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Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:59 pm
who : Rindou & Jarett, with Ciellas & Bottle!Anouk
where : A community marketplace
when : Mid-day, shortly after noon
weather : Sunny, with a slight chance of afternoon rains



Supposedly he would not be needing the leash, that he would be able to behave on his own and not run around like an idiot. Rindou had spent the better part of the morning begging to be allowed to walk freely during the pair's next trip out, the Dustling boy weary of having a rope on his wrist or wrapped under both of his arms. Jarett had finally relented after about an hour or so of them finally leaving the house, their destination for the day a marketplace to pick up a few things for meals to cover the week, but no sooner had the pair arrived together at the stalls then Rindou had wandered off.

"He's going to be tied to me for the rest of his unnatural life, as soon as I find that little-."

For his own credit he couldn't see at all and Jarett was really to blame for thinking this would be alright, what with the Dustling still barely from his bottle and too curious in nature to just stay at the man's side. Rindou actually hadn't wandered on purpose, the hand that gripped Jarett's crutch coming lose with the hustle and bustle of the crowd, and soon the little boy found himself getting pushed away by the flow of bodies. Jarett had ended up alone near a stall with Rindou several rows over, though neither had any idea where the other could possibly be. For Jarett's case it was that he was still unused to looking at Rindou, and for Rindou's case it was because he just didn't have any idea nor did he seem to care to. He was free to wander around!


It was only when Rindou felt that he was all alone, that no one around him even seemed slightly familiar, that the little boy began to ask questions. His loud voice garnered attention, though not enough for anyone to question why a child with a blindfold was wandering around alone. Perhaps he was a mage's creation, were it possible, so there was nothing to worry about. Many people seemed to harbor that thought, leaving Rindou to start wandering about with his hands slightly in front to help lead the way.


His tone wasn't pleading, but he certainly sounded like he was getting somewhat nervous. The two hadn't been separated since his accident, not like this anyway, and Rindou was in high want of his companion.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:34 pm
Milk, cloth, vegetables...

As she walked down the cobbled pathway of the crowded street, Ciellas' gaze drifted upward as she tried to recall everything that she needed. The weather and a shortage of basic amenities had called for a trip to the market, and if anything she was grateful to get away from the inn. The sun felt good on her skin - nice and warm.

A sharp, heavy coldness pressed against her leg. She glanced at the knitted sack slung around her shoulder, which thumped softly with every new step. The strange bottle she'd found recently had been an object of curiosity, for both her and Roark. The freak warm spell they were having seemed to have a peculiar effect on the object, where condensation would gather and roll down the sides as though it were a filled ice-frosted glass. The bottle gave no other unnatural signs, however, other than remaining stubbornly cold against the 40-degree weather. Perhaps, Ciellas thought, she should visit that gypsy again. The woman may have been a hack as far as she was concerned, but she was the only authority on the paranormal that she knew. That was the plan. Market, see the gypsy, then back home.

That was the plan, until she heard the wail. It was a child's cry, certainly, but there was no sign of the usual want in it.. instead there was a subtle tone of distress. She frowned and whipped her head around to catch a glimpse of the source. Her eyes settled on a rather.. peculiar looking boy, blindfolded and left to feel his way around. The gray skin and shocking white hair was definitely a sight to see, but while her eyes were drawn to these features, her mind bubbled with questions and a quiet agitation.

Is this.. some kind of game? Does he have friends he was playing with who left him behind.. ?

Whatever the cause was, it didn't sit right with her. There were no children his age in the immediate area, nor any person who looked to be his parent. Ciellas felt awash with sympathy and made her way through the hustling crowd, muttering a few "pardon"'s and "s'cuse me"'s as she went. The frown remained fixed on her face when she narrowed her eyes at the people who has stopped to stare, but not offered help. Honestly, what has the world come to? As she approached, she hoped that she wouldn't startle the poor thing - things went more smoothly when all parties were rational and calm, after all.

