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Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 8:58 pm
Hello thar! :3 Welcome to plotting central for some of my lovelies- I do still have a pre-existing plot thread relating to my large 'This is War' plot, but seeing as how most of the needed roles for that have been fulfilled, and is just currently waiting for current RPs to be finished to make progress, I am creating a hub for all of my other random plot needs <3 Most of these are completely unrelated to that or take place on a much different timeline, so any involvement here with that will be coincidental.

Please feel free to give me feedback, offers or suggestions in whatever manner you wish! I consider all offers, big and small, and if it so happens that you prefer backplotting over RP, that doesn't necessarily disqualify you from the plot! heart I don't have as much time for RP as I used to, and while I will probably still require it with some of my more established Soquili, that doesn't apply to all of them. It never hurts to ask!
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:00 pm
Temporarily closed for plotting.

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Name: Arcadius
Gender: Male
Breed: Gen 3
Temperment: Protective
Birthdate: 11/26/11
Parents: Zara and Hadrian
Siblings: Aquitaine and Aurelian
Mate: None
Offspring: None

Because of his quiet and contemplative nature, as well as his fierce protectiveness of his family, Arcadius may sometimes come off as hostile, but this is far from the truth. While reserved in front of strangers, he is open and even outwardly happy amongst those closest to him, though he struggles sometimes with the nature of his predatory side. Because of a defect he shares with his brother, he requires consumption of meat to live, and his looks can be deceiving. He is naturally kind-hearted, but because of outward appearances, has developed a wariness and defensive nature towards those who are quick to judge.

Likes: His family, quiet, long walks, sunset

Dislikes: Blood, gore, noisiness, condescension, arrogance, judgement

Romance: Although he has never given much thought to romance as an attainable pursuit, Arcadius does share the desire to find someone close to his heart. The opportunity, of course, has never presented itself, and he is wary of the fact that any such pursuit may always be secondary to the care of his family. At this moment, nothing is more important to him. This may someday be subject to change, but not in his foreseeable future.


Breeding 1: Reserved for Vodka
Breeding 2: Reserved
Breeding 3: Reserved
Breeding 4: Reserved
Breeding 5: (When Applicable) Reserved

Plot Ideas: None yet.


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:28 pm
Temporarily closed for plotting.
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Name: Morrow
Gender: Male
Breed: Gen 5
Temperment: Intuitive
Birthdate: 4/14/15
Parents: Avalee and Atal'Rin
Siblings: Lore and Actaea
Mate: None
Offspring: None

To most, Morrow is a gentle giant. His intimidating appearance is almost completely at odds with the care and compassion that he shows to smaller animals and most other Soquili, especially those who are vulnerable or in need of help. He takes little for granted, despite his blindness, and revels in the peace and tranquility of the forest often. Preferring to speak little, he judges mostly by action and only offers conversation when prompted, but he is naturally soft-hearted. The moment you threaten another creature of the forest or someone under his unspoken protection, however, he can turn on a dime into one of the most frightening creatures around.

Likes: His forest, small creatures, trees, the kodama

Dislikes: Judgement, violence, inconsideration

Romance: The idea of romance is completely foreign to Morrow. While he loves his family dearly, he understands that he is very different from them, and his appearance affords him a certain amount of fear and avoidance. He could not rightly imagine someone being able to look past his... oddities, though at the moment, it doesn't much matter to him. He is content in what he has, and although he would no doubt be extremely loving to any potential partner, it is not something that will actively be on his mind in the forseeable future. If it happened to stumble along, however... that's another story.


