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[PRP] Reunions of the Second Kind (Ziya+Hymn) Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:40 pm
It was mid day as a chill settled over the city, the wind rustling what leaves were left on the trees. Winter had settled in slowly but thankfully there was no snow yet but it was still nippy. However despite the weather, people were still out and about carrying on with their business.

Ziya yawned softly as he walked down the street, a nice black coat that rested about mid thigh. His green and orange-stripped scarf that his guardian’s friend had made for him flapped a little in the wind along with his hair. Cramming his hands into his pocket, he sighed, watching his breath come out in a mist. His guardian was out working today and the teen dust was out and about on his own. Though it was cold, he rather be outside then in the house alone all day. Smiling never t he less, he looked up skywards and idly walked the cold frozen streets towards the market place.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:50 pm
A white jacket was draped over Hymn's shoulders as he walked silently down the narrow streets of Aimes. Even though the dust lived in the center of the marketplace, where he was no headed, he had been out adventuring the forests in hopes of collecting ingredients from Sojo and Hymn's overgrown garden from the wreckage of their old home. It was almost gone now, all the memories there with it.

Smiling though the dust crossed across the rocky streets in hopes of finding a shortcut to the marketplace, but his hopes were diminished as the detour street was just a shortcut to the slums. The broken down, vile part of Aimes warned many people from traveling far off the main streets and even Hymn had found himself trapped in these dust ridden streets one to many times.

Coughing from the bitter cold his breath fogged up in the air for just a moment before it cleared. The skies were cloudy enough that the dust wasn't required to wear the glinting helmet so it was slung in a bag just incase the sun popped out.

Walking silently towards the market place the teen dust hummed to himself as he pulled out a list and looked at it. "Tomatoes, onions, carrots, strawberries, creme, sugar, saffron, honey." he repeated to himself as he walked into the wide market street. Stalls were crowded about and his first stop was a small stall in which he bought his chosen vegetables.

Wondering about though he looked for the tea stall as the bitter air nipped at his ears and bare hands. His joints were getting hard. Hymn wouldn't be able to walk soon enough.




PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:03 pm
Walking into the slightly busy market, Ziya sighed softly and shivered a little. Maybe some coffee or tea would be great right about now, he hadn’t been out for long but the cold seemed to hit him quick. Taking his hands from his pockets, he cupped them around his mouth and blew into them, and then rubbed then together quickly to build up friction. Sighing a bit when he saw the crackle of the electric static, he warmed up quickly after.

”Ah there…”Ziya grinned t hen continued on his way. As he scanned around the market, his gray hues caught sight of a familiar figure. He paused in mid step and made sure it was who he thought it was before approaching. He hadn’t seen him since he was a kid but the other looked exactly the same.

”Hymn!” Ziya called, jogging over to the other. The lightening dust didn’t stop to think if the other would recognize him or not as they had only met once before.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:06 pm
Hymn was concentrating on warming his freezing hands as his name was called. The dust didn't turn at first for fear of it was someone he didn't want to see. So he kept to himself before finally he turned to see a figure about his height standing in front of him. The dust was alarmed of the closeness of the figure so be backed off slowly. After all the cold body would only allow him to move so fast.

At first the siren didn't recognize the smiling dust but soon a smile spread over his face."Ziya?" he recalled with faint recollections. It was young in his teen years that he had met the dust and since then was alarmed to find him anywhere. After all, it had been many months since.

"Ziya, how have you been all this time?" the dust smiled holding out an arm for a hug. With a quick squeeze Hymn groaned under his breath but by a suggestion he maneuvered closer to a small fire. "First, know anywhere we could warm up?" he questioned doubtfully. The dust was tired of this cold, and so were his limbs.




PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:21 pm
Ziya always found it amazing that all the dusts hugged each other so willingly. The Lightening dust hugged the other and could feel just how cold the other was. “I’ve been pretty good I have to say” he replied and moved back a little. It was funny how the other realized it was him right away since their last meeting had been an odd one. Though he figured Dust were usually able to sense one another. Also the other was much older then him and more experienced with his abilities so perhaps it was easier for him to tell it was him.

”Yeah there’s a little Café just around the corner,” Ziya said softly, rubbing the sides of the others arms, creating a warm friction with his hands. After doing that for a few moments, he took his hands back and motioned him to follow.

“You look half frozen Hymn! What are you doing out?”  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:26 pm
Hymn only smiled when Ziya helped him warm up. His blue eyes reflected the other dust but as they moved to the shop further down the street and around the corner he shrugged. "Shopping for a camping trip up to the spring." he smiled, "I figured a test of the mountain hot springs in the far East would do me some good. Although I have no one to go with right now." Hymn sounded despaired but as they turned the corner the half frozen
creature stepped reluctantly into the warm coffee shop.

"Feels, smells, and looks beautiful," he whispered over the others shoulder.

Hymn ordered them some drinks and cakes after taking down what Ziya wanted and found the other later by a fireplace in one part of the shop. The tea house was particularly empty and when everything was delivered the dust settled back in the comfy chair.

"So Ziya, why are you out?"
he asked, hoping for a clear answer instead of the puzzled he received from other dusts.




PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:48 pm
Walking along with the other, he was all smiles like he usually was and led the other down the street. His eyes however lit up when Hymn mentioned camping at a spring. “Camping? Wow! I’ve always wanted to go camping! My guardian is always too busy and I wouldn’t know what to do if I went on my own!” he laughed a little and stepped into the café.

”Its got really nice desserts…I’ve been here a few times” The lightening dust grinned and then told the other his order since he insisted on getting it.

Finding a nice warm spot so Hymn could warm himself up, Ziya started to tug his scarf off. The dust had picked a quieter part of the café so they’d have an easier time talking to each other. Rubbing his hands together, he looked up when the other dust came down to sit across from him. Thanking him for the drink, he cupped his hands around it and breathed in the rich mocha scent.

”Hrmm? Honestly I didn’t want to sit at home alone,” Ziya admitted, taking a sip from his hot beverage. “My guardian is at work and I mean sitting home alone is never fun so I decided to go for a walk” He smiled a little and sipped his drink again, sighing happily as it warmed up his core slowly.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:54 pm
After a moment of silence and a few sips of tea the dust spoke, "Why don't you come with me." Hymn smiled shyly at the other as he invited him along suddenly to go camping. Sojo wasn't able to come this time around and since Hymn had chosen a new spot he wished that someone would be with him. After all the cabins up there were warm, it was getting there that was the trouble.

"That is completely reasonable,"
he spoke, a few crumbs falling onto his shirt from a bite he'd taken before speaking and swallowed. "Opps" he laughed at the mess he created, "not exactly the neatest eater I guess."

He smiled at his own comment and took another bite of the sweet desert and another sip of the tea. 'You've grown so much since I've seen you." he smiled.




PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:15 pm
Pausing for a moment, the dust blinked at the others invitation to go camping then grinned. “I’d love to come along!” Ziya replied, looking quite ecstatic over the idea. Camping was always something he’d wanted to do and this seemed like a perfect chance! “Just let me know what to pack and when! And I’m there!” He added, sipping his drink again. Ashton wouldn’t mind if he went, it would probably only be for a week or so right?

Chuckling a little, he smiled at his friend and offered him a napkin. “Its all good, when I eat the strawberry filled pastry here I always get it on me” He smiled and took a bite of his treat. Licking the icing off his thumb, he blinked his soft gray hues at the other and grinned.

”It’s weird huh? It was quite a shocker to wake up and look like this” he laughed a little and looked I not his cup for a moment before sipping it. “Was it weird for you?”  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:22 pm
Hymn sighed then looked up at Ziya and back down again to his tea."I don't remember growing, the first thing I remember was waking up drenched in rain, eyes blinded with a voice telling me to calm down. That was my guardian, Sojo. They say my bottle was lost in it's creation years ago, I remember flashes of being used as a child but nothing more."he admitted regrettably. His past wasn't a happy one and the full tale would take days to explain sometimes, especially if he got downright to the details.

Picking up his pastry he took another bite and chewed it a few times in the silence."I'm leaving in a couple hours on a ride out of town if you'd be able to meet me at the train station."he smiled. The train would be arriving to pick them up in four hours, plenty of time to pack and get there. Unless Ziya was a hog about what he packed, but by the way the other dust carried himself he figured not.

"If you want to come, I'll see you there."he said waving to the other and vanishing out the door leaving a note with directions to the station. He had already paid so he went home quickly to grab his bad and get to the station since he had to cross town.




PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:44 pm
Gray hues turned very sympathetic as he was given a brief run down on the others past. He felt extremely lucky that he had such an easy childhood. “I’m sorry Hymn….” He murmured softly, letting the subject drop. He didn’t want to pry into anything uncomfortable or bring up bad memories for him. Polishing off the rest of his dessert, he sipped his mocha and blinked softly. It seemed like a whirlwind, so he nodded about meeting him there. Downing the rest of his drink after the other hurried out, he put his scarf back on tight.

Ziya rushed home and ran right up to his bedroom. He’d never been camping before so he wasn’t sure on what to bring. He had asked Ashton, who seemed a little unsettled by the sudden camping trip.

“How long are you going for?” Ashton asked at he set a sleeping bag beside the other. The last time he’d met Hymn Ziya had disappeared to who knows where and it had been quite stressful.

”Uh… I don’t know… I’d say a week or so,” Ziya said as he stuffed all kinds of warm clothes into his pack. He’d even packed a ski jacket just in case they went for a hike or something. “But I’ll check in when I can… and it sounds like Hymn knows the area well.”
Ashton sighed a little and tied the bundle to the pack and made sure he had a pillow as well. Shepard and told him this kind of thing would happen, all teenagers did something adventurous like this at least once. Plus it wasn’t like he was leaving forever. “Alright…. Just be safe alright?”

”Yup! Is that everything?” He said as he double checked everything then slipped his long black coat back on and his scarf. Putting his pack on his back, he tested it and found it wasn’t that heavy. Heading downstairs, he looked at Ashton as he followed him towards the door.

”Oh Flashlight!” Ashton said, grabbing one and stuffed it into the pack. He knew he didn’t have to test to see if it worked as Ziya could power it on his own.

”Thanks!” Ziya chimed then pushed the door open and then looked back at him. “I’ll see you in a couple days!” he smiled then took the direction out of his pocket and headed towards the train station.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:54 pm
The train creaked to a stop at the next train station about an hour later and Hymn climbed off shortly after Ziya. The older dust had lent the other a comfier and warmer coat as they climbed off the train. It was colder closer to the mountains and since the sun was visible in the sky here the air wouldn't be as warm.

Pulling his luggage up onto his back the dust smiled and guided the other to a cabin where he paid for the cabin and left quickly. "We have cabin, 6B, two miles up the mountain. Not bad at all, close to the falls." he smiled. This should be interesting. Especially since Ziya hadn't ever camped before and his first trip was a hike. 'Oh well, he's young' he thought while he smiled.

The dust wore his helmet in this town but as they neared the outskirts he adjusted it more fairly over his eyes to block the sunlight. The trail seemed a lot shorter than it really was. Most of the ground was covered in a blanket of snow and many of the trees were covered in snow too. The evergreens survived in the winter but was they began passing sparse cabins Hymn grew longingly for their own cabin.

The group was silent till they reached the cabin in the middle of a clearing. The river could be heart in the distance and the grass around the cabin probed that the ground around here was warm. Perhaps they had grabbed a lucky place.

Entering the small building Hymn found himself blanketed in warmth which left him to abandon his jacket on a wrack by the door. The fire was lit and by it a note was signed by management, obviously someone had beaten them here and covered their traps while leaving just to make the place comfortable.

"Enjoying yourself so far?"
he asked, trying to spark conversation. "This is easy camping, in a sense." he added thinking about it. Summer camping was in tents, winter in cabins, it made sense- he thought.

Oh well. It happened. Looking at the lightening teen he smiled and dropped his bag on the single bed in a smaller joined bedroom. He dropped his helmet by the bag and began navigating the cabin in hopes of finding food, in which he found some stored in the freezer like promised by the man at the front desk. "Can you cook?"he asked, peeking out from the kitchen.




PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:41 am
The whole traveling was an experience in itself; he’d only been on a train once before. But this time it seemed more exciting as he watched the scenery go by. Something about this train ride went faster then the first and he hopped off and walked with Hymn once they reached the station. Following to the cabin, he waited outside while the other paid, wishing he had remembered his wallet. He felt bad for not paying for anything so far; he’d have to make up for it later.

“Ah Alright, sounds like a nice walk!” Ziya beamed, always having so much energy so it was no problem for him. And the walk was beautiful, the young teen couldn’t help but let his eyes wander all over, wishing desperately that he had found a camera to bring with him. Spotting the cabin they’d be staying in, he smiled excitedly and hurried towards it with the older dust.

Once inside Ziya slipped his coat off and hung it up where Hymn did then looked around. It was nice and warm unlike how it was outside; he could easily get away with wearing a light shirt. Though since it would probably get dark soon he might want to keep a sweater on just in case. Heading to the rooms, he dropped his things onto what would be his bed and sat down on the edge of it. “This is great! I’m glad you invited me!” Ziya smiled then flopped down onto his back sideways across the bed.

Heading out of the room after Hymn left, he walked around and looked out the windows at the scenery. Ziya looked towards the other when he peeked out at him and nodded, walking over to him. “Yup, Ashton doesn’t cook so I do all the cooking at home,” Ziya admitted, a grin on his face. “Though I can make basic things, nothing super fancy,” He said gently as he leaned against the counter next to Hymn. Tilting his head back a little to look up at the other, he smiled at him a little, as he seemed pretty relaxed. “I can cook if you want? I mean you’ve paid for everything so far Hymn…. I feel like a free loader”  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:56 pm
Hymn smiled as the other dust fell over on the single bed. At least it was large enough, not one of those small beds that Sojo slept in. Hymn hated his guardian's bed, he always rolled off.

When Ziya suggested making dinner the dust nodded,"If you would like too, I've no objection to the idea." he said. Hymn disliked slaving over stoves for dinner, only for desert. Smiling he turned and wondered to the fireplace holding his hands out for some warmth. Just as he did a howl of the wind blew the unclosed door open and the dust rushed over to shut it.

"Opps, I guess I forgot." he laughed embarrassed. It was only a mistake but it looked as if the snow was falling. Thankfully this place was stocked with food. Hopefully they would be able to go to the springs tomorrow. It would be nice to see some scenery. After all, it was almost dark now.

The day had passed so quickly and he was already with Ziya camping, such a speedy gain of trust. Hymn found he trusted most people easily though, Sojo told him it was never a smart idea. "Hey Ziya, does your guardian ever talk to you about trust?" he asked.




PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:07 am
Nodding, the lightening dust moved to the sink and washed his hands so he could start cooking. Scouring around to see what there was, he figured he could make a really nice stir-fry with what was hanging around. Finding a wok of all things in the cupboard, he went about getting everything ready and sliced.

Only startling for a moment when the door was blown open, Ziya was fairly engrossed in the activity of cooking dinner. He only paused when Hymn directly asked him a question. Looking over his shoulder at the other, he blinked softly.

”Trust? After I met you the first time he preached a never ending rant on trust and how I trusted to easily and whole heartedly…” Ziya explained as he stirred the chicken he was cooking in the wok with fresh garlic and other needed things. “However now… he just says I’m old enough to figure it all out… that I need to learn the perils of trusting too quick…” he murmured and looked back over at Hymn. “Not that he wants to see me come to harm… but I just need to learn my own boundaries in trust,” he murmured then went about chopping up the raw veggies.

”Why do you ask? If you’re worried about me coming along with you so quickly don’t worry about it honestly Hymn… sure Ashton was very weary about the whole thing but he’ll get over it… Plus I do trust you though I hardly k now a thing a bout you…” he smiled a little to himself. It was true, he didn’t know all too much about t he dust but he felt at ease with him. There was nothing imposing or threatening about him, as well as he was a fellow dust after all.  

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