warm person to her friends, and will always be the first one on the scene to help someone that she loves. It's extremely hard to take her in, however, and if you try to take advantage of her kindness or generosity, she won't look at you kindly. She is a very good judge of character, which comes with being the Angeni of acceptance; in order to accept someone you must of course know them, and know them well. This means knowing the good and the bad and looking at a person as a whole, not just the sum of their parts.

First and foremost, she is a protective mare, and if you hurt someone she loves, she'll find a way to get back at you, even if she can't do it herself. Many wouldn't assume that someone as cheerful and bright as Celandine could hold a grudge, but the truth is, she's as fallable and vulnerable as anyone, and she certainly can. It's difficult for her, because she is empathetic to an almost distressing degree, but in the end, a balance has to be struck, and she will firmly choose one side of any argument to stand on.

She likes to have fun and basically enjoy life, but she also likes to get things done. So, she'll play around and make her work fun, but she'll also take a stand and make things happen if it looks like everyone is just standing still.


Breeding 1: Available
Breeding 2: Available
Breeding 3: Viraj (Logue)

User ImageName: Isriel
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Mate: None
Children: None
Temper: Independent
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.

Likes: Companionship, her own space, independent thinkers, the forest.
Dislikes: Being stereotyped, oppression in any form, being told what to do, being underestimated.

Personality & Background: Confident and secure in herself, Isriel has never been accused of being shy, and isn't likely to soon. She was raised by a single mare, her father having disappeared shortly after her birth, and was brought up to believe in her own strength and beauty rather than rely on others to affirm it for her. She was boisterous and friendly as a filly, often the first to take up a grand plot for fun or adventure, and just as often in trouble for being the ringleader of some mischievous plot.

Luckily for Isriel, whatever ill will her mother harbored toward her father she hid well, and Isriel was raised without a bitter notion of the stallion who'd sired her. She grew up strong and independent, enjoying the company of a wide range of Soquili and never allowing her spirit to be dampened by those who would do her wrong. She got into many scuffles as a filly, both because of her own headstrong, temperamental nature, and also because she was a champion for her friends, those she didn't know, and sometimes even her enemies - the one thing Isriel hates more than anything else, and has her whole life, is suffering a bully. Whether she had been on fighting terms with someone the day before or not, if she saw them getting bullied, she'd jump in to chase off the attacker, caring little if she got bumped and bruised in the process.

And often she did. Isriel lost about as many fights as she won, and though her mother wasn't exactly thrilled that her purebred unicorn daughter was out roughhousing, she couldn't fault the girl for standing up for what she believed in. However, her mother worried that she'd soon find herself in a situation that was over her head, and as she approached adulthood, she decided it would be best to give her the proper tools to defend herself if the need arose.

Under the tutelage of a family friend, Isriel learned both how to attack as well as defend, and from her mother, she was taught control of her innate healing abilities. While Isriel was never one to cause harm out of malice, she has on more than one occasion lifted a hoof against someone she found cruel or oppressive, and would not hesitate to do so again if the situation demanded it. Very little can deter her once she sets her mind to something, and though she never intends to be harsh or cruel, if she gets carried away with something, she's very likely to go a little overboard.

Isriel believes that everyone should be treated equally, and that means no one should be treated any better or worse than anyone else. Her mother clouted her good when she was a filly for putting on airs because she was a purebred unicorn, and ever since, she hasn't allowed anything like race or purity of blood to influence her opinions of another. More than that, as she grew and matured, she came to realize that she was attracted to others regardless of their gender, and it never occurred to her that such a thing was wrong. That was due to the unbiased and unprejudiced upbringing on her mother's behalf, but also due to Isriel's own thinking: her mother, while not bisexual herself, has never had a problem with her daughter's choices.

Strong-willed, stubborn, and kind, Isriel can be a force to be reckoned with if she chooses, but more often than not, she prefers to be friendly. Just don't try to tell her what to do, and don't needlessly heckle others, and chances are, you'll get along with her. Well, if you aren't immediately put-off by her presence - she's been told it's a strong one, and she's not ashamed in the least.


