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Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 2:34 pm
Yoyo! I'm pretty new to SOA but I'm dying to explore all the new possibilities with the small horde of kitties I've gathered so far.

I'm really open when it comes to roleplay. Generally I can do guild, instant messager, and rapid-fire. I am also down to just plotting if that's more your style.

Just as a fair warning I am a single mother so there are some times that life overwhelms me. I might also be a touch slower to respond to tags during certain months of the year. If I ever feel like I might have to be on hiatus I'll definitely be putting out a warning so people don't think I dropped off the face of the Earth.

I'm sure at some point not everyone is going to be in here. Mainly I'll be focusing on those who actively have my muse in this thread but everyone I own is up to roleplay anytime. Check out my journal to see da rest of the horde!

There's no form or anything like that to post if you're interested. Just poke me anytime. Please feel free to PM anytime if you feel nervous about posting here as well! I promise I don't bite. I can be also contacted on AIM at Pollflee or Skype at Fleepolly. Just please let me know who you are so I can nickname you since I tend to forget names rather quickly.

Just as a warning this page will be extremely long. I like to have a number of vague plot points going for any character in here!

But with out any further ado sit back and relax why Polly proudly presents the parade of kitties.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 2:37 pm
Just for my sake I'm just going to be keeping this here.



[b]Relationship status: [/b]

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[b]Interested in:[/b]

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[b]Extra notes:


Fashionable Mage


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:38 pm

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Pride/Pack/ect: Rogue

Relationship status: Already found his princess.

Personality: Mal is a very laid back sort of guy. He's a seasoned field medic that spends his days traveling around with his friend Amadi (bromance 4lyfe) offering his skills to anyone who is in need. Because of his line of work he prefers to keep his connections fast and loose. It simply makes things easier when he has to get up and move on to the next patient. Those that can stick it around long enough to make a lasting impression on him tend to earn a life long friend and loyalty from him. A general rule of thumb is that if Mal can remember your name then you're solid in his books!

Due to the stress of his job outside of work Mal does indulge in a lot of different vices to take the edge off. His favorites being a love of fermented fruits and a even larger love for lionesses who are easily woo'd into sharing their den for the night. Make no mistake, he doesn't give false promises of love or build up dreams of staying and settling down with a family to anyone he shares a night with. He's upfront with the women he chooses to sleep with on how this is all gonna go down before anything starts to get remotely heated.

That's not to say if he did manage to make a few bastards out there (Which he's bound to have at some point) Mal is a honorable man about it. He would recognize them as his own and take full responsibility in providing for them. If the mother seeks him out to let him know of her pregnancy you can be damn sure he's going to play a part in his kid's lives whether she likes it or not.

Interested in: General RP

Specific plot ideas:

Did someone call for da docta?
Need someone in need of medical attention? Mal can do that. Need a mid-wife in a bind? Well, he'd prefer not to but he does have some experience in the past with it. He's a pretty well rounded medic since he's scene a good chuck of issue in his time out in the field. Granted I base Mal more off of real world ER doctors. So he isn't one to stick around for long term therapy. He's more of the type of doctor that gets in and out quickly. His job is to make sure you don't die in emergencies.

Alright, alright. C'mon and go wild
Mal honestly loves kids. He really does want a brood of his own one day. So if one or two came up to him and either wanted to play a game, or give him a make over he'd be totally down with it. Let the children go wild!

Bruh, you need to calm down
Could be fun to see someone completely flip out on Mal. He typically is the type who refuses to fight unless one of his patients or loved ones is in danger. So even if the other started to swung Mal would calmly dodge or back away from the situation. Chill verse hot head! Ding ding ding! Let the battle begin!

You know what boys, I've decided, I want a castle when I retire
Mal does yearn for a home and basic family life. I could see him settling down somewhere in a pride that is as relaxed as he is. He's not one to toss his lot in with the Stormborn or Firekin for sure. But until then he forces him and Amadi to take a lot of pit stops and enjoy the scenery. Perhaps someone could meet him in this moment or try and sway him into staying?

Not interested in:
Death, serious injury, Pride offers, mate offers.

Extra notes:
He's tol and thicc. emotion_dowant

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Pride/Pack/ect: Rogue

Relationship status: Single

Personality: Organa is a very stoic, stern, and reserved lioness. She's also kind of a b***h.

