Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:45 pm
Charms - O Ryn deemed it necessary to pass this class because knowing spells is an important part of what he had in his plans. Rui agreed and thus they passed with flying colours. In all honesty spell work was never hard for them.
Defense Against the Dark Arts - O Knowing how people defend against the dark arts gives her a heads up on what she will be faced with once plans begin to move. So paying attention in this class led to her doing very well on the test.
Herbology - D Honestly, she lost her mind and Rui nor Rei thought it was necessary to pass this class and so Roo was left to do it on her own and ended up failing. She's still recovering from the break after all.
History of Magic - T Knowing the info and trying to pass the test were two very different things. Rui knows her history perfectly, she just didn't give a rats a** about passing the test and left the entire thing blank.
Potions - A She attempted to pass this class as best she could but with all the voices competing for dominance and trying to tell her what to put in and when she ended only just barely making a functional potion.
Transfiguration - O Shes an animagus. If she'd failed this NEWT there would be something highly wrong with her.
Cursebreaking - O Cursebreaking was one of the few subjects she was interested in and so she stuck with it well even through the craziness. In the end her diligence to the subject helped her out.
Wandless Magic Practice Class - E Everyone agreed wandless was something she should know for the plans they all had in store. Even Roo agreed and so she practiced hard and was able to get a good score on the exam.
Arithmancy - P As for arithmancy... in the end no matter how much studying she had done, she would have never passed the test.
Mia Don't kill me for the formatting Im bullshitting this really quickly so I'm not a horrible horrible VC o no
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:56 pm
Charms ~ O Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O Herbology ~ D History of Magic ~ T Potions ~ A Transfiguration ~ O Cursebreaking ~ O Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ EE Arithmancy ~ P