Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:29 pm
Hello everyone, I'm new to Gaia (only five days old now I think), and I've met a lot of great people and hope to meet more. There is a few things I'm working for, one of them is for someone who is on here and means a lot to me. Her birthday is Sunday, and even if I give her a present late, I still want to get her one. But she wants a Nightmare EI. So, I'm collecting and earning gold to try and buy one for her, since I don't have cash. Thanks to anybody who helps out, I have 6k right now (I know, I have a ways to go). Also, any tips as to how I can earn more gold would be much appreciated, I don't wanna feel like just a moocher. Thanks to everyone in advance for any help!
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:32 pm
I'd say you're moving faster than most newbies. Good luck, and keep up the pace.
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:09 pm
Thank you, I appreciate the complement.