Breeding 1: Available
Breeding 2: Available
Breeding 3: Reserved for Teleri
Breeding 4: Reserved for Teleri
Breeding 5: (When Applicable) Reserved for Teleri

Plot Ideas:

A Lesson in Heartbreak: While Morrow has fallen, deeply and unintentionally, for a mare that has shown him neither fear nor disdain due to his appearance and strange tendencies, she will turn away from him after her herd disapproves of the match, and he will be left to mourn in solitude. I would love for Morrow to have a shoulder to lean on, sympathetic or otherwise, which could possibly turn into a short-lived romance, but friends are welcome as well. He will ultimately return to his lady love when she seeks him out, but lingering connections may remain- long-term plots are more than welcome.
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:39 pm
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Name: Lyssia
Gender: Female
Breed: 4th Gen
Temperment: Oblivious
Birthdate: 08/08/12
Parents: Feilea and Kuumo
Siblings: Lothorien and Matias
Mate: None
Offspring: None

Lyssia is a walking danger magnet, and is none the wiser to it. Whether it is simply tripping over her own feet or stumbling into a nest of vipers, she frequently only narrowly avoids serious injury, and usually all but hops away with a smile on her face, completely oblivious. Lyssia is an unrepentant klutz, but has a very sweet temperament, amiable and considerate- discounting the near-heart attacks she gives her mother on a daily basis. She is warm and compassionate, though she does tend to be a bit sensitive and even melodramatic at times.

Likes: Her mommy, her brothers, flowers, running (without tripping), swims on sunny days

Dislikes: Tripping, being laughed at, being ignored

Romance: Although she is clearly a loving, compassionate soul- as stated previously, Lyssia is a tad bit oblivious. While she knows that romance exists, it is likely that she would not be able to wrap her mind around a romantic pursuit for herself unless someone were to proverbially beat her over the head with it. As things stand now, she is a happy, playful soul, not interested in much beyond her next adventure or new friend. This, of course, could change in an instant, were the right person to provoke further thoughts on the matter.


Breeding 1: Available
Breeding 2: Available
Breeding 3: Available
Breeding 4: Available

Plot Ideas:

A Walking Disaster - Lyssia is always stumbling into trouble, but rarely if ever takes heed of it, or notices it in some cases. I'd like to see her meet someone who tries to step in, and suffers the consequences of her accident instead. Whether it is someone who tries to be chivalrous and save her from her own mishap, or just an innocent bystander who's in the wrong place at the wrong time, she needs to see the repercussions of her lackadaisical ways. This could be an ongoing friend plot, or just a single meeting.


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:45 pm
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Name: Merric
Gender: Male
Breed: 4th Gen
Temperment: Carefree
Birthdate: 7/24/08
Parents: Ian and Cicely
Siblings: Emmett and Noelle
Mate: None
Offspring: None

Merric's personality is what many members of his herd would refer to as 'bubbly'. He is far from unintelligent or naive, although he may be a bit dense- but he has a childlike happy-go-lucky demeanor that many have found... irritating in his presence. He never pays any mind to insults thrown his way, and will, in many cases, resort to self-depricating humor if he thinks it might win him any brownie points with his antagonist. It is rare, if not impossible, to catch this stallion with anything but a bright smile on his face- a trait that many in his herd have found endearing (although some only reluctantly).

Likes: Just about everything.

Dislikes: Um... bathing?

Romance: Any mare choosing to seek a relationship with Merric should be aware that they require a certain amount of patience when dealing with this stallion. He is somewhat obtuse when it comes to matters of love- although there are instances in which he may resort to a blushing, stuttering fool in the presence of a pretty mare. 'Flirting', or at least, 'flirting gracefully', is not in his vocabulary. That being said, it is not impossible, or even improbable, for Merric to fall in love. His nature to care for everyone and everything would make him an ideal love interest, if said mare was patient enough to deal with his child-like personality.


