User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.S Y B I L L E R Y A N N E L e B E A UXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

      on the surface...
          ↪NICKNAMES Sybille
          ↪AGE 17
          ↪BIRTHDAY 3/21/2027
          ↪ZODIAC Aries
          ↪GENDER Female
          ↪BLOODTYPE A
          ↪SEXUALITY Straight
          ↪BLOODSTATUS Pureblood quarter-veela

      digging deeper...
              ✚Intelligent - I am quite intelligent. I always love to learn and find out new things, and can deal with complex ideas quite easily. I also tend to be very good with numbers, a fact that my parents despair at considering their views.
              ✚Creative - I am very creative. I love to look at things in an abstract way and find outlets for my creativity. My favorite hobby by far is drawing, though I enjoy many outlets for my mind. If nothing else, it's something for me to do to expand my mind.
              ✚Curious - I am naturally curious. I always wonder what is around the next corner and try to learn things I has never encountered before when I runs across them. My reasoning is sound in my mind. It's always something new to learn, and I want to find out as much as I can.
              ✚Traditional - I am quite traditional. I believe that the old ways are best, and work to better myself as a proper young lady. While not prejudiced, I do tend to look askance at girls that act out in what I consider bizarre ways and can't quite comprehend why anyone would make themselves seem unseemly.
              ✚Reserved - I am actually quite reserved. It takes me a bit to actually get to know someone, and tend to try to melt into the background. I don't like to stand out and try my best to remain inconspicuous, though this is not always easy for me.

              ✚Learning new things
              ✚Rainy days

              ✚Being uninformed
              ✚The cold
              ✚Being bored
              ✚Noisy places

              ✚Fast learner
              ✚Good listener

              ✚Hates too much attention
              ✚Loses herself quickly in that she's working on

              ✚Being used


      a history lesson...
            My childhood wasn't that bad. I was born to Julien and Claudette Lebeau, a pureblood family. My father is half-veela, while my mother is simply a pureblood. I was raised well, and taught everything I needed to know about being a proper young lady, which honestly was a daunting task. However, I endured it and came out the better for it. I also at a young age discovered a love of drawing and reading and haven't stopped either yet, even though my parents warned me that I shouldn't be too smart to put off potential suitors. I also have a younger brother named Cyrille, who is probably the furthest thing from a proper young man as one can get, but he's still young. It will come with time.

            Around my tenth year of life, my parents were contacted about possibly arranging a marriage for me. I was a bit apprehensive about the idea, but my parents were thrilled. They believed that it would dissuade those that didn't have my best interest in mind, and it isn't necessarily a bad idea. I just don't particularly care for the idea of marrying someone I don't know, though I would have to at some point. When I got my letter, I was quite thrilled. Not only would I be attending Hogwarts, but I would finally get to meet my intended. I hope to get to know him better before we're married, after all.

            I had a relatively uneventful time my first year at school, though I was most disappointed not to be placed into Slytherin. However, I did meet some friends during my time in school. I also got to see the person my parents betrothed them to, even though we never were able to talk. Perhaps we can run across each other sometime before next school year.

            Second through fourth years were relatively quiet for me. Arden had already graduated Hogwarts having completely avoided me during his last year, and I ended up spending a lot of time with Kiery and Laili as a result. We went to a Halloween event at school dressed as witches (which was odd, I thought we were witches), and I ended up cheering on Laili and Kiery in quidditch.

            Then Cyrille started school, and began flirting with everyone he met. I'm surprised that my brother hasn't managed to offend everyone in the school with his antics, but that might just be me. Fifth year was also exam time, and I spend a good amount of it studying for that. Sixth year, however, I realized that my feelings for Kiery might not exactly be platonic, and I'm trying to work those out. I guess I'll just figure out how that goes.

            info here

      occupational hazards...
          ↪WAND 10 3/4 inch cedar with veela hair at its core
          ↪HOUSE Ravenclaw
          ↪YEAR/GRADUATINGYEAR Seventh
          ↪ACCOLADES None
          ↪EXTRACURRICULARS Drama Club (Since first year)
          ↪CURRENTOCCUPATION Student
          ↪DREAMOCCUPATION Potioneer
            Astronomy ~ O
            Charms ~ O
            Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
            Herbology ~ O
            History of Magic ~ O
            Potions ~ EE
            Transfiguration ~ O
            Art ~ EE
            Divination ~ A
            Cursebreaking ~ EE
            Wandlore ~ EE

            info here

      anything else...?
          ↪FAMILY Julien LeBeau, Claudette LeBeau, Cyrille LeBeau
          ↪FRIENDS Kiery Hemlock, Laili Abrams, Helena Davisson
          ↪SIGNIFICANTOTHER Kiery Hemlock
          ↪PET Owl named Tiphaine
          ↪MISCELLANEOUS info here

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Recent Updates Accepted By: Weasley 5/16/18