"S'cuse me, little one.. are y'alright there?" Her tone receded to the sweet one she used to coerce her crying brothers and sisters. She bent down at the waist and pressed her hands to her knees; the sack around her shoulder flopped forward and hit her forearms. "Did ye lose someone?"

alpha lyrae

Friendly Conversationalist


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:54 am
Rindou swung his hand to the side the moment he heard a voice, the small limb coming into contact with someone's face. It wasn't a hard slap, more like one of identifying, seeing as Rindou had only been 'blind' for long enough that it made things hard to get around. His senses hadn't tried to fix themselves yet, and that made it all the more difficult when someone approached him that didn't sound like Jarett.


He basically answered the woman's question in his own way, even giving off more information than she'd asked for, and Rindou smiled broadly as he crossed his arms across his chest. The boy was dressed in a t-shirt that was clearly an adults shirt, the entire whole of it hanging down around his frame like a dress, and though his feet were wrapped with what looked like good and solid material, they were for the most part bare. Who knew if Rindou was even wearing some form of pants, the shirt hanging down to his knees and blocking that view.


He nodded his head after this last remark, a few mumbles of 'yes, of course' also escaping his lips. Rindou was so very certain that Jarett would never leave him behind, they were the best of friends and Jarett liked Rindou a lot. Enough to not make him wear the wrist leash or harness anyway, which to the Dustling counted pretty high.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:02 pm
"Uh.." Ciellas could do little more than blink at the strange, ash-skinned boy before her. He shouted information at her with a broad smile and she took it in piece by piece. This Jarett fellow had to be a playmate of his, she was sure. No parent in their right mind would leave a child in the middle of the street.

Especially dressed in this fashion. She eyed his bare shins and the wrappings around his feet. Even if his parent hadn't left his blindfolded child in the middle of the street, they'd still let him leave the house barely dressed against the elements. Despite the warm streak, he was still showing quite a lot of his skin, and it couldn't be good for his health.

"Is that right, then?" She took care to tuck her ruby skirt under her properly as she knelt closer and rested her knees on the ground. The knapsack slumped onto the ground and she heard the sharp tap of glass on the concrete as the bottle also touched the street. A quick glance into the open top of the bag assured her that there were no new cracks on its surface, but it merely rested on its rounded side within, sweating condensed water.

"Well.." Ciellas returned her attention to the boy, talking sweetly once again. "Ye can't look too far if y'got that thing 'round yer eyes. Let's take care o' that so we can find Jarett." Her fingers reached up behind the boy's head for the loosely knotted blindfold. As she touched it, she pulled the ends below the knot out to better see them.

Was this.. a curtain cord? Whomever this Jarett person was, he was a terrible friend. She frowned deeply and loosened the knot, pulling the blindfold free. She let it fall from her fingers to the paved walkway.

"Much better."

alpha lyrae

Friendly Conversationalist


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:39 pm
The first thing Rindou noticed was the red of her skirt. It was a ruby shade, probably quite beautiful to those who could appreciate fine things like dye jobs to cloth, but to the boy now looking it was the most hideous thing the world. But that wasn't the only thing he was looking at, his frenzied eyes dashing to every part of the figure before him. Her hair and face, her eyes and shirt. Every ounce of her was riddled with so much color he couldn't even register what he was looking at, nothing at all being taken into eyes that were quickly covered by shaking hands.

An inhuman scream escaped his lips as soon as the flesh of his palms connected with his cheeks, his fingertips almost digging into his skin in an effort to completely block away whatever surrounded him. It echoed about the area as though amplified by the air, and just when it seemed the single sound would continue without Rindou breathing - he suddenly stopped. There was a soft pause, as though the boy were going to take a breath to continue, when the faint sound of cracking filled the air.

To his left, a bench started to rise; to his right, several barrels full of fruits. They hovered slowly at first, as if hesitant to leave the ground and take a step towards flying, thought after a few moments all objects were several feet in the air and hovering around a circular path, as if they were orbiting a specific object. Rindou, for his own worth, seemed to be sinking into the ground. The space beneath his bare feet had produced the cracking sound, the pathway he stood on buckling as though a massive weight had been pressed against it as a massive force.

Though he was no longer screaming the boy was certainly whimpering, and small streams of sweat poured off his body in place of tears. The whole atmosphere around him reeked of terror, and slowly as his whispers grew louder more objects started to find themselves slowly moving from their perch.


A voice shouted over the loud screams and murmurs of a startled crowd, people quickly scattering away from this child and the spectacle that surrounded him, though it seemed too far away for the crazed child to hear. A plaintive whine for the name he had been calling earlier was the only response the child have given now, followed by yet another loud scream.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:35 am
As soon as Ciellas had seen the boy's eyes widening in fear at her, she knew she had done something horribly wrong. What was wrong? What had she done? Panic began to prickle at her stomach when she noticed people staring at them when the child began to scream.

The first thing she knew when it came to a scared child was not to panic yourself. As the adult, she had to remain in control of the situation, otherwise she would never calm him down. Calm him down, and find this Jarett person. And so help her when she did find him, for leaving this boy by himself.

"W-What's the matter?" As much as she tried to keep the note of panic buried, it surfaced in that small, unsure stutter. She swallowed her nerves and moved on, producing the calmest voice she could. "It's alright, now, no need to scream. Everything'll be fi--"

The words died slowly in her throat as she felt a certain.. lightness. Were her nerves finally getting the best of her? She checked her hands - not shaking, no - so it couldn't have been nerves. If anything, it wasn't accompanied by a spinning head.. but the sight of her bag hovering level with her head put to rest any other ideas.

"W-What... ?!" Ciellas's skirt fluttered as though caught by a wind, and surely enough the ground fell away from her as she too lifted in the air. Her attempt to keep the panic buried failed and a note of fear edged her voice. Her nervous eyes sought out the child, whose crying had reduced to a whimper, and widened at the sight of the cracked stone beneath his feet.

Everything was topsy turvy, and even thought she was the adult here, there was nothing she could do. Now she felt like the child certainly did - lost and confused.

Her bag upturned as it floated over her head, and the bottle tumbled out and flickered in the sunlight. She panicked as it fell towards the earth, but her hands were too slow. It continued in a rapid descent towards the hard ground when it seemed to rebound off of an invisible trampoline and hover back towards them. It floated much as Ciellas and the other objects did, moving in a slightly circular pattern and bobbing lightly up and down. Ciellas did not want to take her chances though, should the world's law of gravity decide to right itself, and she reached for it quickly, but not before a shout carried over the heads of the crowd.

She turned her head, which in turn moved her whole body with the simple motion. Eyes squinted, she sought out the shape of the voice, and thanks to the parting crowd, she got a good look at the man who stood towards the back. There was ample room for him to get to them, and as she and the other random objects began to float higher, she took a deep breath and called out to him.

"Oy, come on then!! Get over here!" The edge of fear on her voice in combination with the volume made her sound angry, but she didn't care. Whatever made him hurry. She clutched the cold bottle close with white, tight-gripping fingers, ignoring the stinging cold of the contents and waited, nervously waited for this Jarett character to get her down.

And when he did, so help her she was going to let him have it.

alpha lyrae

Friendly Conversationalist


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:26 pm
Jarett managed to hobble over towards where his charge was as fast as he leg could carry him, almost dropping the crutches to the wayside in the process in an effort to go faster. He was all but dragging his cast by the time he got to the boy's side and he quickly placed his hands on Rindou's shoulders, pulling the terrified boy to his chest. Not a single bit of the man dared to lift into the air as he approached, nor did he sink into the ground. What was it about him that left him untouched by gravity, or was it because he managed to get a decent hand on the small boy?

"Rindou, I'm right here. Keep your eyes closed, I'll make it go away. I'm right here."

Rindou's hands moved slowly from his face and onto Jarett's shirt, the man having dropped to a kneel to keep at the level the boy was standing at. As his hands crinkled into the fabric the objects that soared in the air around him started to lower, several at different speeds. The bench smashed down with enough force to splinter while the barrels of fruit merely lingered in the air.

"JARETT. . . ."

