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Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 4:27 pm
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Note: This RP is backdated to when Kamia's cubs were small.

Kamia had found herself back in the pride again and she was feeling absolutely miserable about it. Her encounter with Shangyue had caused nothing but grief so far, even with her two sons safe and sound in her den. The separation from her daughters and the accidental discovery of Meshach's camp weighed heavily on her. Never mind that she had been all too happy to distance herself from her attacker and now she was stuck here again, as close as ever.. but she would never abandon her pride, her family and her friend. That she was here was impossible to change, and still it didn't help to brighten her spirits.

Ota was firmly stuck at Kamia's side now that she was back in the pride. She knew it would take a bit of adjustment before everything would be OK again and she was more than willing to help her through it. For tonight, that simply meant hanging out quietly by her den and that was just fine.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 4:35 pm
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There'd been a big to-do recently concerning one of Avahk's cubhood friends and the grey lion was concerned for her. He wanted to make sure Kamia was okay, and to offer what help he could. She had cubs, and so did he, and they weren't too dissimilar in age, and what gap existed would seem much smaller in a year.

He was glad Tseva had insisted on coming though. His mate had been slightly overwhelmed when they'd returned - not by the size of the pride but by how much of it he was related to. That had made the former Swampie shy, and now that she had a convenient excuse, she was trying to be more sociable. Or to glue herself to him, Avahk wasn't entirely certain which.

"Kamia?" he called out softly as they came near. "Ota? Is everything okay?"


Tseva would normally have stayed near her cubs, but when she'd thought longingly of the friends she'd left behind in the Jini-msemi as Avahk explained his errand tonight, he'd invited her along. It hadn't taken long to arrange for someone to keep an eye on their children and she had to admit she was intrigued. Avahk spoke of these two lionesses and their long friendship together, but he didn't seem the least be romantically inclined.

Presumably they were related to him in that case.

Regardless, the black female was determined that there be no other lionesses in Avahk's mind before her. So while she did want to make friends, her deepest motivation was much more personal.  


Obsessive Bookworm


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 4:51 pm
Kamia was laying just outside her den, listening to the sounds the cubs made as they slept safely inside. She was grateful to have Ota with her, uncertain how she would have gotten through this alone.. though she knew her family was there for her, she was glad it was Ota.

Her ears perked up when she heard her name called, tensing for a second until she realized whose voice it was. She looked at Ota.

Ota's eyes were out in the distance long before Avahk and Tseva made their approach, but she didn't really see them until he called out to them. She immediately felt a rush of guilt, knowing they hadn't really spoken to him since all of this started.. but he had been busy with his mate and starting their own family.

The white lioness picked herself up and went to meet them.

"Avahk," she called back, "It's good to see you."  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:30 pm
The grey lion relaxed somewhat and smiled at the white. "And you. I guess that's the downside of parenting - suddenly having no time to see my own friends," Avahk offered with a resigned grin. It had been an adjustment, to say the least. And, of course, Tseva griped relentlessly about how he hadn't been present when she'd been raising their first litter.

At least one of the two of them had experience? Avahk was certain he'd have managed to screw something up otherwise.


Tseva relaxed as she recognized the lionesses who had greeted her when she and Avahk had first returned to the Mwezi'Johari. Maybe she was just being paranoid. But the black lioness had seen lions whose eyes wandered once they'd gotten a girl pregnant or once the cubs were born. She didn't think her mate would be one of those, but the fear wouldn't go away, not with the general tension level in the pride.

She'd have hinted that they could leave, after all, she'd left her own pride for him. But the one time it had been brought up, Avahk had point blank refused to abandon his home and kin. Now wasn't the time for that argument again.  


Obsessive Bookworm


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:30 pm
Ota smiled at the pair of them.

"Oh yes, congratulations!" she said, "I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to come see them. I'm sure you've heard about the trouble we got ourselves into over here."

She happily included herself in the drama with Kamia and her cubs, it was her fault that they were sent out with Meshach.. and in part her fault that they were caught, since she was the one who told Vesper. And he couldn't hardly be blamed for trusting his sister. Ota felt guilty about leading him to that discovery as well, though they had agreed it was better to know sooner than later, even at the cost it came at.