Organa was raised along side her partner Kenobi in a pride with a very low birth rate and extreme religious practices. Their paths in life were set out before they reached their first year and there was no changing the course. They had their ranks chosen to better the pride, or so they were told,

Both were raised as Justicars - warriors who worked directly under the council to eliminate those deemed threats to their society and criminals on the run. She was taught to rely only on her partner for comfort and for many years that's just what Organa did.

However when Kenobi himself became a criminal, a traitor amongst their people who dared to run with a small rebellion against the council, Organa was left heartbroken. She was suddenly left without her rock and sole confidant. So, she put her pain to good use. She uses it as a drive to track down her partner and have a final meeting with him.

Because of her upbringing Organa is incredibly socially awkward. She doesn't know how to charm a room or even engage in mild small talk. She keeps her conversations short, and curt. With extreme formality in her speech and tone. Often she speaks with a purpose or a goal in mind and thus issues commands not requests. Being polite and socially graceful was something that she never learned how to accomplish. That was best left for Kenobi to handle.

Another problem Organa has is that she grand sense of arrogance about her. She believes was trained to be the best, why should she not act like it?

What Organa does rely on to break the ice is an extremely dry sense of humor and harsh sarcasm. Though this often backfires on her when she takes it a bit too far. But if you can learn to withstand it and stick by her Organa is a rather calm and collected lioness.

Organa despite her bad upbringing has a great sense of honor to her actions. If you have bested her or shown you deserve respect, she'll grant it. Organa is also loyal to a fault and once you have broken past her barriers she's most likely going to be willing to die for you.

Interested in: General roleplay, life lessons, friends.

Specific plot ideas:

Have you seen this man?
Organa currently is traveling to find Kenobi. So she often is forced to question locals about his whereabouts. Now if they give her this information or mislead her is entirely up to you!

Let's try some calming meditation
Organa is going to get seriously injured after dueling with a Firekin went a bit too far. Her shoulder is extremely torn and needs lots of therapy to bring it back up to relatively normal standards. A healer will come along and find her, bringing her back to the Bahari for most likely months of physical therapy. I would love her to meet some of the Bahari and gain a sense of zen after her time there! Or just learn what the hell the meaning of fun is outside of battle.

Learn to enjoy the sand:
Why Organa is stuck in the Bahari I would love for her to actually connect with people and meet some friends. Show her that life isn't all about fighting and duty!

Eggo is preggo - help me:
Organa finds herself pregnant why at the Bahari from a unknown rogue she met, though she doesn't remember anything of this coupling the aftermath is very clearly growing in her stomach. She'll be giving most of them for adoption but there will be something about one child that drives her to want to keep them. She's going to need a lot of tips on how to be a parental figure!

Not interested in: Pride offers, fights (For now), flings, romance (though at a later date she might be woo'd), permanent injury, death.

Extra notes:
Gana is very small and delicate looking on the outside. What she lacks in size and strength she makes up for in a great deal of speed and mobility.

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Pride/Pack/ect: Rogue (Future Stormborn)

Relationship status: Single

Personality: Azadi is a very odd sort of lioness. Most look past her as she tends to stick to herself in the backround, watching and observing people come and go around her. She's grown up living in the shadow of others with the majority of her life spent in slavery. This does not mean that she's not confidant by any means. She has been given free reign over her life and her own choices and she'll relishes having the freedom to be able to say no if she wants to. Others might have gone wild with this new found freedom but Azadi would rather slowly take in everything a bit at a time as to not overload herself.

When someone does stir a reaction out of her she's a very blunt, straight-to-the-point kind of lioness. She sees no point in fluffing someone's ego with white lies when the truth desperately needs to be said. She doesn't really understand why everyone chooses to be so needlessly complicated or dramatic.

Azadi though is very curious about the world. Having been sheltered most of her life every day brings a new experience for her to explore. She will go out of her way to learn something or throw her heart and soul into a hobby or cause just to say that she did it. Eventually I suspect that she'll be a jack of all trades, but a master of none.

Interested in: General roleplay, romance (If there's a good plot behind it), friends

Specific plot ideas:

Part of your world:
There are so many things that Azadi hasn't gotten a chance to see in this world and now's her chance! Right now I'm looking for anyone and everyone who knows a interesting little hobby to show her the ropes so she can say that she tried it out, doesn't really matter what it is!

