User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Name Cassidy Britte Bolan

Nickname Cassie

Gender Female

Age 15

Birthdate August 21, 2031

Blood type: B+

Languages known: English a little of Irish-Gaelic

Instruments known: Drums, harmonica, and still learning guitar

Appearance Annie Thurman Eventually will be Hattie Watson (fc to be sent)

Wand 11 1/2inches Mistletoe, Springy, with Merpeople scale core

Current Job: Human tornado

Dream job to travel the world!

My blood status is Muggleborn

Attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

House Gryffindor!

Year: Fifth

Sexual Orientation: Still thinking

Current Significant Other Gross no one

Personality Loud, both in voice and spirit. Cassie likes to be both seen and heard and really doesn't mind being the center of attention. She loves being around people; especially her family, her mum and grandpop's band mates or even just the people at the Lyre. She's also very active not liking having to stay in one place for too long without something to do. A bored Cassie is not a happy Cassie. From a young age, her mother would always have activities or special scavenger hunts set in place for her so she'd have something to do, which grew into a love of adventure and a curiosity for the world and everything in it. She absolutely loves finding out new things and trying new things and it's her dream to somehow make a living off of it.

The Road So Far Cassidy was a very big surprise to her mother Rory, the young woman having gotten knocked up at a music festival she actually played at by a man from another band. Once finding out she was pregnant, correspondence with that man suddenly ceased much to no one's surprise. She sucked it up though and finished out her final year at Hogwarts and gave birth to her daughter at the tail end of Summer. Cassie was very much loved by her mother and grandfather and grew to love the attention. When she was a toddler, her mum started dating a man by the name of Cameron Rowley whom Cassie came to believe was her dad and started calling him so when she was around three years old. Around that time, her parents became closer and he eventually moved in with them into their large home further cementing his place in her life. When she was five, her mum told her that she was pregnant and months later, her little brother Sean was born finally giving her a round the clock sidekick! Cassie had been around magic basically all of her life, even though it wasn't primarily used in her household (because of all the electronics) or around her mum's muggle bandmates. But considering that her mum worked in a music store in a magical alley, she was introduced to it from the get go. Her first bout of accidental magic however didn't happen until she was eight when running near the pool (like she wasn't supposed to) and ended up tripping and falling face first into the pool. Or she would've had she not actually bounced off the surface of the water and landed back onto the dry surface. To her it was pretty cool but to her mum blamed the incident on her growing white hair count. But now she's finally eleven and able to got to Hogwarts and learn all she can about magic. She's very excited and hopes she gets into her parent's house.

First and Second year at Hogwarts were great! Cassie did get sorted into Gryffindor like she hoped and she was ecstatic about wearing the same red and gold as her parents! She hadn't gotten as close to Kory as she would've liked but that was ok, she was an older teenager she probably didn't want a younger kid hanging around all the time. Her classes were hard but interesting and while she didn't have much of an interest playing Quidditch, she really enjoyed watching it. Especially when she got to flap the banner around!

Third and Fourth years were spent hanging with her friends and learning more for dueling club. Quidditch was fun and all but dueling was what got her blood pumped up! She had been afraid her dad would be disappointed but he seemed alright with it which was a huge relief. She's not too sure if she's ready for her OWL's but she had another year, it wouldn't bee too bad right?

+Chocolate milk
+Climbing stuff
+Playing music
+Hanging around her mum and grandpop's bandmates
+Watching Quidditch

-Being cold
-Dark chocolate
-Being left alone in the dark
-Rubbing alcohol (she gets allot of scrapes)
-When she's bored

~Watching Quidditch
~Dueling practice
~Practicing the guitar

Fears Getting lost in the dark

Strengths Very friendly and energetic

Flaws: Can't or won't sit still and is very nosy

Alignment: Currently Chaotic Good

Pet A Pygmy Puff named Pippi

O.W.L. Scores:

N.E.W.T. Scores: