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[Stormborn] WAR OF BLOOD - Ronan Vs Ragnvard Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:50 am
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Ragnvard coveted the role of Captain. To win himself the title he plotted a murder most foul. Not with an honest challange, but through subterfuge and betrayal. Bringing about the death of Captain Arnljótr. An older, experienced and highly decorated Captain of the Stormborn.

To achieve this, the then Reaver Ragnvard quietly and skilfully worked on Arnljótr's reavers, through bribes or threats, driving many away and recruiting the rest to his own secret band. Eventually he had inserted enough reavers loyal to him into the group, the rest with Arnljótr being of no serious threat, that he felt confident in his plan. Thus when they next went out Viking, Ragnvard's own lions were the advance scouts. They discovered a small band of mixed cats (who later turned out to be from the Sith) and Ragnvard, instead of passing this warning on to his captain, blitherly advised that the best prizes lay in the self same direction.

When the band came upon the violent warriors, Ragnvard and his loyal reavers stayed back, leaving Arnljótr and those few still loyal to him to defend themselves, utterly alone.

Arnljótr was slain, but two reavers, Aksel and Ragnvard's own brother, Ronan, escaped. By the time they got back to the Stormborn, far behind the betrayers, Ragnvard had been voted in as Captain and his version of the battle had already been accepted as the truth.

The tension between the brothers had always been well known and any attempt Ronan made to reveal the truth was taken for jealously, as his brother had been made Captain and not him. Though of course the acusations were untrue it left Ronan bitter and angry. Not only had Ragnvard killed a good Captain, but he had claimed Arnljótr a coward at the very end.

Ronan and Aksel now train daily, and have joined up with Captain Lucivar's band of reavers. Waiting the day when Ragnvard reveals himself. And in the mean time, doing the best they can to defend other unwary lions from his evil attentions.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:50 am
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He is a hard lion and rather cold hearted, one who embodies the warrior spirit. Tough and determined he lives for reaving. He is not wholly without emotion though and does sometimes take time out to unwind and relax about the pride, but during those periods he will often be found alone, disliking rowdy company and only tolorating a rare few. One being his war-brother Aksel.
Despite his antisocial demeanour he rigidly adheres to a private code of honour and will fight to the death to defend it.

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Aksel | Reaver
Aksel has been Ronan's war-brother since the two of them fought under the old Captain, Arnljótr. Having grown up and trained together the pair are a truly effective fighting team.
Aksel is the silent, stoic type, having very little to say to anyone, as he is the type who uses action in place of words. Has appointed himself as his sister's protector despite the fact she refuses to need one and often fights with him on the subject of his meddling.

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Lucivar | Captain
Lucivar is a mature, confidenct and easy-going Captain who takes the future of his pride incredibly serious. He is often seen championing youngsters, guiding them through their training and taking them on their first Viking to become reavers. He is a solid, supportive pressence, forward-thinking and modern. And supports female reavers, having recently taken on training a young female freeborn.

He is caught up in the war between Ragnvard and Ronan, being Ronan's Captain. But so far he has stayed on the sidelines, keeping an eye on the other Captain and doing his best to protect freeborn females and all thralls from the male.

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Lennart | Reaver
Lennart is not your average, brash, loud-mouthed Stormborn. When among friends he is a gentle, kind hearted male with an easy smile who would do almost anything for those close to him. He is honest, hard working, fair and always polite. He is currently in his friend Lucivar's war band and serves as the Captain's confidant and adviser.  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:51 am
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Ragnvard is a sharp-minded male, cunning and sly, possessing neither remorse or pity. A master tactician and skilled both as a straight up fighter and as a Captain. Charasmatic and charming when it suits him but capable of acts of incredible violence and destruction. To those loyal to him he is Master and Provider both, assuring his reavers never want for anything, be it food, thralls or fights. In return he demands obediance and dedication to their goals. He is heavily involved in the education of younger members, believing the strength of the pride lives in the future generations. He is a true Stormborn, living and adhering to the very heart of the Myrsky Syntynyt philosophy. Strength is all, weakness will not be tolerated.