Breeding 1: Dayunsi (Amirynth)
Breeding 2: Lucky 13 (Yayoi)
Breeding 3: Available

User ImageName: Indah
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Mate: To be mated to Guntur.
Children: Einarr
Temper: Steady
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Likes: Family, security, respect, children, two-leggers.
Dislikes: Being alone, hot weather, disrespectful individuals, anyone giving her son trouble >(

Personality & Background: Indah has always been a rock. Steady and dependable, no matter how turbulent her life became around her, she remained calm and serene in the face of any and all conflicts. Even when she was shunned by her herd and forced to live on the outskirts, vulnerable to predators and the weather, Indah never once spoke against their decision, and instead bore her punishment with grace and dignity.

Though bearing a child by a Kalona was considered a severe transgression among her herd, Indah could never fault herself for the passion she'd felt for the stallion, nor her child for the terrible offense of being born. Growing up, Einarr had many anger issues, and she did her best to instill in him respect and temperance, though she saw more of his father in his eyes than she would have liked. Still, she kept her opinion of that to herself, wanting her son to grow up and make his own decisions and ideas about himself.

When Einarr left, it broke her heart, but she didn't allow him to see the pain of it. Instead, she wished him well, hoping that he could find himself on his journey, and opted to remain with the herd. It was the only family she had ever known, and she knew that her son needed to be truly on his own if he was ever going to find his feet. After the herd lost its protector, however, another took Einarr's place, and he was much less kind than her son had been.

Though she had been used to being ostracized at the worst and openly scorned at the best, once her son (and the threat of him) was gone, the herd saw fit to do as they chose. They allowed her to stay with them for a time, and she was content until it became sport for the colts just on the verge of adulthood to chase her about, kicking at her and biting where they chose.

Indah wouldn't stand for outright abuse, and she fought back; though a grown mare and aging at that, she was more than capable of giving the boys bumps and bruises to think about. Her acts cost her dearly, however, and she was run out of the herd for defending herself, beaten to the point where the wounds scarred, both on her body and heart.

Left without even a shadow of security or family, Indah did the only thing she could do: she began to walk. Her wounds healed, and she found a small herd to run with for a time. Still, it didn't suit her, and she longed for the one thing she was truly missing: family.

Tracking her son hasn't been the easiest thing in the world, but Indah's travels have led her to Kawani lands, and she believes it's only a matter of time before he makes his presence known, whether he wants to or not.


Breeding 1: Guntur (Deriberry)
Breeding 2: Guntur (Deriberry)
Breeding 3: Guntur (Deriberry)

User ImageName: Syrea
Parents: Dayunsi & Isriel
Siblings: Fleurite, Nidawi
Mate: None
Children: None
Temper: Vibrant
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Likes: Adventure, new things, making friends, playing games, butterflies
Dislikes: Meanness, lying, getting her wings wet, being followed

Personality & Background:


Unexpectedly fathered by Dayunsi, a fact which she's working to wrap her little mind around, Syrea and her siblings may not have been planned by they are certainly loved. A new herd is cropping up specifically because of the arrival of a slew of children, to be called Hok'ee -- the best way to raise a family is within a herd, so Indah says, and they have all the key players necessary. Though she doesn't realize exactly what that means just yet, Syrea is at the beginning of something rather huge for the Soquili she's growing up around.

Vibrant and excitable, she wants to explore all the time and often gets herself in trouble. She hasn't been taught not to trust others and so she believes them implicitly, even when it seems ridiculous -- no one has ever lied to her, and she doesn't quite understand the concept of it yet. It is going to be a lot of trial and error for this girl, and a lot of her pretty fantasies about the world crumbling before she can take a more realistic approach. Still, she'll always be idealistic and will always dearly love a good adventure, so no matter what, she'll do her best not to become jaded.