What is that on your back?
Azadi wears the mane and part of the pelt of her former master as a trophy. Could prove interesting to see someone who previously thought her calm, innocent, and harmless to find out what her outfit is made out of!

Hey there, kidlets:

Surprisingly Azadi is very good with kids. In her youth she was often stuck on babysitting duty for the higher ranking members of her old pride. I'd love for her to show off her natural maternal instincts at work!

Not interested in: Flings, pride offers, permanent injury, death

Extra notes:

She hitched her star to Tethys' war band to help against the fight with the Phantoms after he freed her. So anyone in that group is completely open to interacting with her!

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Pride/Pack/ect: Bahari'mtoto

Relationship status: Will be married to Zeedrow

Personality: Ume is a older lioness that has had her fill of drama in her life.

She was born royalty in a pride far into the deserts. Spoiled rotten she was being groomed to be a key piece in securing alliances with a neighboring pride through marriage. Unfortunately when she was in her cub hood a very bloody and violent civil war broke out inside the pride. After years of fighting one last coup finally ended the war but resulted in most members of her imminent family being killed. Ume now a adolescents was still considered a child in the pride's eyes. Like the other children of the royal court she was maimed brutally before being tossed out into the deserts to die, serving as an example. Through anger fueled willpower and a large helping of luck Ume did manage to make her way out of the deserts and began to rebuild her life now as a rogue.

She spent her young adult life wallowing and full resentment. It pushed forward a urge to overcome her new disability and to learn how to fend for herself now that she no longer had servants to take care of her every whim.

Years have passed now and Ume has calmed down significantly. Long gone were the wishful dreams of returning back home and overthrowing the current leadership. She has learned to accept what happened has happened. Nothing is going to be able to change fate nor bring back the dead.

If you can pull her from lazying about in the sun or meditating in the surf Ume is generally a very warm and cheerful lioness. Who has a extreme knack for trolling others if she sees the opportunity arise. She rather enjoys taking a very laid back approach to life now that she is in a safe home where she can relax for once. Ume is content in her life right now settling into the Bahari. Taking the role of Pombuka she enjoys her time caring for the children. Even if most of her time is now spent chasing after the whirlwinds of destruction or tracking down cubs who are pushing their limits on where they can explore!

The one thing Ume has no patience or time for is childish drama or adults acting like brats. She's seen her fair share of squabbles already. Those with the flare for the dramatic tend to just exhaust her. Don't expect this lioness to stick around and argue for long if you insist on behaving poorly.

Interested in: General RP, pride RP, kidlet adoptions?

Specific plot ideas:
Your point being....?
Ume is completely blind. She has no shame in this fact. It has however changed her outlook on appearance just a weeee bit. To put in bluntly she doesn't give two shits about appearances. She cares about functionality over anything else.

I would like her to meet someone extremely vain (perhaps insecure could work as well) that pulls her aside to chew her ear off about either her messy coat appearance, perhaps something that they find distasteful about themselves, or could be they found something they just think is butt ugly and they need someone to complain to NOW! I think the clash of two opposing views would be really fun to see. :3

I can show you the woooorrrld!
Ume tends to keep various trinkets, plants, shells, and bobbles she's collected over the years in her den because they "might come in handy" someday. Need a certain herb from another region? Sure, she probably has one lying around. Gotta have that one gem for that fabulous head dress? Well if you can find it, it's yours. Want a weird do-hickey from a master crafter in another pride? Eh, look in that pile. That was the last place she felt it anyways.

Point is Ume is basically Wall-E. Someone could come in and be amazed/disgusted with just how much junk she has laying around. There is a open policy for most things she has lying around that if you can find it and need it, then by all means have at it.

Teaching an old dog new tricks
Ume needs to be sometimes reminded that trying new things isn't bad. She needs a good kick in the butt and to be thrust into trying a new craft. Have something daring, exciting, and generally will make this old lion nervous? Let's do it.

Come visit for tea, darling.
Why Ume isn't the best for getting along with the younger crowd she is extremely interested in making friends. She does get lonely when not with her niece and her father. It would be nice to have some people Ume can go visit from time to time. Though most of them will have to be in the Bahari since she might skirt the borders on supply runs but she doesn't leave anymore.