Sister - Rayn | Reaver User Image
Exceptionally smart, this lioness is known for her cunning and quick wit. She can read other lions easily and often uses her ability to manipulate them into doing things for her. Her skill at advanced battle stratagem is unparallel, making her an incredibly valuable asset to a reaving band. Though she lacks the brute strngth of most reavers, her sharp mind makes up for it. Her first loyalty is to herself and her pride, just as their parents taught them.
Though she was too young to have been involved in the original assassination attempt, being born of a later litter to her older brothers and sisters, she sided with Ragnvard upon entering adulthood, knowing that her ambitious red-coated brother would be able to carry her own carreer forwards more swiftly than her tacturn golden brother. A totally stratigic move for her own gain.
She will remain with Ragnvard's band until he finally meets someone he can't kill, then she will look for a new Captain to serve.

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Aoife | Thrall
Shy and incredibly gentle. She was not cut out for life as a rogue.
Once Princess and heir in her home pride, her younger sister schemed to have her murdered, wishing both the crown and Aoife's betrothed. The attempt failed, but Aoife fled after narrowly avoiding being drowned, accompanied only by her Lady servant. The pair struggled to survive in the roguelands, but one day, while her companion was out hunting, Aoife was discovered by a Captain called Ragnvard and snatched as his prize.

Now she lives under his tyranical rule, his slave more than a thrall. She sees the very worst of Ragnvard. Currently falling for a newly-made Reaver and about to unwittingly bear his cubs.

User Image Rieseln | Thrall (Owned by SilverLutz)
Personality/History biggrin espite her small size, Rieseln has a big personality. She's talkative and loves getting in to mischief, much like her father when he was young. She can be very sweet and caring, just like good ol' mom. Curious and playful, Ries wants to be friends with everyone and doesn't mind being the one to approach a face to get to know them. Her confidence sky-rocketed after she had a vision, since Seers are very highly prized in the Makono. While her confidence grew, her tolerance of pridal life dwindled, and she left to enjoy the adventure the rouge lands offered.

Rieseln was born in the rogue lands and joined a pride with her family when she was very young. Once she grew up she craved adventure and meeting new lions so she headed out into the rogue lands. She's had a litter - they're all adults - but doesn't keep in touch with them or their father at all. She's confident but far too trusting of others. I've been looking for a lion to take her as a Thrall, so maybe Ragnvard could be the one to find her and bring her back? I don't know if he keeps Thralls himself but I'd be fine with him taking her for himself. She's a Seer so maybe he'd find that something he'd want to have at his disposal.
Recruitment rp: Capture RP

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Samael | Reaver
Frankly, he is a bit of a d**k. He loves nothing better than beating up other reavers and picking on the odd thrall in his spare time. Of course he is a decent fighter but certainly not the best and he does get the stuffing beaten out of him every so often, but it doesn't seem to manage to change him or his ways. He firmly believes that the strong rule the weak and is more than happy to prove it.

Having been serving with Captain Luicvar, he has recently been approched by Ragnvard and has joined the dark-maned Captain on a kind of trial basis while he tries to work out if Ragnvard actually values his skills, or is just using him to weaken Luicvar.
Currently considered part of Ragnvard's war band.
Recruitment rp: Unexpected visitor

User Image Iku-Turso (Turisas) | Reaver (Owned by Princess_Feylin)
Personality/History: Turisas is...warlike, to say the least. He's also decidedly malevolent. Not only does he enjoy inflicting suffering, he enjoys making certain that whatever suffering he inflicts will linger. To that end, he is one of the few Stormborn who actually applies poison to his claws before battle. It's not the kill-you-quicker kind. He does like music though, and has a powerful singing voice when he can be induced to sing. Born into the pride and raised to be a warrior, Turisas' life has not really been all that noteworthy. There was a bit of trouble during Aesir's rule about a few dead thralls, but he was sent to an outpost as punishment until he replaced them and then the matter was brought to a close. At the outpost he befriended Njal (before he returned and became warlord). He has a fairly extensive history of being a violent jerk, with the exception of when he's around the priestess Nadezhda, who turns him into kind of a simple-minded fool.
History with Ragnvard: I assume he would at least know of Ragnvard, but I'd love to discuss idea for how well they might know one another.
Recruitment rp needed? Yes

