xxxxR O D R I C KxxxP E R S E U SxxxR O S S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              AGE 13

              BIRTHDAY 7 December 2031

              BLOOD STATUS pureblood

              WAND 10 ½ Apple, Unicorn Hair, swishy

              GENDER male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Tyler Hoechlin [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              YEAR third

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective ~ X

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective ~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT big brother

              DREAM JOB Hit Wizard or Auror

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ JUST Fair, honest, and hardworking, he has a strong sense of morality and knows the difference between right and wrong. He thinks everyone should be treated fairly and allowed a second chance, (they're just human, after all.) And even if it means he might be caught against friend or family and doing the right thing, he likes to think he'd do the right thing.
              ■ BOISTEROUS Always in a good mood, he loves to let it show. He'll randomly break out into song and dance, he uses ridiculous slang terms and he's always full of life and energy. On the other hand, it means he gets bored easy. He is not the type to entertain himself. He's a bit flamboyant, and loves to celebrate every little thing. Despite being rather rowdy, he's somewhat of a coward. He would have to be backed into a literal corner to pick a fight with someone; he does not like fighting.
              ■ DREAMER He believes anything is possible if he tries hard enough and believes. He thinks big and lives big; if he's going to do anything he's going to do it all out and in style. He's filled with a lot of hope and belief, and sees the true good in everyone around him.
              ■ PASSIONATE Easily excitable and emotional, it'd be easier to ask what he isn't passionate about. No matter how small, he can find something--good or bad-- to either rave or whine about. He gets carried away with his hobbies, and can burn himself out.
              ■ OBLIVIOUS Unaware of any negativity around him, he may not notice when other people have gotten tired of his tirade. He talks without thinking and can be rather inappropriate when it comes to boundaries. His intentions are good, but his actions might not always reflect that. In his mind, he only ever wants to forget about the bad and look to the good and have fun with his life; it doesn't occur to him that other people might not feel the same.
              ■ ENVIOUS He doesn't like it when other people have something he doesn't. Whether it's a new pair of shoes or a happy family with both living parents; it hits like a bludger to the front teeth. He isn't greedy, by any means, and he loves to share, he just has an expensive taste and wants every shiny thing he sees.


                  race cars
                  slang words
                  cartoon shows

                  sweetened tea
                  snowy weather
                  broken-by-magic electronics

                  model rockets


                  bad with money

                  losing his brother
                  violence and fighting

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Rodrick was born in England to Evelyn and Ramsay and the first years of his life were bliss. His mother doted on him. His father had great plans for his son. But the relationship between his parents wavered as the years went on and Rodrick was brushed aside and cared for by the house-elves. In a few short years, he was given a sibling, Robert. It should have been a happy occasion but the fighting and arguing worsened. In truth, his mother had been cheating on her husband with a married man, Eric Kinsley, on-and-off for the past several years. By the time it came to light that she was pregnant with her second child, she and her husband hadn't shared the same bed in almost half a year making it plain to see that the baby wasn't his. It was becoming painfully obvious that neither was Rodrick. However, it was too late for Evelyn to have an abortion. Ramsay, enraged and heartbroken, demanded that he would have nothing to do with the children and left. That was the last time Rodrick had ever seen his father. From then on, she was permitted to carry the baby to term in their familial home then was forced to give both children up for adoption. Ramsay would suffer no more and would never spend another knut on b*****d children that weren't his. Moreover, it meant Evelyn would have no leverage to take Ramsay to court. They separated, and he forced her to sign a quiet divorce that would never see light of a courtroom. He struggled to repair his life as she drowned in the destruction of hers until she ultimately grew ill and passed away several years later at St. Mungos Hospital.

              Meanwhile, Rodrick remembers very little of the entire ordeal until he and his baby brother were given up to Wools Orphanage. He never heard word from their family since. At the orphanage, most of the other children were much older than the boys' were so they didn't play together as often, but it didn't stop Rodrick from trying. His memories at the orphanage are happy, for the most part. But he always had bad dreams. He spent so many hours wondering why his mother and father had abandoned them, or why they never came back.

              But, just months after his fifth birthday he and his baby brother were both adopted by a young couple: Darius and Annabelle Ross. They seemed nice enough, if a little scary at first. And while he doesn't make a habit of calling either one "mum" or "dad" he's grateful to them for everything they've done. Especially since it meant he wouldn't be separated from his brother. Robert was the only person that had always been with him through everything. They'd never been separated before and he's not keen to change that anytime soon.

              Still, life is full of changes. Or so it was when the baby Eitan joined their family when Rodrick was only nine. Eitan is their cousin, apparently. It's what Belle and Dare kept saying. He had hardly seen much of their uncle, the one who birthed Eitan. But he got the impression his adopted parents weren't very happy with him. Personally, Rodrick had a hard time sharing attention with the baby, but that waned throughout the months until he was happy to have someone else to blame on broken toys.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  2043-'44 FIRST YEAR Rodrick had a great start to his year, despite being sorted into Gryffindor instead of Slytherin. He made a few new friends: Xavier, August, Aldrick, and Cai.
                  ___EXTRACURRICULARS n/a
                  2044-'45 SECOND YEAR A bit more boring than first year, he kept to his studies and did a bit of exploring around the castle.
                  ___EXTRACURRICULARS ---
                  2045-'46 THIRD YEAR ---
                  ___EXTRACURRICULARS ---
                  2046-'47 FOURTH YEAR ---
                  ___EXTRACURRICULARS ---
                  2047-'48 FIFTH YEAR ---
                  ___EXTRACURRICULARS ---
                  2048-'49 SIXTH YEAR ---
                  ___EXTRACURRICULARS ---
                  2049-'50 SEVENTH YEAR ---
                  ___EXTRACURRICULARS ---

              POST GRADUATION ---

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                Birth Parents: Eric and Evelyn Kinsley
                Adopted parents: Darius and Annabelle Ross
                Brother: Robert Ross
                Uncle: Virgil Ross
                Cousin: Eitan Ross
                Aunt and Uncle: Jaslyn Ross and Jacob Drage
                Cousin: Marcia Drage
                Aunt and Uncle: Dominic and Grace McHalen
                Cousins: Aiobheal, Gwyneth and Rhydian McHalen
              FRIENDS Xavier Talbott ● August Li ● Aldrick Knapp ● Cai Blodwen
              BEST FRIEND ---
              ROMANTIC INTEREST ---
              ENEMIES ---
              PETS ---


              UPDATED 4/26/19

              UPDATES MADE
              ■ Updated for the next school year [8/21/18]
              ■ Added info on baby Eitan in last paragraph of bio [10/2/18]
              ■ Added first year info [1/7/19]
              ■ Added second year info [2/26/19]

              PENDED BY Weasley 10/6/18
              ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [12/16/2018]
              RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY Weasley 4/26/19