Ormr had never left home before. He was born in the land of his mother's birth and raised following old pawsteps, sometimes taught in secret, sometimes not, but the young male still knew there was more out there. More to see, more to hear; and his muses didn't help. Like his mother he was called a dragon by the reptiules around, fespecially the snakes, whispering in his ears of his might, but Ormr didn't feel as powerful as his sisters. What he did know what his mother had roamed for seasons in the wild, and, if he tried, maybe... Maybe he'd be special, too.

Ormr didn't know his sire, nor was he raised with one to teach him the ways of males -- only his mother with a little of girls.. and one boy -- himself. And being different never felt easy, for all of his mo0ther's love. Travelling wasn't intended to hurt his mother, or sisters, though; Ormr simply... Wanted to find his paws in the world, and so he'd set out as they'd slept to explore the roguelands, heedless of the superstitions and stories. Rogues coiuldn't all be bad, he decided, if his father may be such, and the dark male moved through the area he chose carefully, paws lightly treading earth in near silence, needing to put ground between home, and himself.

Pawsteps drew Jin's ears, really. The Sador had been out hunting, working to sort out her frustrations as she seartched for good prey, but the steps sounded wrong for prey. The demons had many species to learn the sounds of -- dogs and hyenas, hybrids and leopards, and of course, lions, and ther young lioness quickly ascertained the pawsteps were those of a lion, pleased only a moment she could tell before sighing. Not that it was worth much -- for Jin was born much too pale to be a proper demon. While her markings were black, her base was a soft yellow, her head and tail fluffs green, and that... That with two sador parents meant there was no hope of her bearing the dark, deep inner voice of a demon. The sador sinply had no spirit from the hellgate, and the lack was a mark of sorrow. not fior want of love -- Jin knew she was loved, wanted, and adored, she knew she was well treated, but she felt hollow and alone, walking to find the intruder frightening off prey with a sigh. She was no guard and the pride was wanting constantly forthem, being mobile, but Jin knew someone ought look into it, and so, when she spied a dark figure, she was somewhat surprised -- because there were no demons in the area she knew of. Then again, she wasn't sure he was in the pride at all, and he seemed to be trying to sneak.


Yeah, this was no demon, and Jin squared up, and trot for the outsider at a brisk trot, expression serious.

"Hey. You're trespassing." Jin said, calmly.

Ormr was shaken from focus on fleeing bythe pale lioness. In fact, he didn't even think much when she'd drawn near until she was in front of him, shoulders squared and eyes focused patiently on the male, and Ormr startled when she spoke, frowning.

"O...Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know." He stammered shyly. Jin tilted hier head at him, and shrugged them, sitting.

"It happens. I figured I'd letyou know since the guards are elsewhere." Jin motioned a paw, shaking her head. "Plus Mom says we're technically not even home, so that's a problem we need to address as a pride... One day...." She huffed, eyes rolling. She loved her pride, but she wondered if the leaders were ghetting too old.

"Anyhow, I'm Jin. Who're you?" The female sat to watch the pale male, Ormr blinking before cocking his head.

"I'm Ormr. Your pride is rtoaming?" He asked. Jin nodded.

"Mmmm. My mother says the Hellgate turned on the pride a few seasons back, and we're trying to get to a coastal area but... Held up dealing with some pride in the jungle we need permission from to get there safely." The female sighed, Ormr listening before his ears pricked.

"Pride in... The Kizingo'zaa?" Ormr then blinked. "That's where I'm from. We're not... Normally out of the jungle." Suddenly, his tail tucked between his legs, the male looking fairly sheepish. Jin blinked, ears pricking, before she chuckled gently.

"Well you don't need to feel embarressed. I mean,you're brave for trying to explore and besides, you're so dark I'd be amazed if you lack a demon." She complimented. Ormr blinked, surprised enough his guard hairs fluffed slightly. Him?? Brave? To a strange girl? Suddenly, the male felt self concious indeed, blushing as he looked to his paws.

"I'm... I'm not thast brave. I'm trying to figure myself out. The snakes said I'm a dragon like my mom and sisters but... But I'm the only boy. And I'm dark. Mom thinks Itake after my Dad." The male looked to his paws shyly and fidgeted. "I want to find out what I'm supposed to be."

"It's fine, I can't judge you. I always felt I... Well, in my pride, lions of dark coats are born normally with demons within, to guide and teach. But Pale folk like me, or anything non lion or dark leopard is... Not. But I wish I had one. There's so many stories of Sparda and Morifaer alone, I wish... But I don't." Jin sagged then, looking down. "The best I can do is birth a litter of cubs by a demon or similar and hope I have demon children."

Ormr watched the pale lioness droop, the darker male blinking. Stories? Of demons? His ears pricked curiously, the small thought in his mind nudging him.

"How do you know you don't have one?" He offered. Jin laughed sadly. "I'm pale. I don't hear anyone either so I can't seek to prove myself either." A bitter laugh then. "But I listen to stories all the time. And mom says it's not bad but I feel... Like something's missing."

"Maybe your muse is demonic." Ormr offered. Jin blinked, head tilting a bit in curiousity.

"My... What now?" She asked. Ormr beamed.

"We hear them all the time. Everyone's muse is different, from birds to reptiles, to other species like leopards or similar. Mine's snakes, Mom is lizards! When we die, in our next life, we join the muses as one of our own, so I might be a snake when I die,. Maybe... You just can't hear your muse because the demons around you are scaring your muse, but..... Muses bring stories, inspiration. Maybe they'll talk someplace else. And maybe in your next life, you'll be a demon too, like the others. Your spirit might just think it's already there."