Learn to see the world without your eyes
Have someone who recently has gone blind who needs some help adjusting? Or perhaps someone who wants to learn how to battle/hunt without needing their sight? Ume can assist them. Would be interesting to see her take on a student. *Has one student currently. Wouldn't mind more later on however.*

Not interested in: Death, pride offers, serious injury, flings, mate offers.

Extra notes:

As stated above Ume is completely blind. She doesn't make it a point to hide her disability within her pride. It doesn't mean that she's useless but of course it does make certain tasks more of a struggle.

Be aware that if you're outside of the pride she's prone to take more measures to keep her condition a secret to avoid any others trying to take advantage of her because of it.

She does not leave the Bahari lands. She might skirt them and be close to the rouge lands but she'll always stay within a day's travel of home. Please just keep that in mind if you're offering rogue roleplay!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:02 pm

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Pride/Pack/ect: Rogue

Relationship status: Has something planned.

Personality: Kenobi has a much more friendly and easy going nature than his counterpart. Why he often keeps his personal problems and thoughts reserved to themselves Kenobi finds no problem chatting with a stranger or foraging an alliance.

He still has a prideful nature about him. Kenobi often isn't seen around others because he chooses not to be. He doesn't understand these people who often try to resolve disputes through words instead of getting it over with, punching the bloke in the face, and then going and sharing some fermented fruit together. He'll go into townships and meet strangers when he feels it suits him or gains him some advantage.

Kenobi does have a grand sense of justice and longs for freedom. That's why he choose toss all his beliefs aside and rebel against the council. He wanted the right to make his own choices in life good or bad, to be able to have control over where he goes, who he chooses to mate with, what happens to his children. He wanted to be free. Thus Kenobi is hesitant to create prolonged friendships or alliances. He doesn't want to feel like he is stuck in a commitment. Try and settle this one down and tie him to something and you'll watch as he leaves flaming skid-marks.

He does share the same dry humor and sarcasm as Organa does. His has a more macabre twist to it most of the time.

Interested in: Temporary traveling partners, general roleplay, fights.

Specific plot ideas:
I would love to see someone fall for Kenobi and him leave her in the dust the moment she starts dropping the L bomb. This plot could result in cubs or not. I just want the drama. Might be taken. Will update later on and see. 8D

Breathe in....and out.
Kenobi is a born fighter. He doesn't quite understand the reasoning behind talking it out. I'd love for someone to teach him! Give him some clarity and tools for being able to convince Organa of his convictions.

Yo I saw your girl.
Kenobi needs to start developing a network of spies who look out for Organa for him. Most of these will be NPCs but I'd love a few real ones. How he earns them typically is by gaining a debt from them after preforming a task or favor, or with the promise of a form of payment. What that is? Well that's up to you!

What a woman...
I want someone to stand up to Kenobi. Someone who can tell him to sit his a** down and stay there when he needs it. But yet also respect his opinions and teaches him there's so much more to live than just constant fighting. That what he did was worth it in the end. This is kinda what I want for a lifemate for him. I'm willing to wait to see when the right woman rolls around. She can be of any race! I'm just looking for a good chemistry.

Not interested in: Permanent injury, death, pride offers at this time.

Extra notes:


Fashionable Mage


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:03 pm
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:04 pm


Fashionable Mage


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:05 pm
Wild Dogs
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:06 pm


Fashionable Mage


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:07 pm
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:07 pm
Those who need a bit of fleshing out through RP!

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Pride/Pack/ect: Schnee la Neige'milima

Relationship status: Single - Not looking!

Personality: Chione is a spunky adventurous soul. She loves to be out exploring the wilds and pushing the boundaries into the unknown. Why she is friendly and kind to those around her she's gotten a bit of a reputation for being a wild child.

Because of her constantly being out exploring alone and rarely being actually home other than to stock up on food/sleep she has few friends besides her own companion B'un. This does bother her a little when she does head back into the township, in turn leading her to push herself away from others even more in a vicious cycle.

Interested in: General roleplay, friends, pride roleplay, family roleplay, possibly dangerous situations? (NO maiming, death, or permanent injury.)

Specific plot ideas: What are you doing up here?
It would be interesting for her to come across someone in the woods unexpectedly! This could be a pride member or even a rogue. Perhaps someone who also enjoys exploring like her? Or just someone lost.