Breeding 1: Available
Breeding 2: Available
Breeding 3: Available
Breeding 4: Available

Plot Ideas:

Forever and Ever: Merric needs a buddy. Someone to tag along with- although I am actually looking for a soquili that will be less than receptive to his presence. Someone who considers him an annoyance, but may or may not slowly warm up to him. Once he is inclined to accompany someone for his own (faulty) reasoning, he is not easy to get rid of. Whether or not he will actually accomplish any of his own ends here is something to be discussed.
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:52 pm
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Name: Nevara
Gender: Female
Breed: Wind
Temperment: Patient
Birthdate: 12/11/14
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Mate: None
Offspring: None

Nevara is a sweet, gentle, demure mare, quick to smile and quicker to offer kind words. She is a bit naive, but not necessarily to her detriment- she finds enjoyment in just about everything, and is an eternal optimist. She is also, however, almost insufferably shy and afraid to offend anyone. Previous acquaintances have sometimes likened her to a 'doormat', and though she struggles to overcome that particular flaw, she does have a habit of making it her own personal mission to make sure she pleases everyone, or at least tries to. She will go above and beyond for just about anyone, whether they're friends or strangers.

Likes: Helping others, foals, flowers, sunny days

Dislikes: Large crowds, being the center of attention, ridicule

Romance: Nevara believes in fairy tale love. She dreams that someday a prince will arrive to sweep her off her feet, pay her endless compliments and banish her insecurities. Of course, some part of her knows that life doesn't quite work like that, but ever the eternal optimist, she still hopes for it. The challenge for any stallion involved, of course, would be helping her to overcome the self-doubt that plagues her day in and day out, but she would return the favor tenfold with love and affection.


Breeding 1: Available
Breeding 2: Available
Breeding 3: Available
Breeding 4: Available

Plot Ideas: None yet.


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:53 pm
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Name: Zimri
Gender: Male
Breed: Fiery-Throated Hummingbird
Temperment: Flirtatious
Birthdate: 3/26/14
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Mate: None
Offspring: None

Zimri appreciates beauty in all its forms, and knows very well that he has his own. He doesn't necessarily flaunt it, but there is a certain amount of vanity, there, and he does tend to be a tad selfish at times. He loves complimenting pretty mares (and sometimes stallions), showering them with his unique brand of flattery, and considers any smiles or blushes he gets in return as personal victories. He is never, however, deceptive or manipulative with his attentions, and would never seek to hurt anyone, he just adores spreading as much of his attention around as he can.

Likes: Beauty, romance, flattery, adventure

Dislikes: Ugliness, manipulation, dishonesty, boredom

Romance: Unsurprisingly, romance is a favorite pastime for Zimri, but his exploits are all relatively short-lived. He never makes any secret of this, of course- he despises deceiving others, and is open with the fact that he rarely makes commitments and will likely never settle down. He is very caring, affectionate and even loving, but plans to spread this love as far and wide as possible. There is always the slim possibility that this may change with the right person, but it appears doubtful.


Breeding 1: Available
Breeding 2: Reserved for Mei Ying
Breeding 3: Reserved for Mei Ying
Breeding 4: Reserved for Mei Ying

Plot Ideas: None yet.
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:54 pm
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Name: Kalea
Gender: Female
Breed: Gen 4
Temperment: Impish
Birthdate: 6/5/13
Parents: Kazuko and Illumise
Siblings: Luana
Mate: None
Offspring: None

Kalea is a mischievous sort who loves teasing and getting a rise out of others. Most of the time, she's harmless, but she does sometimes tend to take it a bit too far and doesn't seem to notice or care all that much when someone might be hurt by her pranks. She is generally flighty and unrepentant about it, but if pressed for an apology, she can be sincere. She is firmly of the mindset that life should be fun, and no one should take it too seriously. One of her more admirable traits is that she does enjoy making other people laugh, and may occasionally (rarely) let a joke be at her own expense, if it's all in good fun.

Likes: Flirtation, seduction, pranks, her sister

Dislikes: Being ignored, seriousness, boredom

Romance: Although Kalea considers romance to be a fun and worthwhile pastime, she bores easily, and never seems to stay in a relationship for very long. Flirting and the chase are all very interesting, but the settling down part just doesn't seem to appeal to her at all. She has no desire for family, or really any extended companionship beyond simply a fun exploit, and it seems unlikely that this will change with time. Although really, in the end, who knows what can happen?