User Image Tollak | Reaver (Owned by CaliWolfe)
Personality/History: Tollak isn't the nicest stormborn around, though he probably wouldn't even make the list of the meanest. Naive, and hot tempered it isn't all that hard to get onto the serious lion's nerves. He feels he has something to prove to the older reavers, having become one so quick, and can be seen issuing challenges to everyone to cross his path. He thinks blood is delicious. His current goal in life is to catch a thrall. He is ambitious to an extend and that side of him will make plans and plots with other reavers to be the best like no one ever was. Despite him being prone to mocking others Tollak holds female reavers in high respect, mainly in part due to his mother wishing to become one and having been the one to taught him how to fight. He is merciful but when angered will attack and feel no pity over it. Prime example being his brother, whom he so lovingly refers to as nerd and criticizes the most out of any stormborn. They got into a nasty fight and Tollak ended up partly blinding his brother and still doesn't feel sorry over it. Finally, Tollak became a reaver not long ago and is still rather young and childish. He'll follow orders as he respects captains and experienced reavers.
History with Ragnvard: He would have heard of him at the very least. I imagine he wouldn't have been there to see him become a captain but he would have heard stories about it.
Recruitment rp needed?: Words Mean Little...

User Image Gavivi | [To be Reaver] (Owned by demonstration_evil)
Personality/History: Gavivi is an excellent lackey. Like, for real her purpose in life is more or less to hit things for someone smarter than she is. She's mean, she's tough, and if anyone needs a girl who'll get into a tussle for them she's your girl. I'm REALLY looking for a pride or something of the like where someone can be her "Boss"
History with Ragnvard: Recruited by him
Recruitment rp needed? Here

User Image Isqesis | [To be Reaver] (Owned by demonstration_evil)
Personality/History: Gavivi's daughter, she's just as tough, but about five times smarter. Where her mom goes, she'll likely follow
History with Ragnvard: Recruited by him
Recruitment rp needed? Here

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Kiunguza : (Owned by Velveteen Angel)
To be recruited by Ragnvard
Personality/History:A fast-to-temper female. She struggled for her father's affection her entire life, but due to her similarities to his own cruel father, she was shunned. This has given her a rather large chip on her shoulder for him, and she wants nothing more than to prove her worth to him.
She is a strong, capable fighter, but wants to improve her skills, and take a higher rank in the pride than merely a 'soldier'.
Despite her strict firekin ways, she has a soft spot for Huria. Having a huria brother, who also was a disappointment to her father, Kiun is not cruel to them. Rather, she is sympathetic, and often wants to help them train to survive life outside the pride.
Recruitment rp needed? Why hello there  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:51 am
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Svana | Captain
Daughter of Brenning and Lyti, she joined Luicvar's band as an adolescent to earn her place as a Reaver in the pride. She and Fenrir trained under Lucivar's direction until Svana earned her own captaincy just after becoming a full adult. She now commands a band of young reavers with her brother as co-captain.
She hates Ragnvard and tends to stay away from him when possible. The rare times they cross paths she usually ends up antagonising him.

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Fenrir | Reaver
Son of Captain Lucivar he will be on the fringe of the war. A newly made reaver, he agreed to join Svana's band of young reavers and now serves her faithfully.

Røkkr (Rook) | Reaver User Image
A taciturn male, Rook rarely spoke unless it was truly unavoidable, and even then he usually only spoke two or three words at a time. It wasn't because he was slow, for Rook possessed a sharp mind. No one really knew why the male spoke so little, it just seemed to be the way he was. Most often found resting away from the pride in general, his black coat blending into the shadows where he usually stayed. Svana recruited him during the viking where he earned his reavership.