Despite yelling against the man's chest, the tone was certainly calmer. Rindou's eyes stayed closed, as requested and commanded, and he started to nuzzle his face against the softness of the sweater. More objects were coming down now the the ground, and the pressure in the air was lessening.

"This is why you shouldn't have run off, you know. Keep your eyes closed, I'm still here for you and making it go away. I'll make sure to talk to that lady when it's all done too."
PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:35 pm
The resounding clunk the man's cast made as it hit the pavement during his hurry should have heralded a feeling of relief inside of Ciellas. It meant that she was going to be rescued from the awkward position she was in: floating in midair amongst benches and barrels and other random items, struggling to keep her skirt from revealing any more than it should while clutching the bottle close to her. Irresponsible parent or no, it meant help was on its way, walking (or hobbling, in the poor man's case) as fast as possible.

It should have relieved her, but all it did was agitate her all the more.

Regardless, she kept the feelings at bay for the time being, at least until the boy was nice and calm. The man's presence did have a good impact on the child's temperament and she felt an immense pressure lessen, even if it did nothing for her well-concealed anger. Around her, some objects continued to drift while Jarett soothed his charge, and others.. crashed. The bench dropping made her jump (or as much of a jump as she mustered while floating), and she felt herself drifting closer, towards the ground. A quick twist put the woman in an proper position, but in stretching out her legs to land she didn't anticipate how quickly the ground was approaching.

Ciellas landed quite unceremoniously, meeting the cobblestones with a hard thud to her rear end. The pain shot through her lower back and up her spine, and while one hand rubbed, the other unwound whitened fingers from around the bottle. She examined it to check for damage, and to her relief finding none. But now that the child was sufficiently calmed and she wasn't cooling her heels mid-air, she had something to say to Jarett.

And she really intended to let him have it. A moment of calm had passed, and now was as good a time as any.

".. What t'bloody hell is wrong with ye?" Her cheeks reddened as she stood up and gave an angry swat to her skirt, a small puff of dust flying free from the red material. "Leavin' yer child unattended like that. Poor thing was scared half oot of his mind!" Her free hand clenched and unclenched as she waved it around in her exasperation. She was well aware that she may be starting on a tangent, but by this point she didn't really care. The eyes of the strangers on her colored her cheeks, but she continued to raise her voice and let the man know exactly what she thought of his parenting skills. "And runnin' around dressed improperly 'gainst the elements. Look at him, with no shoes on. Just what kinda parent are ye?!"

alpha lyrae

Friendly Conversationalist


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:00 pm
Jarett turned to look as the woman that Rindou had lifted into the air (he figured her the start of all this) came tumbling down with a loud grunt, and he had to wince as her body contacted. He knew the pain of rough landings all too well, bruised backsides and other marks a fine testament. The man was about to turn and ask if she was alright when instead he noticed the curtain cloth in her hand and the attitude that started to spill from her mouth. If at all he had even the tiniest bit of concern for her, it was now gone. She'd let Rindou off his 'leash' of sorts, and now she was daring to blame him?

Hell no.

"Rindou, eyes stay closed."

The man started to rise to his feet but had to pause as the little claw-like fingers of Rindou held onto the front of his shirt, but a pat to the white head allowed him to move a bit more and he managed to get to his feet. thankfully the woman was within reaching distance so he wouldn't have to move to get to her, and Rindou quickly reached out and grabbed a hold of his pant leg. His eyes were still closed but he wasn't so sure that Jarett wouldn't run off, though he could feel the man's crutches sitting near one of his bare feet.


The loud sound of a slap echoed in the air, reaching Rindou's ears and causing the boy to lift his head up. He was so tempted to look and see what was going on, but everything was....no. No. Just the thought of opening his eyes now made a trickle of sweat run down his spine, leaving behind a cold chill. From the way it sounded, the woman had stopped talking and he could hear an increase in Jarett's breath. His Boss had done the hitting!

"How dare you come preaching to me right off. Do you honestly think I'd have let him wander off on his own, seeing that he's blind? We got separated in the crowds and in case you can't tell, I'm not quick on my feet to move. As for what happened here -"

He motioned around to all the damage.

