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The Order of Eirí̱ni̱ [Herd I/T] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:18 pm
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The Order of Eirí̱ni̱ started out as a herd of faith and goodwill. They were a group of priests and priestesses, healers, caregivers and charity workers who traveled the land looking to aid those who were in need in some kind of service. It did not matter whether it was Soquili in need of healing, a foal whom had lost their mother, a burial need for the dead, or someone in need of an ear to rant to, everyone was worth their time.

These days they are only a shadow of what they once were...

Through revenge comes redemption. Through redemption comes peace.

That is the belief of the Order of Eirí̱ni̱.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:19 pm
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01. Introduction
02. T.o.C
03. Origins
04. Territory
05. Beliefs
06. The Clerics
07. The Templars
08. The Furies
09. The Members
10. Membership
11. Reserved
12. Reserved

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High-functioning Hellraiser


High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:25 pm
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Eirí̱ni lore speaks of the original order being built by those who are referred to as the Chaménos, the Lost, or “The six Divine” as they were called during the height of their time. These “Divines” comprised of Faith the Spiritual Mother, Peace the Spiritual Father, Hope the Spiritual Daughter, Compassion the Heart’s Gift, Justice the Divine Eye, and Forgiveness the Divine Heart. Their purpose, or so it was believed, was to cleanse the land like a wildfire cleanses the forest of decay. Through the cleansing of negativity within the land they give positivity and peace a greater chance to flourish.

Interestingly enough, not much is really known about the Chaménos. Bits and pieces have been uncovered and put together through lore and song that have been passed down through the generations. But no one can say for sure what is fact and what is fiction. Who even knows if their existence was real or if they were figures of imagination to teach lessons and bring explanation to the ever changing world.

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Ancient lore speaks of the time when a child of light came to be a vessel of taint. Compassion, child of the light, cared for my Faith and Peace, and loved by many, became a beast of the shadows. Though loved and raised with equality, she grew envy in her heart, for she believed Hope to possess more love than her. A favorited child. The kindest of all. The most praised by those who walked the lands. The one who was the most sought after and clung to. With such negativity within her heart envy fed like a fat leech, and when the time was right it mutated Compassion into Hatred.

With blackness in her heart and deceit on her tongue, she was able to lure Hope away from the lands, and it was then that she took Hope from the world. Hatred held no remorse from her act. She batted no eye to the blood on her paws. The mare had rid the world of what she believed to be the main problem in her life, and that was all that mattered.

After that she played the role of a mourning sister. She claimed Hope's life to be taken by an outsider and faked guilt that she should live but Hope's light had to diminish.

How sickening that Hatred should continue to play a role of kindness and love. How fearful that she was able to use the good-faith of others to her own advantage. How eye-rolling that she believed she could continue on as she was.

But Justice had caught wind of Hatred’s doing. He mourned Hope with greater grief than before and found himself spiraling into despair. For like the other children he had been taught to have faith in those around him, for everyone was capable of good no matter how bad. He had been taught that guilt and grudges were the seeds of destruction and that peace and forgiveness were the roads towards freedom.

But why? How?

How could he forgive a fellow child of committing such a crime? How could he allow her to continue living her life as she pleased when Hope has no life left to live?

She could not be forgiven, but he knew the others would not agree. They would show mercy on the foolish beast and ask him to open his heart to forgiveness. They would cry out and claim that she was deceived by the shadows, and that she could be saved.


The worst that would ever fall on the beast's head would be her being banished from the herd.

But then what? She could still live her life as she pleased! That could not happen. He would not allow that to happen.

And with that seed of rage sown Justice started down the path of shadows He believed to see what no one else could see, that not everyone could be so forgiven for their deeds, at least not without proper punishment. Not until they are broken, thrown to their knees, and made to cry out.

Blood for blood. An eye for an eye. He showed Hatred no compassion for her deed, for she had shown Hope no compassion due to her own envy.
Not a tear was shed for the one he once called a sister. Neither did he have remorse for slaying any and all who got in his way.