I don't have that many ideas for her yet but I would love to explore her more through roleplay!

Not interested in: Death, injury, fights, romance/flings, pride offers.

Extra notes:


Fashionable Mage


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:09 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 12:24 am
Added Organa and Kenobi to the mix! Two sides of the same story. We will win in their final clash of the titans? (Spoilers: Kenobi)

Also added a lot more plot ideas into the mix. Again, if you feel that one of my kitties fit the bill for another plot feel free to hit me up with it! I'm extremely open to ideas out of this thread! User Image


Fashionable Mage


Skilled Explorer

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 1:16 pm
Moar plots, all the plots!

For Ume! I have a blind leopard ...
User Image
He's been blind since birth, but still sometimes feels a bit embarrassed by this, maybe she could teach him to be a bit more open/proud of it. Also, he's never thought about fighting with his blindness as a handicap so if she wanted to teach him to do that, it could be fun~

I also have this boy in Bahari....
User Image
He could try teaching her to swim, be friends, maybe see how they click as potential mates, WHATEVER 8D I need to explore his personality either way XD

He could also meet/RP with Yukio if you want~

Kenobi! I have this girl...
User Image
Her entire philosophy on life is "love as you will". She is a quiet, soft-spoken cheetah, a healer by nature and training. She tends to stay in the background of a group and doesn't talk much unless spoken to first. However, she holds the capacity for great love and enjoys little ones of all kinds. She's had one litter of cubs so far, so she's already an experienced mom XD I think that even though she's usually quiet, if he did something she felt needed to be addressed, she would tell him - in the kindest way - to settle his butt down. Aaalllsooo she's a Seer, her powers are strongest having to do with the present and she tends to have visions as part of dreams. Most of the time, they aren't very clear and she sometimes has to think a while about the meaning.  
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:06 pm
Okay, I've got a few offers for ya!

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I would love to offer Neema for the first plot on Kenobi's list. Already skittish around males, I want her to develop a firm distrust of them (so she can go off and join an all lady pride because of it.) For this, I think it would make a good plot if she was a temporary traveling partner that sought to aid Kenobi from being found by whoever was hunting him. She wouldn't ask questions, be rather quiet, yet friendly, and enjoy his company. When she eventually fell in love with him and reached out to telling him, he would desert her and her skittishness could blossom into a "all males are horrible things oh geez" and become frightened of reaching out to another in the future (I'm so kind to my SoA xD)

I'd be happy for this to result in a fling, to cement her feelings "he left me with a broken heart aaaaand kits to take care of-ugh!", but if you aren't feeling the fling thing, that's totally fine too. 3nodding

User Image - I've got Kitoweo that would love to be a part of Mal's bachelor group. He's very rowdy, loves the ladies and has a thing for getting into fights, whether or whether not he actually knows how... sweatdrop I'd love to get him some further development, so whether it's joining the group or just RPing with Mal on the road.




Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 8:36 pm
OH GEEZ SO MUCH AT ONCE. I love it. Okay, let's tackle this.
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1. Eletumaini
Definitely! She'd be glad to show him that being blind is nothing to be ashamed of. And though it has it's drawbacks it also has perks. Granted if he wanted to be a student for a time he would have to stay in Bahari lands which I'm not sure if you're okay with.

2. Alepo'i
Oh he's beautiful! 8D I'd love for them to meet and see how they'd click. Do you have any idea what his personality is like?

Perhaps Yukio could join them on a swim.

3. Eisheth
Oh man she kinda sounds perfect for him. Someone who can show him the softer side of life and calm him the hell down. I'd love to see if they'd click through some roleplay?


1. Neema
Why she's not quite what I'm looking for in a fling for him I'm down to have her heart broken! He'd accept all the help he could get and probably would be completely blind to the fact she's falling for him until she says it.

2. Kitoweo
Lol he'd be a fun addition to the ground. Mal would most of the time set a paw on his shoulder and tell him to chill the ******** out if he tried to start any unnecessary fights. But Mal and Amadi won't turn down someone tagging along. The more the merrier.

@To both of you
Let me know if you would like me to start these respective roleplays and what format would you like them in. (Guild, skype, aim, ect) I'm super excited to see what happens!

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