help me with thisTotal Value: 695,979 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Ribbon Luv Sleeves BlueElegant White FanElegant White FanBlack Picnic Sun DressVice Admiral's Silver BeltGogh ReedReve RouilleYemaya's Pearlthings i haveGreen And Emerald Reversible Hair Pins
Green Bar Earrings
Green Bar Necklace
Green And Emerald Reversible Braceletsgold i havei have 32642 goldplz plz plz help me with this ave(p.s if someone donates 10000 gold i give you a lot of stuff and gold later)
biggrin smile redface crying stare xd 3nodding blaugh gonk scream stressed sweatdrop heart xp whee wink sad surprised eek confused cool lol mad razz cry evil twisted rolleyes exclaim question ninja burning_eyes emo talk2hand mrgreen neutral arrow idea 4laugh pirate