The Chaménos were gone now, but that did not matter. Their decay would give birth to greater things for the land. He would make sure of that.

He was no longer Justice or a child of the light. Now he was Vengeance, a child of twisted taint and beliefs.

Through revenge comes redemption. Through redemption comes peace.

Sometimes peace has to be bought through blood…

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:41 pm
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Text Here

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High-functioning Hellraiser


High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:42 pm
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The Order of Eirí̱ni̱ still harbors the belief that it is their duty to eradicate the evil that plagues the land in order to bring peace to it. However, unlike the old Order who believed peace could be brought about through compassion and the forgiveness of all no matter their offenses, the new order does not believe peace can be bought through such means. The world is just too inherently chaotic and selfish to think such acts can make a better world.

It is the new Order’s belief that they are the new harbingers of moral judgement for the world. It is their duty to walk the land like a raging forest fire and eliminate that which is not meant to survive. They will aid the weak, avenge the harmed, and eradicate the evil that walks the land in order to bring order to the world and give peace a chance to flourish

Due to their beliefs it is easy to mistake the new Order as a group revolving around chaos, or as a group that is in pursuit of some kind of power to bring order and control to the world, but that is not the truth. They are a group that is chaotic good at best due to their questionable methods and beliefs, but they do not wish to control the world by any means, just…burn it so something better may grow from the ashes.

Laws of the Order

o1. Bring no harm to the innocent. Should a herd member bring harm to an innocent they will compensate the innocent's family in some manner, then be punished for their actions.

o2. Bring no harm to the Order or its members. Do not involve the Order in activities of injustice and immorality. Do not involve the Order in situations of war, politics or personal gain. Do not bring harm to a fellow herd member. Should a disagreement arise and it turn physical then take the fight outside herd territory.

o3. Impose proper judgement. Remember your duty to the world. Do not let emotions cloud your judgement of an individual and their actions. Be fair in your judgement, and should you feel punishment is needed then be fair in your choice.

o4. Protect and aid the innocent. It is your choice to offer aid to an individual, but be sure you can remain guilt free should you choose to deny an individual aid.

o5. Revenge does not solve everything! Revenge is not the answer to every problem in the world, but only actions that are highly immoral. Make proper judgement when aiding someone who seeks revenge, or when pondering the act of personal revenge.

o6. Have respect for the dead. Death is seen as a natural part of life. One is born, they live, and eventually they die. What really matters is how an individual lived their life and the reasoning behind their death. Still, no matter the individual, their body should still be shown respect and be given a proper burial.

o7. Know your place in the Order. Do not take on the role of another or you will be punished. Remember, only the Templars and Furies may end the life of an evil.

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Breed Restrictions
The Order looks down on none based on the blood that runs through their veins and the appearance the world has chosen for them. All are welcome into the Order so long as they possess the same beliefs as the herd and are able to gain approval from the High Cleric.

Lifemating in the order is highly preferred over the act of flinging. The act of flinging is looked down upon, but it will not get an individual or their children kicked out of the herd, nor will they be punished in any other form.

It is the choice of the parents as to whether they want their children to be raised in the ways of the Order. Should they not wish for this they must find a new family for the baskets since abandonment is highly looked down upon.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:43 pm
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High Cleric: A position usually held by a mare, it is not unusual to see the position held by a stallion ever few generations if the previous High Cleric chooses so. It is the High Cleric's duty to oversee the well-being of the herd and those the herd agrees to associate themselves with.

Priest/Priestess: A body of 4 to 6 who work closely with the High Cleric. They are carefully chosen by the leader based on their abilities and loyalty to the herd. As "second in command" they work as the High Cleric's advisers and aid in making sure everything is running smoothly. They are also in charge of burial rituals and keeping the Templars in order, or...more like keeping them on a tight leash.

