Rave has left the flock for good.
Farewell (Open)
Rave has left the flock and he left his family behind. He is filled with sadness but feels this is the better choice for him. He doesn’t like the harpy females and so he doesn’t think he’ll do any good being in a flock with them in power over him. Though now he has no family and no one to go to for advice so for this rp I’d like (either gender) to be a friend he can count on.
Grandfather (Closed for now)
Rave is looking for his grandfather (Swift Wind) someone he only met maybe for a small bit of time. The pink alicorn is usually flying the skies looking for a pretty lady to hit on. So for this I’d like a mare that is pretty close with Rave to be chatting with him and Swift Wind shows up.
Also just want to rp with Rave? Have a plot then post in the thread! ^w^
Romance Plots
Breeding Slots (Closed)
1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
Think Rave is good for one of your plots? Just post and I'll reply! :3