Gabriela and Mythril have been expecting a new litter of foals for a little while now. We are probably going to make it ic'ly and have some rp's about the foals coming late.

Gabriela is at the point where she feels maybe she has been with foal for a little bit too long. She is worried day and night if her babies are dying inside of her. She also suspects a kalona put a curse on her; though that belief is really quite unfounded. It's just a rampant paranoid suspicion. Still...

Her two-legger she lives with left a few months back to go find a medicine man to come help with the delivery of these foals. That person has not returned to their teepee yet due to an assortment of tribulations.

So now, Gabriela wants to go visit Mythril's mother and get some support.

Gabriela's first pregnancy was nothing like this, so she feels extremely worried.

I was hoping to have a rather... lengthy rp where Gabriela and Mythril are traveling to go visit his mother. Due to how tiring her body is getting this far along; they frequently stop to rest and let her catch her breath. Also, she's not flying much due to the weight of her body.

If you'd like to participate in this idea: what would happen is that someone would appear as a new encounter. They'd maybe ask what's going on. Or, in other encounters; some heard the news and came to see.

I don't want any crazy encounters with skinwalkers or kalonas unless it gets utterly dull.

It may take a little... fandangling to get it off the way i hope. XD But... I'm hoping it'll be fun and exciting.