Scholars: The Scholars are a free roaming body that wanders the lands to see what it has to offer. They keep mental records of locations, different breeds, lore and songs from other herds, and just whatever they may find interesting and helpful to the Order. It is their job to educate themselves so that they may educate others upon their return to the herd lands.

Healers: The title of healer may be taken up by those with natural healing abilities, such as unicorns, or those who have practiced the art of herbal healing. From simple scrapes to broken limbs, it is their job to care for the members of the herd. They may also be called upon to care for orphans should any be stumbled upon.

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High-functioning Hellraiser


High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:44 pm
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The Templars are the military order and the second fraction of the Order. It is their duty to offer physical protection as well as hunt down individuals that are targeted as a threat to the Order and those the Order associates with.

While the Templars are leashed by the Clerics, the Templars themselves are used to leash the Furies.

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Knight:: The Knight Templar is the leader of the Templar army. He or she is the one who receives direct orders from Cleric fraction and then deploys the needed numbers out to complete whatever mission is given to the Templar fraction.

The Knight Templar is in charge of making sure all of those under the Templar are properly trained and properly work within the roles.

Lieutenant:: Second-in-command in the Templar fraction, and temporary leader should the Knight Templar be away, the Lieutenant is carefully chosen by the Knight and works as his/her trusted adviser and friend in arms.

Usually the Lieutenant, based on an agreement with the Knight will be put in charge of either Templar training or territory guard rotations when they are not off on a mission or some sort.

Templar:: The general term used for those in the Templar fraction. It is their responsibility to work as the military force for the Order, whether within the territory or outside of it. Templars may roam the lands either in small groups or on their own to help in aiding those in need and finding targets consumed by evil intentions.

Trainee:: Templars in training. ...Good luck, grunts.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:45 pm
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Born of rage, The Furies work to bring peace through revenge. They work both on their own accord and as Soquili for hire.

They search for those who taint the world with negative energies, those who bring negativity into the world through negative acts. These acts are usually moderate or high scaled acts such as cheating of a serious matter, back-stabbing, trickery, kidnapping, slavery, murder, and basically anything that is not seen as moral or legal.

Once a target has been found a Fury will punish the offender in the name of justice. How the offender is punished is up the Fury in question, but most will do so on a more low-key scale. The punishment will not stop until the Fury believes a lesson has been learned and the offender wishes to seek redemption, or until the offender dies.

Unlike the other fractions, the Furies hold no ranks between each other. However, it is clear that the Clerics and Templars do not fully trust them. They hold a purpose in the Order, and as long as they remain leashed and fulfill that purpose that they are useful.

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High-functioning Hellraiser


High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:48 pm
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The Clerics

The Templars

The Furies

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:49 pm
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All are welcome to join the Order if they walk the path of light.
Just fill out the proper application below and post it up!

Basic Joining::
[color=Slategray][size=15][b].::The Clear of Heart::.[/b][/size][/color]
[size=11][Soquili's name || Owner's name]
[b]Cert|Uncert:[/b] [img][/img] : [url=][Uncert][/url]
[b]Rank Desired:[/b]
[b]Brief History:[/b]
[b]Why do they wish to join?:[/b]


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High Ranking Consideration::
[color=Red][size=15][b].::Deny Temptation::.[/b][/size][/color]
[size=11][Soquili's name || Owner's name]
[b]Cert|Uncert:[/b] [img][/img] : [url=][Uncert][/url]
[b]Rank Desired:[/b]
[b]Brief History:[/b]
[b]Why do they wish to join?:[/b]
[b]What makes them a good candidate for the position?:[/b]
[b]What do you desire most in this world?[/b]
[b]If you could choose a taint[sin] which would you choose and why?[/b]


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High-functioning Hellraiser


High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:51 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:53 pm
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High-functioning Hellraiser


High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:46 pm
Still a bit under construction, but basically open. QQ
PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:04 pm
This is of interest. Yes. Good.  


Romantic Spotter

Saint Vis

Timid Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:14 pm
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