Kamia could hear them but she took her time pushing herself up to her feet to join them. She was mentally and physically exhausted, but she wasn't going to let them stand so close by and talk about her without intervening.

"I don't know that I'd blame us for the trouble," she said, walking up and standing by Ota, offering a smile to Tseva and then Avahk.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:03 pm
Avahk nodded, accepting Ota's felicitations. "You'll have to come by and see them before they're old enough to choose actual ranks," he told the lioness. They were getting very close to that point, and then they'd probably want to start moving out. The way any kids did eventually.

He raised an eyebrow at Kamia and her comment. Or rather, her tactfully not saying that if Shangyue hadn't raped her, none of this would have happened. But he wouldn't say any of that aloud.


"At least there are fewer of them this time," Tseva muttered with a dark look at her mate. Honestly, you'd think he'd have told her sooner that he came from a large family and that his father was one of eight! But know, she hadn't learned that until much, much later when the lot of them had left on Pilgrimage.

"There's blame to be had, but we are adults here, and it's no use pointing paws," the black liones said firmly. She had heard some rumors, but was patently not listening to any of them, good or bad.  


Obsessive Bookworm


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:18 pm
Ota looked at Tseva curiously when she remarked on the futility of trying to assign fault in this situation. They were beyond worrying about it but not above acknowledging it. She wasn't wrong but it was an interesting comment nonetheless.

"True enough," Kamia agreed, still managing to keep a smile on her face. She wanted to tear Shangyue's stupid face up but that was not an issue to bring up with a relative stranger who seemed to prefer the calm.

"I assume you've both heard where we were," she said carefully, "Most of the pride probably knows by now."

What would they say about Meshach's presence on the borders?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:25 pm
"Yeah...I may have heard something about that. Prince Meshach was protecting you?" Avahk asked, seeing no irony at all in granting the purple lion his true title. The male was aware of how he'd stood up against Shangyue two years ago, but had failed to incite the rebellion he'd clearly hoped for. And Shangyue's supporters had easily quashed any hopes there'd been.

It had been interesting to learn that Meshach was still nearby. Perhaps he hadn't given up as thoroughly as Avahk had thought.


Tseva had heard that the cubs had been taken from somewhere not too far away, but again, hadn't really listened to details. Unless if the whole pride was on fire, she didn't want to hear about it. And she really didn't need another fire in her life.

So she was quiet and let Avahk speak for the two of them. He knew these people, this pride, far better than she would. Of course, she might know it better if she tried harder...but it was still not easy for Tseva. She missed her home.  


Obsessive Bookworm


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:37 pm
Ota stayed quiet now, reflecting on the decision to send Kamia and her cubs out to Meshach, and the later decision to hide the cub that would be Shangyue's heir if he chose to acknowledge them- or if he were overthrown and someone sought a logical next choice. She had a feeling it wouldn't be so easy but was sure it was better this way. Shangyue with one high class daughter was enough, it was likely only because they were boys that Umepatwa and Ndogo had been left with Kamia.

"Yes, he was," she agreed, "We thought it would be safer there, the cubs are in the high class. We weren't expecting to run into anybody who favoured Shangyue and his rule."

It was all the truth, but it wasn't something they had spoken to Avahk about. Up until recently, it had only been Kamia and Ota discussing the idea of rebellion by themselves.. then Meshach was found out and included, now it would slowly start to expand. It was hard to judge how Avahk would react, especially with his own young family and mate to worry about.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:05 pm
Avahk blinked at that. High class...that explained a lot. And yet, not enough. The lion frowned as he thought this through.

"He let you all live? I know he didn't go out of his way to kill anyone after the coup, but that doesn't change the fact that he's been willing to shed his own family's blood before," the grey lion observed darkly. "Or maybe he's just keeping you around until he's got a legitimate Heir." That sounded more like the Shangyue Avahk had seen. The lion had been canny from a young age, planning out his attacks before executing them flawlessly. In order to increase the pride's stability, the King would need an Heir. Regardless of what Shangyue thought of Kamia's rebellious leanings, he'd want an Heir that was firmly in his control.


