Name: Feiliah
Age: 20
Nameday: 3556.13.22
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: ???
Craft: Apprentice Weaver
Rank: Candidate
Location: High Reaches Weyr
Physical Description: Feiliah stands about 5'10", with light brown skin and long, dark-brown hair. She's naturally trim, and slender--but not particularly curvy or overly strong. She's a bony girl--still mostly elbows and knees--with long fingers, long legs, and a rather stretched-out appearance. She never quite filled out the way her sisters and aunts did--but she doesn't seem to mind. The less attention on her, the better. Her eyes are large, with long lashes, and are dark violet-blue.

Personality: Feiliah is the epitome of a well-bred Holder girl. To start, she's always been very polite and mannerly. She does her best to ensure she gives the proper amount of respect to those of various rank--she is, to be sure, a bit intimidated by those who are high up the chain command--but she would never treat someone poorly because they were a drudge, Holdless, or unskilled. In fact, Feilliah would be horrified to learn she treated anyone poorly--even those that cause her great frustration. She would never want to draw attention to someone who didn't want it; she would never go against someone's wishes; and she would never speak ill of someone to their face or behind their back.

She is also a girl who is obedient, in the best ways. She follows the rules, and isn't the sort to break them. She would be absolutely devastated to find herself in trouble, and would be crushed if she brought shame to her family by misbehaving. No, she is in all senses of the word a "good girl", and certainly does her best to meet the expectations others have of her. She is, in a way, always a guest in any situation; she would never think of insulting those who host her, and she would do her best to prove that that she is worthy of their time. No matter the task at hand, Feilliah is the sort to walk through the world with little complaint or objection to her lot in life. She tries to make the best of any situation, and avoid those that might cause her complication or strife.

Though she might be dubbed a goody-two-shoes, Feilliah is sincere and warm-hearted. Those who get to know her will find her very open to meeting new people, and supporting them as best she can. She is sweet with littles, and has no problem assisting those who might need it when asked. She isn't a shy girl, but she also tends to be too polite to make the first move, which can cause her to come off as reserved. In reality, she simply wants to ensure others have a chance to speak up first and would never dare to steal the limelight from those who might crave it.

Unfortunately, Feilliah is known to be traditional. She truly believes in the hierarchy that has served Pern the past centuries, and is a staunch supporter of it. When people forget their place in the world, chaos and anarchy ensues--or so she believes. Everyone has their place, and the world is far better off knowing where they belong in it. Especially with Thread having returned, Feilliah is grateful that those in Pern still remember their duty

Positive Trait List Polite, Warm, Obedient
Negative Trait List Inhibited, Traditionalist,

History: Her history began after her mother, Ellianah, fell in love with the young Farmcrafter, Feinton, whom she met at a High Reaches gather. He had been assigned to help work the fields and help assist the current Journeyman in keeping up the land after it had been over-tilled. His assignment at the cothold was only meant to be a few Turns, but by the time it came for him to leave, he begged his Masters to let him stay.

Thankfully, his work had proven fruitful, and the High Reaches was more than happy to keep him in their employ, with some of the minor and neighboring cotholds periodically "borrowing" his services from time to time.

Feilliah was the middle child of a large brood between the pair. With four older siblings, and three more after her own birth, she fell very much right in the middle. To complicate matters, she had many aunts and uncles located at the main Hold, with just as many children among them.

She was brought up in a large, tight-knit family in High Reaches Hold. She was just another girl, among many--with ten aunts and uncles combined, and most living within the territory--it was hard not to be close.
Other: Anything else you want to add?

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? Yes
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No
- - - > Please keep in mind that Stands Impressions are very rare. This means that not everybody will get an opportunity to have a surprise Impression, and you lower your chances of being picked by a dragonet. Given the character is not ICly an official Candidate, they will need a reason to be at the Weyr of their choice long-term, or at least for every Hatching.