Asher | Reaver User Image
Asher has an open personality and an approach to life mellowed by his mother, Asali. He is gentle by nature, thoughtful, and often merry, Asher is quite willing to follow those he deems fine enough to be respected, though he is by no means a walkover and will fight if needed. Mellow and content typically, he never considers himself good enough to achieve the lofty heighs others have claimed, and will be surprised when he inadvertently proves capable. Svana recruited him from Lucivar's band as the eldest of her new reavers due to his experience as a rogue.  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:51 am
Kizuka'pori | Reaver User Image
A blunt, no-nonsense female. She tends to be abrasive with everyone but does loosen up with a bit of fermented fruit, having plenty of ribald jokes to share when intoxicated. Born into the pride. Father was an old blood Reaver, mother an Outlander freeborn claimed by her father. Currently employed by Ragnvard but getting more embittered by the day. She hates her Captain and has started plotting ways of dealing with him. Preferably permanently.

She will start to look for like-minded lions to join her cause. With the eventual goal of murdering Ragnvard.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:52 am
Sith rivalry


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:52 am
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:55 am

Father - Hólmgeir | Reaver User Image
Very traditional, stoic and steady. He holds the values of the pride in high esteam. A powerful male both physically and in personality, he is a stalwart of the pride. He believes males should be the protectors and providers of the pride and females should stay home and rear cubs and look after the pride's interior. He is not a bully but has little tolerance for misbehaviour. A stern and authorative father, husband and reaver.
Born into the pride he is a proper old school Stormborn and can trace his linage back through many generations.

Mother - Sóma | Freeborn User Image
A traditionally minded Stormborn, she takes her duties as a freeborn and a mother very seriously. Nevertheless if her daughters show the guts and determination to become reavers, she will fully support them and has no trouble standing up to other members of the pride.
Sister to Brenna. She was born into the pride and can trace her linage back through many generations of Stormborn.

Aunt - Brenna | Freeborn/Bard User Image
A classic Stormborn. Gutsy, proud and fearless. Sister to Sóma. She was born into the pride and can trace her linage back through many generations of Stormborn.

Brother - Raskogr | Lawspeaker User Image
Weak, conniving, devious. From the same litter as Ragnvard and Ronan, he was third-born and the runt of the litter. Unlike his stronger brothers he never took to the reaver life. Instead he had a sharp mind and excellent memory. Combined with his sly and shrewd nature he took to life as a lawkeeper. While his father doesn't really care either way so long as his son is successful, Raskogr feels as if the entire family disapproves. Which has made him bitter and resentful. He and his brothers have never gotten along, Ronan treats him well enough but has his own concerns. Ragnvard will use him for his lawspeaker skills but the two brothers tend to clash when in close proximity. Ragnvard considers lawspeakers to be weak but dangerous, which strains their already tense relationship.

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Sister - Vundi | Absent [Owned by Zosie]
She is currently in the Pridelands but will be returning to the Stormborn in the near future.

Sister - Rayn | Reaver User Image
Exceptionally smart, this lioness is known for her cunning and quick wit. She can read other lions easily and often uses her ability to manipulate them into doing things for her. Her skill at advanced battle stratagem is unparallel, making her an incredibly valuable asset to a reaving band. Though she lacks the brute strngth of most reavers, her sharp mind makes up for it. Her first loyalty is to herself and her pride, just as their parents taught them.
Though she was too young to have been involved in the original assassination attempt, being born of the second litter to her older brothers and sisters, she sided with Ragnvard upon entering adulthood, knowing that her ambitious red-coated brother would be able to carry her own carreer forwards more swiftly than her tacturn golden brother. A totally stratigic move for her own gain.
She will remain with Ragnvard's band until he finally meets someone he can't kill, then she will look for a new Captain to serve.

Sister - Raija | Freeborn User Image
Born in the couple's third litter. Like her name she is bright and sunny and completely imperious. A true little princess she knows what she wants and she isn't afraid to take it. She is also highly individual, despite coming from a very plain-coloured family this little female makes her voice heard loud and clear. Picking Ronan over Ragnvard as her favored brother she is the golden lion's loud-mouthed defender. But she takes after Ragnvard more than she does her other siblings, being smart and sly and willing to bend the rules to get what she wants. Thankfully for her parents she is a little more altruistic than her darker brother.