Breeding 1: Reserved for Fovos Moros
Breeding 2: Reserved for Jokull
Breeding 3: Available
Breeding 4: Available

Plot Ideas: None yet


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:55 pm
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Name: Reina
Gender: Female
Breed: CYO Plush
Temperament: Benevolent
Birthdate: 1/14/14
Parents: Aquene and Aethon (mock-breeding)
Siblings: Cetra, Canaan, Mako, Momo and Rubedo (half-siblings)
Mate: None
Offspring: None

Reina is a very tranquil, sweet and compassionate mare, and she tends to be a wonderful listener, as well as being rather good at giving advice. She may occasionally stick her nose where it doesn't belong, if things don't seem to be going well for someone else, but her intentions are always good. She adores her family and herd above all else, and while she takes her duty to them very seriously, she believes sometimes that she could offer a lot of help to those outside of her kin, and tends to get herself involved in a lot of things that are beyond her control. She is an eternal optimist, however, and will never give up on anyone, regardless of whether they ask for her help or not.

Likes: Listening, offering advice, storms, foals, her family

Dislikes: Violence, bullying, ignorance

Romance: Reina adores the idea of romance. She can't quite yet bring herself to put it high on her list of priorities with everything going on in her life, but one of her biggest goals is to find someone to love unconditionally. She hopes to someday have a large family of her own, and makes no secret of it, although flirting is something that she doesn't tend to be particularly skilled at. Smiling, laughing, joking when appropriate are all things that she needs no help with, but deciphering when to pursue romantic interest is not as easy as it sounds, and she sometimes bumbles a little bit with it. Words of wisdom come naturally, but pretty, flowery words meant to flatter draw an utter blank from her.


Breeding 1: Available
Breeding 2: Available
Breeding 3: Available
Breeding 4: Available

Plot Ideas: None yet
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:56 pm
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Name: Freyr (unmasked)
Gender: Male
Breed: Spirited
Temperment: Arrogant
Birthdate: Unknown
Parents: Nanaki and ??? (mock-breeding)
Siblings: Kelva, Aquene, Kiros, Rui and Seto (half-siblings)
Mate: None
Offspring: None

Born into a herd renowned for their efficiency in, and love of battle, Freyr was the b*****d son of the chief's daughter, unable to claim leadership due to the circumstances of his birth, but still an honored son in his grandfather's eyes. Freyr thinks highly of his kind because he was raised to believe so, and not because of any particular disdain for 'non-fighter' Soquili- though one may not be able to tell from limited conversation. Despite this, he does have manners, though he may be quick to forget them if his temper is roused. He values honor and strength above all else- even life.

Likes: Battle, training, honor, glory

Dislikes: Deception, injustice, hypocrisy

Romance: Coming from a race that was bred for war, Freyr doesn't have a particularly high priority for- or interest in- romance. In fact, most mares would probably find his views on the fairer sex... unsavory. His mannerisms towards females are not impolite by far- in fact, he could likely charm a mare off her hooves with the best of them, if the occasion called for it- but he has no respect for a female's place on a battlefield. Because of this, Freyr has no intention of taking interest in a female anytime soon; though, perhaps, the right type of mare may eventually be able to change that.


Breeding 1: Available
Breeding 2: Reserved for Kit
Breeding 3: Reserved for Kit
Breeding 4: Reserved for Kit

Plot Ideas:

A Hard-Learned Lesson: Freyr has recently met a mare that has flipped his world upside down. She has turned his assumptions and preconceived notions of equality and romance on their heads, and he has, reluctantly, begun to fall. However, their arguments have turned bitter as he has continued to deny the possibility of commitment and love, and they have separated. I would like him to meet a mare and have a short-lived romance with her in order to get him to realize that he is hurting himself by continuing to live in denial. This could end either amicably or bitterly, and has the potential to be a long-lasting plot that will continue to come up in his life, if the mare's owner so chooses.