A lover before she's a fighter, Syrea wants to get along with most everyone she meets, though she panics a little when others seem hurt or start to cry. She hates when she does it, herself, and after Damien made her cry, has resolved to never ever cry again, which will of course backfire beautifully. All she has to go on right now are examples from her family, and considering that's presently made up of a unicorn mother, absent fluttercorn father, Kalona and half-Kalona "uncles" and a gentle regular grandmother figure, she's got a wide variety of races and personalities to go by.

Syrea doesn't understand that there are those she should fear because she has not been taught fear. She knows Einarr is grumpy sometimes but he would never hurt her, so his lessons fall flat. It will take a little bit to get her to realize that, outside of Hok'ee, the world is not as safe and accepting, but it'll be a good learning experience for her.


As an adult, Syrea is a little bit wiser, but still the same bright, enthusiastic girl she's always been. She likes to laugh and romp around, and is much more interested in having a good time than romance or anything like that. If it's meant to happen, it'll happen, as far as she's concerned. She's not looking for it, and wouldn't be heartbroken if it took her a good long while to find a stallion to call her own.

She's a more delicate personality than some others in the herd, and as a result, she's easily upset by them. Tuli, especially; since they were children, Tuli has teased her ruthlessly, and continues to do so despite the gap in their ages. She still believes in being basically nice and good to others, and doesn't see why Tuli can't do the same. It frustrates her to no end.


Breeding 1: Kenji (Sawaki)
Breeding 2: Tentatively available
Breeding 3: Tentatively available

User ImageName: Virvatuli
Parents: Viraj & Lorelei
Siblings: Arka, Eir
Mate: Lord Fairuz the Precious
Children: None
Temper: Arrogant
Sexual Orientation: ???

Likes: Roughhousing, making Syrea cry, being treated like an equal, hunting
Dislikes: Being called Tuli (she'll grow out of this eventually and hate being called anything but Tuli, but she's being perverse), being told no, femininity, really nice Soquili

Personality & Background: Tuli has pretty much considered herself hot s**t since she emerged from her basket. She's proud and overbearing, thinking the rest of the world should conform to her rather than the other way around. She often teases Syrea, meanly, because her pseudo-sibling is much kinder and innocent than she is, and it makes Tuli feel inadequate in comparison, though she'd never admit it. She doesn't like when others outshine her at anything, even if it's simply being nicer than she is.

She's capable of niceness, especially if you appeal to her on some level; she's not evil, just condescending and a bit of a bully. If she decides she likes you, she'll be just as sweet as sweet can be, as long a you humor her. She's still very much growing into her skin and testing the boundaries to see what is acceptable behavior and what is not; where Syrea will err on the side of caution, this approach irritates Tuli, and she's constantly crossing the line to find it.

She does love her family, though she's much more open to admitting it when it comes to her direct blood-related family. She's of the mentality that no one can pick on Syrea or Fleurite but her, and it really irks her to see others try. For that matter, no one had better be picking on Eir or Arka either; she's established herself as the only one who can bully anyone, okay, even if Isriel keeps smacking her upside the head for it.

As an adult..

Tuli is still pushing boundaries, but it's seen as a lot less cute now that she's an adult. Furthermore, she's caught at an interesting fork in the road: she could either sway toward the side of "good" and remain largely harmless, though poorly behaved, or she could turn to the side of "evil" and travel down a path that requires burning all her bridges behind her. I'm not sure yet where she'll go - this will largely depend on what kind of RP she gets, as well as the bonds she forms.

Please note that I don't play "good" or "evil" characters in that light, specifically. There is good to all bad and bad to all good, after all, and everything exists in a shade of grey. Tuli is just... a bit more grey than most. She has flexible morals and will be the first to admit as much, and tends to show her affection roughly.

She'll be looking for Soquili to lead astray, be it stallions from their mates, foals from their parents, or whatever. It'd be a lark for her, and though she wouldn't let real harm come to anyone she likes, she will bite and whack at them, and be rough with them. It's just how she is. She isn't abusive, she's just not gentle.