Sister - Renáta | Freeborn User Image
Abrupt and no-nonsense, this little girl is the exact oppersit of her littermate Raija. The drama between her various family members annoys her and from an early age she decides to become a reaver for the sole purpose of escaping her unruly rabble of siblings. She takes no notice of Ragnvard or Raskogr, and it fairly annoyed that she resembles the lawspeaker of the family so closely. Their resemblance has been pointed out to her by well-meaning pridemembers all her life, which has made her take his weakness as a personal slight. Refusing to be drawn into the family drama that her siblings seem intent on propergating, she quickly develops a prickly and unwelcoming manner. But in truth she is just a practical and sensibly minded lioness.

Sister - Ritva | Freeborn [Andranis] User Image
By no means gullible, Ritva has a sharp mind that can find falacies in lies. Because she's all about honor and the truth, she's taken a strong disliking to Ragnvard, believing him to be a loud-mouthed coward and nothing more. She also very deeply admires Raskogr, since being a Lawspeaker in the face of a tradition of being Reavers takes its own kind of bravery. Even so young, her words are usually carefully thought out and spoken with tact.
She very much believes Ronan - He might be her favorite brother, even! She'd act all friendly to Ragnvard, and try to get dirt on him and how he became a captain. And then she would try to use it to utterly DESTROY him via his reputation. She'll try her best to find a mate who's a born and red Stormborn, preferably of old blood and more natural colors. She doesn't want a mate that's pink or green or anything!

Sister - Rikmóðr | Freeborn [Princess_Feylin] User Image
Curious, but less interested in finding things out first hand than hearing about them through a well-told tale, she enjoys learning, but doesn't have the ability to memorize things quickly or accurately enough to make a future as a lawspeaker or bard. Instead, she's actually pretty good at reading people, and may try to make a life for herself as a sort of unofficial matchmaker for the pride. She's generally an easygoing lioness who lets most things roll off her, but there're lines she won't cross or tolerate others crossing, and once someone crosses one of those, that's it.
As a cub she'll think the whole thing is moronic, right up until the cubnapping (which will probably happen when she's a bit older?) at which point she'll come down firmly on Ronan's side because you just don't do that kind of thing. Initially she would probably do her best to avoid the two brothers, rather than get caught between them, preferring to spend time with Raskogr, who's unpleasant, sure, but at least knows things (plus he has an awesome wife), or her aunt Brenna, who tells good stories. Other than that, she'll want to make her mum and da proud in whatever way they indicate will please them best. She will probably grow up thinking she wants to be a bard or a lawspeaker, perhaps even trying to convince Raskogr to take her on as an apprentice, before her inability to memorize thing exactly and quickly makes it clear this is not the future for her. She'll eventually settle into being a sort of unofficial matchmaker.

Sister - Runa | Freeborn [nessiaing] User Image
Runa takes after her mother more than anyone else. Quiet and sweet she is very proud to be a freeborn female. While she does not begrudge those females who choose to become Reavers or even captains she herself has no interest in being one herself. She wants to remain in the pride taking care of all the things the Reavers have no time to do.
They need to stop competing and be brothers. They will be stronger as a team than they are individually. Runa will never choose a side. To her family belongs together, that being said all though she does not support the battle the two brothers have going on she loves them both deeply. When they come home wounded she works to help both of them get back in the best of shape. She wants her brothers to forgive each other and get to a place where they can work together. She hates that their feud causes the whole family to divide. As soon as she is a teen Runa will start looking for a freeborn and reaver to mate. She would prefer a Reaver as a mate only because she feels like they need the most help keeping their family and thralls in check while they are out on viking trips. She hopes to bear cubs and raise proper little vikings.

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Others that will be around but not directly related to the War

Mwana | Thrall User Image
Rescued by Luicvar and his band from a Sith attack during 'A-viking we will go', she has been taken in as Lucivar's thrall and is now the companion and guide for his blind mate, Mbali.

Kidogo'mlima | Freeborn User Image
Known to Ragnvard, sometimes used as the Captain's dogs-body/messenger. Dogo dislikes Ragnvard and is constantly disgruntled when the bigger male makes him do things more suited to a thrall's status. But as of yet Ragnvard hasn't pushed hard enough to force the detached male to fight back.