"This is all your fault. He wasn't scared until you took his blindfold off. You're to blame."
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:57 pm
Ciellas's vision blurred momentarily when Jarett's hand slapped her hard across the face. Her neck hurt from the snapping motion of her head, and immediately her free hand clutched the throbbing red mark growing on her cheek. Eyes were narrowed in rage as her head was still reeling, and she took an agitated breath, ready to argue back.

Except that... he had been right. Jarett had been completely right.

The destroyed bench, the fruit that lay scattered and ruined in the street, frightening the boy, the scared townsfolk who now gave them a wide berth..

All of it.

Shame rose like bile in her throat and Ciellas felt the rest of her face grow hot with embarrassment. Her nails clutched at the edge of the stinging skin, mouth slightly agape as she gripped for the right words to say. What does one say after telling someone off, only to be corrected a moment later and be found completely off-base? Anything, anything had to be better than the crippling silence that now filled the air, despite the townsfolk now returning to their everyday lives in an effort to forget about them and get away. The sight of the blind boy in his baggy t-shirt and obediently-closed eyes made her feel even worse.

The famous O'Malley temper has struck again.

"I..." She had no words. What could she say to them? She pushed through her momentary mental lapse and pushed on anyway. "Yer right. I was completely out o' line." She began to apologize further but stopped herself. Reiterating the situation wouldn't fix things. She had done this.. she should at least attempt to make it right.

The hand that remained clutched around the bottle and curtain cord now extended towards Jarett, and she kept her gaze away from his face. Her eyebrows were knitted together in agitation at herself, embarrassment for the scene she had inadvertently caused. "Here." The cord had would around the neck of the tiny bottle and she began to unwind it. Only her fingers paused when they noticed the tiny ice crystals that had formed on it and she looked at them, momentarily fascinated.

As though inspired, the words came tumbling out, quickly, as though they were in a hurry to escape.

"Let me do somethin' tae repay ye." Repay them how, Ciellas didn't quite know yet, but at least the offer was there. The tone was earnest, and she eased the agitation out of her expression. "It's the least I can do after all this. Just name it."

alpha lyrae

Friendly Conversationalist


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:10 pm
"You can leave us both alone, seeing as you've interfered in our lives more than enough for one day. I've got vendors I have to pay damage fees to now and I've got to replace a bench, all thanks to you and your sense of whatever. I know you may think what you were doing was right, that it would help him, but you've got to understand that this world doesn't involve your logic. There are some creatures in it that just don't obey reasoning."

Jarett all but snatched the cord from the woman's hand when it was extended towards him, and he knelt down to blind Rindou's eyes once again with the darkened fabric. He finished tying the knot neatly just as he finished speaking and slowly he rose back to his feet, grunting as his knees protested all the ups and downs he'd been doing all day. Rindou reached a hand out and Jarett took it softly, the small gray fingers looking so odd when they intertwined with the healthy peach that was Jarett's own hue. A smile threatened the man's face if only for a moment, seeing as the anger he'd felt before at the Dust's wanderings was slowly returning now that the relief of finding him and stopping an issue was dissolving.

"But if you really want to repay me, you can save it for another day. There's nothing I would want from you, and it doesn't look like you have the funds to get me what I need right now."


"No. We're here for food and some clothes for you, and maybe a pair of shoes you'll keep on your feet."


It almost made the man snort when the child of gravity declared that shoes made him feel 'heavy', as the man had watched him several times before alternate weight when he thought he wasn't looking. They'd learned that lesson painfully before.


Almost as if he just remembered that there was someone else with them, Rindou pointed his arm out in the direction he though Ciellas might be in. He ended up pointing at a birdbath, but that was close enough.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:30 pm
He had due reason for his anger, but it still rubbed Ciellas the wrong way. She had a way of dealing with surly types, but that was normally when they were three sheets to the wind and too far gone to know what they were yelling at. She let the cord rip from her hand as the fingers curled towards the empty palm, and while Jarett prattled on behind veiled words about how the world worked, she re-shouldered her bag and made sure to secure the bottle firmly inside.