She doesn't take kindly to others trying to lead her down the "right path" and will treat them with scorn and likely outright defiance, just because she's stubborn and proud, and proud of who she is. The best way to get close to her is to respect her, even though you won't be shown a lot of respect in return -- at first. She warms up gradually, but once she warms up, she's a friend and ally for life.

As for stallions, she's not looking for anything serious at all right now. She just wants to play around and have fun causing mischief and strife. Down the road, she might be open to a serious relationship, depending on how the stallion approached it, but the moment she feels pressured she's gone.


Breeding 1: Lord Fairuz the Precious (Hot Lolli)
Breeding 2: Lord Fairuz the Precious (Hot Lolli)
Breeding 3: Lord Fairuz the Precious (Hot Lolli)


Anxious Prophet


Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:05 pm

... none right now!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:06 pm

Trying For

Kenji & Syrea
since Sabin's July breedings



Anxious Prophet


Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:57 pm
If you feel any of my Soquili would fit plots of yours, please feel free to post here with a link and/or a description of the plot! I'd like to get them involved in plots, I just don't have solid ideas for most of them, and would rather see how they can fit around others' plots at just this moment.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:52 am
User Image

Hello I have stripe up for RP with Einarr.

Brief History and Personality:
Born to Akuba and Niele, and has two siblings and two half siblings.
One of her siblings is bi-polar and sometimes is really mean to her,
he caused his father an injury,
when his father jumped into the river to save him,
he fell down the waterfall and hit rocks below.
Stripe loves her father, and was angry at Accalon,
leading to her beating him up.
Her two siblings have a special bond which she shares with neither of them,
and she feels that she has no-one,
not her mother or even her father who is currently unconscious,
'calon and charlotte grow angry at her,
so she runs away.

Before she was naive and friendly to anything nice to her.
Now she has run away, she's having to grow up fast,
and will fight back,
but of course with common sense,
she thinks before taking on an opponent that'd kill her,
if she doesn't fight out of hate,
it's out of pure respect for the person. (which is kinda odd)

Even if Einarr won't give her a chance to know her,
she'll try.  



Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:46 am
Oooh, a foal! I'd love for Einarr to meet Stripe. xD He won't know quite what to do with a foal, and certainly wouldn't seriously maim/hurt her. He'd try to teach her in a roundabout way that she can't go pestering strangers, ones that look dangerous or even ones that look friendly, but he'd be rude and angry about it.

I think the most he'd do is whap her with his tail, and that's only if she gets him really damn annoyed. xD Or if she like, lunged at him, he'd end up pinning her down and being like "CHILD D< STOP ATTACKING ME. I COULD EAT YOU FOR A SNACK." ... or something along those lines. But yeah, Stripe definitely wouldn't be seriously hurt by him.

I think it'd be funny and cute if, as a runaway, he ended up taking her in despite himself and teaching her how to defend herself/live on her own. But that would depend on whether the RP works out for both of us. 8D
PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:35 am
*scuttles in, nudges towards rp and scuttles out again* ninja  



Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:46 am
Sweet jiminy, I finally got a tag out for that. orz Poor Jonquil, how do I keep forgetting about him?
PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:48 am
Maharet sez you is meeean wink  



PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:57 am
Tag back =)  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:16 pm
I don't mean to, Maharet! D8

[skitters to read the tag]


Anxious Prophet


Questionable Baby

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 1:08 am
Duude~ Where is Einarr's mother's herd? I know a mare that would fit in with that herd in a snap. o.o

Coincedentally, would you be interested in Einarr meeting my Akahi?
User Image

... It would not be a pleasant encounter. At the very least there would be arguing. I'm looking for situations that start like the ones she has with her own child, that may eventually lead to her realising what a total witch she is and wanting to repent. I think Einarr's good heart could help with that.

Disclaimer though: I have a really hard time with guild and PM RP, so I'm trying to stick to in-thread and IM stuff. If that changes whether or not you'd be interested, I understand.  
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