This is the one subforum where there are more rules than normal, simply because I'd like to keep this place clean and orderly.

In no particular order, things that need to be addressed:

  • Locked threads: Some of the threads are locked. That means they aren't discussion or roleplaying threads, and that the only people who can post in them are Crew. This is mostly for guide threads, so that I can continue to expand on guides and resources without having to reserve several posts.

  • OOC and RP threads: It is considered bad manners to strike up a normal conversation in a roleplay thread, hence you'll find a number of OOC (out of character) threads in here for you to converse in. All OOC threads should marks with an [OOC] tag, and all roleplay threads should be marked with a [RP] tag.

  • The thing with roleplaying is that you can't control what others are posting and doing to the story. If you wanted to control everything, that's what writing your own novel is for. You can reprimand someone if they've posted something that directly contradicts the rules of the setting, but if you just don't like what they're doing with their character, then no one can help you with that. I trust you CSDers to handle that maturely, but there are a lot of people who can't quite grasp that concept.

  • Tutors are supposed to critique your posts. It's their job. They're subject to same rules though. They can't complain because your character didn't want to go on a date with theirs, or something like that. But they can, and they will, point out when you're not being fair to others. They will call you out on spelling and punctuation. They will call you out on breaking your own setting rules. But they aren't demons, and you'll get the hang of it if you're not sure how this all sounds.

  • Most importantly, I beg of you, if you have a question, do not wait to ask, hoping that you'll understand something later on. Ask it right then, right there, and clear the air.