No more mishaps, okay? she asked it, but soon Jarett had stood up and cut back into his rant. A frown twitched at her lips.

This man couldn't have been older than her. He acted as though he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, flaunting his funds and his nicely-pressed clothing, but there was no way he was as old as he acted.

She hated being dismissed, regardless of the situation, regardless of what had just come to pass. If she started something, Ciellas O'Malley finished it. If he was going to adopt that tone with her, then fine. Two could play at this game.

"Yer one to talk about funds, when yer child here is clothed in nearly naught but his skin." Both arms, now freed from previous burdens, crossed over her chest. "There we go. There's yer favor. I'll save ye the hassle of havin' to dig through clothing and I'll make ye some outfits. All y'have tae do is get the fabric, and it's a fair shot cheaper 'n the clothes around these parts. Need tae attest to the quality, I have a nice noblewoman and a few folks on this street who'd vouch for it." She smiled sweetly, but not sweetly enough to hide the sarcasm behind it. "'Sides, ye need to save yer funds 'tae get what ye need', am I right?"

Ciellas didn't waste much time waiting for his answer, but as soon as Rindou had acknowledged her presence, she knelt down near him again, as she had when they had met only a short while before. This time she was careful to mind her bag and set it down gently next to her.

"Only if y'want me to. Promise I'll make ye some fine clothes if y'pick me out some good fabric. Sound good?"

alpha lyrae

Friendly Conversationalist


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:37 pm
Rindou drew closer to Jarrett as he felt the woman get closer, heard her voice better since she was kneeling near him like before. He hoped to anything that she wasn't going to take his 'eyes' off again and make him see all the scary stuff around, but since Jarrett was at his side he wasn't that scared. Jarrett would make sure he was always safe and he would hit her again if something happened!


This time he leaned a little closer to the woman, and Jarrett shook his head with something akin to an amused smile on his lips. It always made him happy to see Rindou not acting slightly terrifying or terrified when outside, and it was good to see him showing interest in someone else - even if that person had just scared him beyond all reason. Placing a hand on the side of his face, like he wanted to whisper, Rindou somewhat motioned for this new woman to come even closer.


Not really subtle, if she happened to be leaning near him she got an earful.
PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:49 pm
It seemed that for the time being, the argument had ceased. The boy's interest in her probably attested to that, and she took it gratefully. Not that she couldn't handle herself in an argument, but playing nicely got a person in better graces than drilling an admittedly wrong point into the ground. Ciellas barely had any time to answer the questions that Rindou was shooting off at her, and she could only smile in amusement as well at the rapid-fire pace of his curiosity. When he beckoned her to come closer she obliged, familiar with the childhood practice of whispering secrets, but was instead greeted with a loud yell. The woman cringed and nearly fell on her backside. She pressed a hand to her thumping ear and rubbed fiercely, as though to push the injury right out.

His speaking voice should have been indication enough! She was just not running at her highest speeds today, apparently.

Despite the ringing in her head, she smiled at the questions. "No, no, not magic. S'actually quite easy, once y'get the hang of it. Jus' a needle and thread, 'n some cloth really.. but I like tae think I'm fairly decent with the tools o' the trade." With that she stood up again and slung the back back over her shoulder. Her head nodded towards a modest shop with the doors standing open, where bolts of fabric fluttered in the light breeze that came in from the front. "There's a fabric shop o'er there. We can get started, if it's alright with ye." She directed her next question at Rindou with a kind smile, even though the effect would be lost on him. "As I said, ye can help me pick what fabrics ye like. Feel 'em out and tell me what feels best, alright?"

alpha lyrae

Friendly Conversationalist


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 8:10 pm

Rindou reached and made sure he could squeeze Jarrett's fingers even better with his own, and Jarrett gave a reassuring squeeze back before he gave a slight tug on the boy's hand to indicate they needed to get going. They still had to pay off all the damages that Rindou had caused (even if it wasn't/sort of was his fault) and they needed to get home and get something to eat before the sun set. Jarrett worked the next day, or rather he had to go in to report his findings of recent studies, so it was important that they got to bed earlier.


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