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:58 pm
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Name: Mariko
Gender: Female
Breed: Gen 2
Temperment: Conflicted
Birthdate: 10/25/12
Parents: Amaya and Shyam
Siblings: Hisako and Iki'ryo
Mate: None
Offspring: None

Like her mother, Mariko struggles with the nature of the kalona side of herself- though her mutations have afforded her a greater conflict than Amaya ever faced in her own childhood. The angeni blood in her does little to dilute her more bloodthirsty instincts, despite her own wishes to remain passive. Mariko is a kind soul, though her own views may be somewhat skewed due to the confused nature of her father's 'Fallen' descent, and her mother's struggle to come to terms with it. She is proud of her parents, and the love that she holds for them is not dulled by her internal conflicts. The mutations passed on to herself and her siblings have caused strife and pain to each, but she holds the personal belief that each is stronger because of it.

Likes: Hunting, flying, sneaking, her family

Dislikes: Hurting others (sometimes), being touched, being asked about her chains or spikes

Romance: Mariko can be on either end of the dark or light spectrum, depending on her mood or the time of day- she does consider romance as something to be enjoyed, but her own tastes and views on love, like her morality, are rather skewed. She doesn't feel constrained by society's standards of heterosexuality or monogamy, so in this respect, she may come off as rather strange. She shies away from being touched, so intimacy and affection, if they ever happen, would need to be from someone infinitely patient, and she doubts that anyone outside of her family could possibly understand this. Although she may sometimes like to play games, she's not much entertained by fear, and would never pursue anyone who didn't reciprocate.


Breeding 1: Reserved for Ouriel
Breeding 2: Available
Breeding 3: Reserved for Archae'il
Breeding 4: Reserved for Archae'il
Breeding 5: (When Applicable) Reserved for Archae'il

Plot Ideas:

An Open Heart: Mariko will have a very complicated (and open) long-term romance, and is searching for the idea of either a very open-minded relationship (understanding that she has a soulmate, of sorts, that she will return to), or short liasons that would end on friendly terms, at least on her end. If you have a different plot idea to throw at me, have at it! She's an interesting sort that surprises even me, sometimes.
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:59 pm
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Name: Raziel
Gender: Male
Breed: CYO Plush
Temperment: Disquieting
Birthdate: 12/17/12
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: The Brotherhood
Mate: None
Offspring: None

Raziel is, in a word, disturbing. While he may be all charming smiles in one moment, the next he may be a devious sadist, hell-bent on causing destruction and suffering- all with a twisted and self-satisfied grin. He can turn at the drop of a hat with no warning signs, and it is part of what makes him such a dangerous adversary. Born to the Brotherhood, he takes pride (and great enjoyment) in what he does for a living: taking lives. His origins are a mystery, and though he might garner allies from time to time, he has never made friends. More than likely because he would turn on them without a second thought. His only loyalty is to the Brotherhood... and even that may be questionable at times.

Likes: Blood, gore, suffering, flirtation, seduction

Dislikes: Taking orders, being ignored

Romance: The entire concept of romance is laughable to Raziel. He uses seduction and manipulation to get what he wants, and that is the end of it. Breaking hearts, and getting a little fun out of it in the process, is a personal favorite in some of his assassination assignments- although when he can stage two 'romantically inclined' targets and pit them against one another, it is simply icing on the cake. Raziel will procreate when he wishes an heir, but will never pay any mind to the mare he seeks to accomplish it with.


Breeding 1: Available
Breeding 2: Available
Breeding 3: Available
Breeding 4: Available

Plot Ideas: None yet


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 10:03 pm
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Coming soon heart
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 10:04 pm
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Coming soon heart


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 10:04 pm
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Coming soon heart
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