Tseva stayed quiet as the subject turned to death and rape. She was scared, not simply for herself and her cubs, but for her mate, his friends, and the cubs sleeping in the den just beyond. To talk of the King, and the coup, and his penchant for death...the black lioness wanted to cover her ears and block it all out. Or drag Avahk away. But he showed no signs of wanting to leave...  


Obsessive Bookworm


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 3:27 pm
"Could be," Ota agreed seriously, frowning, "I think he knows it's early to risk breaking his promise not to harm anybody after he took the throne.. but he got what he wanted."

Or he thinks he got what he wanted.

She would have been more comfortable saying so if Tseva was not there. They'd been burned for being too trusting already, while she didn't doubt Avahk and his trust in his mate, she seemed less inclined to take sides.

Kamia smiled sadly.

"Antara probably saved us all," she agreed, "Shangyue took her from me, he didn't want an illegitimate heir in the paws of rebels. And the boys are saved only by their tenuous position in the high class."
PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:30 pm
The Hunter snorted. "Early? He's been in power more than a year already. Cubs when he took over are adults now, and having cubs of their own." It wasn't early at all from that perspective.

But his frown grew as Kamia discussed her daughter Antara. He'd taken the girl because she was his eldest? What on earth did he intend to do with her? At least Kamia was right about the boys. If all went well for them, they could live in relative obscurity.

"I'd be concerned for your daughter then. He can't have anything good in mind for her," Avahk cautioned.


"It makes me wonder how he could take the throne," Tseva muttered, more to herself than anybody else. The more she heard about this Shangyue, the less she liked him.

"But how can you stand it? To have your daughter in his paws? To know your sons are only somewhat safe?" the lioness blurted out as she tried to imagine what life would be like if she were in Kamia's position.  


Obsessive Bookworm


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:30 pm
"He'll need more time than that to be forgiven for what he did," Ota said, shrugging, "It's been a while but not enough to prove that he is true to his word about causing no more harm."

And this attack on Kamia would go largely unnoticed. Others would know she bore cubs by the King and they might suspect what happened but some would refuse to believe it and others would refuse to acknowledge it. It was hardly murder, and Kamia was hardly royalty..

Kamia gave Tseva a tired smile when she asked how she could stand to have her family split up and in such a precarious situation. It would be a long time before she was ever happy with herself for this, before she knew that it had been the right choice.. she would spend years waiting, if that's what it took, for evidence that it would have been better to fight Shangyue when he came for their daughter, or to run before he could ever have found out.

"This is my home, I could have run- maybe I should have- but I didn't," she said, "Antara is innocent, and she is his daughter. She'll live, and if she's lucky, Shangyue won't want much to do with her himself."

She knew already Antara would survive, that Shangyue would not kill her- it was telling that he didn't immediately do it, but she had dreams about their future. Enough that she was sure they were physically safe. Their mental well-being was something else to worry about while they grew.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:38 pm
Avahk snorted again, expressing his opinion for how much faith he had in Shangyue's ability to keep his word. He wasn't thrilled for the girl's future that Kamia spoke of, though he knew she was right. Still, it just sounded like a messed up life and nothing he'd wish on any cub.


"It still sounds awful," Tseva said with a frown. "I just don't understand though. If he's so horrible...how did he end up King? And why is he still in power?" The black lioness had been fighting to not understand for so long now that she surprised herself with her questions.  


Obsessive Bookworm


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 4:10 pm
"He had a rightful claim to the throne, just two generations to wait out before he got to it," Ota said, looking at Tseva, "Even though he killed his grandmother and mother to get to the top, he was still next in line after them. At the time, he had an unexpected amount of support and set a precedence with his violent start."

Kamia frowned as Ota explained, nodding along.

"There were a few who opposed him, but even Prince Meshach and Princess Andama couldn't rally enough support to put a stop to it," she added sadly, "It seems like everybody is trying to stay out of trouble now, so it's hard not to feel like you're alone in opposing the king."

Ota smiled.

"That won't last, though."  
[IC] Mwezi'Johari Lands

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