Mbali | Freeborn (Owned by nessiaing) User Image
Lucivar's blind wife. She probably wont be seen much as Lucivar keeps both her and Mwana away from the reavers, and the trouble between Ragnvard and Ronan.  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:08 am
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Auðlín is sister to Aksel. Throughout all proceedings he has done his best to shield her from the brewing trouble with Ragnvard. But after the betrayal and the open knowladge of the brother's private war, he becomes even more protective of her, something that drives the independant female quite crazy. She takes to lecturing him about his interferance and then meets Ronan.

The two strike up a strange aquantence, which soon enough comes to Ragnvard's attention through his spies. Embarking on his own plan to seduce her to his own side, she becomes the prize in the brothers war. Though for his part Ronan is honest in his feelings, and his confusion as to what it is he feels for her. Where as Ragnvard sees her as a pawn and little else, but ends up falling for her when she so totally rebuffs him.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:09 am
Timeline / Story so far & RP links

To the winner go the spoils
Ragnvard has his Captaincy confirmed by the new Warlord. And still believes his brother and Aksel perished in the battle.

Who are you? (Ronan x Auðlín)
Ronan 'meets' Aksel's sister for the first time, though neither has any idea who the other is.

Sibling squabbles (Aksel x Auðlín)
Aksel and Auðlín fight over his domineering attitude, and Aksel accidentally suggests she consider Ronan as a prospective mate.

[Viking] Brothers at War (Ronan, Ragnvard & Kyoko)
Ragnvard is out Viking and is trying to capture a new thrall. However the lioness is putting up a lot more resistance than he had expected. Their battle is inturupted by Ronan's apperance and the two brothers clash in a no holds bared fight. The female takes the oppertunity to escape.

[Viking] Words Mean Little... (Ragnvard x Tollak x Cothoza)
Ragnvard auditions a young reaver for his band. Planning to mould Tollak into a suitable adult.

We are no longer young (Lucivar & Mbali)
Lucivar and Mbali meet for the first time and the Captain feels a strange desire to linger.

[Viking] A recreational visit (Lucivar/Ronan/Aksel/Tendaji)
Lucivar decides Ronan needs a distraction from thoughts of his brother. So they go on a Viking, and take along a freeborn.

[Challange] Fresh blood. (Mbaya x Ragnvard)
Enters into a challange and comes away with more than just another victory. Hoping to persuade the female to join him once she wins her Askorun.

[Challange] Back for more (Mbaya x Ragnvard)
Having waited for the female to recover he accepts her second challange, and this time is pleased when they have to call it a draw

Dangerous ground (Mbali x Ragnvard)
Ragnvard discovers Mbali alone. Intending to entice her into his den he tries to trick her into going with him. Lucivar comes along and rescues her from the dark-maned Captain's attentions.

You are mine (Aoife x Ragnvard)
Having lost his intended 'entertainment' for the evening he sets upon his unfortunate thrall instead.

A-viking we will go
Captain Luicvar takes his entire band of reavers out for a Viking, intending to bring back several thralls and other treasure. Instead they come across a lioness being attacked by a member of the Sith and recue her. Finally taking her directly back to the pride as the Sith leopard continues to stalk her. His son and another freeborn both earn their Reaver status in the chaos.

[Viking] Unexpected visitor [Ragnvard/Samael/Sliabh/Fastny/Tryggr]
Wanting to boost his ranks and weaken his rival, Captain Lucivar. He sets about enticing the reaver Samael over to his own band. Samael is dubious about Ragnvard's real intentions.

[Viking] Unfortunate circumstances (Ragnvard, Ruyken & Lumiya)
Needing some time away from his mechanisations in order to clear his head and plot his next move, he goes for a walk. And nearly runs into more trouble than he can handle.

[Viking] Assassin vs Viking (Giovanni, Mariah & Ragnvard)
Not yet having returned to the pride, he comes across what looks like easy prey. But he swiftly discoveres he is not the only skilled killer in the woods.

A Dangerous Companion (Valkyrie & Ragnvard)
A young freeborn seeks to be trained as a reaver. Ragnvard tests her for suitability.

I spy trouble ahead (Ragnvard x Auðlín)
Having just learned that his brother has developed an interest in a female, Ragnvard goes to investigate. Intending to woo her himself. But she proves a tougher nut to crack than he had assumed.

Sibling arguments (Auðlín x Aksel)
Aksel learns that Ragnvard had not only visited his sister but the pair had been seen walking around together. He confronts her about it, only to realise just how devious his younger sibling really is.

Usefulness ... Maybe (Ragnvard x Rayn x Sif)
Ran and Rayn stumble upon Lennart's relative and decide to have a chat with the nervous female. Ragnard sees an oppertunity to weaken his rivals.

[Viking] Unwitting rivals (Lumiya x Ragnvard x Rayn)
The siblings spot a sith in the distance, but Ragnvard is wary after his previous experiences of the Sith and they argue over their course of action.

[Viking] Vikings? Well then (Gavivi x Isqesis x Ran x Samael)
Ragnvard and Samael meet two female fighters after slaughtering a hyena pack. Ragnvard offers them the chance to become Stormborn and join his Reavers.

Drummer-Lion (Ranyshia & Rayn)
Rayn strays from the group after a successful viking in the roguelands and meets a handsome male. Later she is discovered to be carrying his cubs.

Why hello there (Ragnvard & Kiunguza)
After a viscious fight with his brother, Ragnvard goes beyond the boarder to rest and keep his wound a secret. He meets a firekin female and decides she will be accompanying him back, one way or another.

Yeah, not impressed (Seqineq, Raskogr & Ragnvard)
Ragnvard invites himself into private time between the betrothed couple, trying to entice Seqi away from his brother but finding her more resistant than he had expected.  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:09 am
Future plots:

The great kidnapping: Ronan will eventually pair up with Audlin and the two will have a litter of cubs. Driven into a jealous rage not only by the fact that Audlin turned him down but also by the fact that she picked his brother over him, Ragnvard will launch an unplanned and ill-fated attempt to kidnap and murder the entire litter.

Demon spawn - Lilith: Daughter of Ragnvard and ex-demon Mari. She is a hellraiser and the apple of her dad's eye. She will cause plenty of trouble among the pride's males and be entirely unrepentant. Egged on by her father all the while.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:09 am
This thread is mostly just so I can keep track of the plot line and which rps go where and what rps I need to add. But evil loves company! (Or was that misery...? Either way..) and I would love to include anyone who wants to come play. There are a few scenes that will happen regardless, but the path to get to them can be as convoluted as needed!

That said, there are a few things I'd like to add to the plotline:


More reavers for both Captains

Flings for Ragnvard, with and without cubs.

Flings for any of them actually...

Anything... This plot began as a way to interweave the stories of all kinds of characters. If you think your character would have fun interfering, helping or simply watching from the sidelines, feel free to get stuck in. The more the merrier and the more involved, the bigger the opportunities for unexpected and interesting twists!


And if anyone wants to add family members, I'm totally up for that! The parents are NPCs and don't really have much info on them Soma and Holmgeir. They are old-blood Stormborn, tough Individuals and fairly strict as parents, thought their mother dotes on all her cubs, even Roskogr. They would have expected all their kids to train even if they were not planning on being reavers. The girls were expected to stay home and raise their own families, but if they showed the grit and desire to fight, they would have certainly been encouraged to be reavers. The boys would have been expected to be reavers and highly encouraged towards trying for Captain.

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Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:11 am
Still filling in, but thread is open.  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:27 am

I'd love to maybe offer Mnong'ono to fling with either of your guys.

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If for nothing more than pretty Pridelander babbins. emotion_kirakira

Maybe Ronan? I'm not too fussed though hahaha.  


King Kitten


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:44 am
I'd love to maybe offer Mnong'ono to fling with either of your guys.

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If for nothing more than pretty Pridelander babbins. emotion_kirakira

Maybe Ronan? I'm not too fussed though hahaha.

I'd love to fling with her! Ronan needs cubs, poor boy is so behind his brother. Only one thing, if they try and find the vikings and Ragnvard finds out they are Ronan's kids, he may try and kill them. Which could be a fun plot. XD Ronan wouldn't go back to claim them though, it would be a one night stand for him.  
[OOC] Plot Recruitment Threads

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