Ormr nodded -- it made sense to him, and Jin listened, taking in the information seriously. It was a new idea, one she knew nothing of, but still worthy to consider. No true demon yet, but one trying to guuide her paws to become such.... That... That sounded wonderful. Still she regarded Ormr thoughtfully.

"In my pride, you'd be an ideal demon." She explained. "Demons have dark pelts aside ratre cases, and they're strong warriors with a dark inner voice that guides them. But....."

"I don't hear anyone." Ormr said. "And the snakes think I'm a dragon, I'm not sure--"

"Oh, but you look like some demons do! Maybe they think your a dragon because you're a demon dragon. You don't hide a demon inside, you ARE the demon, so you hear the snakes because -- becauiser they're your serbvants, in another life." Now Jin was excited too, beaming at Ormr whom considered this information carefully, tail swaying. A demonic... dragon? Was that why he was different? Jin's explanation of demons did make sense, but... Others who resembled him? THAT was curious, and the dark male had to chew on the idea. He didn't know any family but his sisters and mother, but if the blood of demons was in his... The young male seemed to light up then, eyes wide. Of course it made sense, then! Muses were meant to help! Maybe... Bith of them were special? Ormr blushed at the thought, loking to his paws shyly, and Jin tilted her head once again.

"Are you okay?" She asked. Ormr nodded, looking over shyly.

"I think so. It's... I juat realized neither of us are quite right in our home, but we might be... Together? I mean mixing our information not--"

"-- staying quiet?" Jin finished, and smiled shyly. "It's like... we're helping one another understand. Like my mom helps my dad, and dad tries helping mom." She fidgeted then shyly. "...Dad loved mom, he says, before they joined the demons."

"I didn't know Dad. Mom had a fling." Ormr said quietly. "I look like him most, maybe. I dunno." He swallowed, and Jin pondered.

"Maybe he was a demon." Jin suggested. Ormr looked terrified, before Jin smiled.

"No! That's good! Some demons are really nice, like Perseus' demon, or Miss Kabi's demon and miss Kabi. Oh! And Kankri has a SUPER nice demon he calls the Sufferer. Demons can help!" Jin wiggled then, Ormr blinking.

"Maybe. Maybe -- my dad had me so I could help... "OH!" And suddenly his eyes went wide, Jin blinking as Ormr raised a opaw to his muzzle, a thought clearly crossing his mind -- a big one.

"Maybe father knew you needed help.," He breathed. "So he had me with my sisters." Ormr breathed. Jin blinked, ears pricking as she raised her head insurprise.

"You know, I know lots about demons, too. Maybe I can help you work on being a good demon?" Jin offered. "I know a lot of stories!"

"I love stories! My pride collects lots of stories and things! Maybe you can bring them to me and we can tell the leaders--"

A pause then from both. Pride leaders... Who might not like outsiders. Jin winced then.

"Mama says our pride needed to talk to your leaders about going through your home to... To a new home, though. They might not like us though, so they won't want us talking. A lot of outsiders don't like my pride." Jin looked down then, sad. She liked Ormr. Something about him felt good, like a soft, warm blanket of pelts, or the sun, in a rare moment in the day, and Jin huddled sadly. Ormr frowned.

"If so they might not like us talking, either, but... Ilike talking to you. You're nice, and smart, and if you're right... But I don't fit near your pride either because..."

Because! They wen't like anyone else in either pride, and Ormr winced. Jin seemed so kind, and knew good stories, and she wanted to help -- but if they weren't to talk, Ormr might never find answers, and that....

The male frowned, looking down. He was silent, thinking over the tales of demons from older pride members silently as he considered his options. He didn't want to leave this female -- they only just met, but he didn't WANT to leave her. He wanted to know more, to see that smile grow, tyo help her growq in turn, and he considered his paws silently several minutes before jerking his head up.

"OK, then, if my Dad's a demon, and I'm a dragon demon..." Ormr said thoughtfully. "Then... If your learning from a muse I can help you maybe hear, we should run away." Ormr put his paws in a firm position, Jin surprised by the detyermination on his face.

"Wait, together?" She asked, blinking. Ormr nodded.

"IO like you, you're smart, and nice. You know stotries,and if I'm a dragon demon maybe you can help me. And I can help you learn about your muse and hear it!" The maler said firmly. "Plus, I don't want to leave, if you were meant to help.i.... I like you. You're not like girls at home."

Jin gasped, blushing faintly. Was he-- oh. Oh he WAS, Jin didn't expect that. The demons and sador at home never gave her a second look like THAT, and here came something possibly bigger that was offering yo help her... And who thought she was as worthy of trying to be a demon as he was, pelt or not, and the female studied hr paws. Maybe they'd even... Even...

"Yes." Jin answered quickly, moving to Ormr shyly, before grinning. "And... I'm Jin."

"I'm Ormr." The young male introduced, bowing politely, before beaming, nuzzling the pretty young lioness fondly. Jin returned it, a faint rumble in her chest of joy as Ormr smiled before glancing about, then nodding.

"I think there's ways to trigger muses, away from home -- come on, if we go now, my pride won't notice till morning I'm gone."

Jin noddded, grinning happily.

"And mine won't notice either, because they're noctournal." The female shifted next to Ormer, nuzzling again as he beamed. Ormr beamed back, shyly grooming her ear before moving to slip into the night, Jin slipping after rapidly as she followed the male into the night, neither lion looking back. They, as far as they felt, had no need.... Not withthe other at their side, and soon, the only trace in the Aegnor land of either's presence was the faint scent of both, resting in the grass that had been under their paws.