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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[Horse Clutch Feast] Wild & Free: Open! Goto Page: 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:21 am

It was the middle of the night but High Reaches Weyr was abuzz with activity. With the last Hatchling having successfully Impressed, spectators were able to come down from the Stands and out into the Bowl. The little weyrlings were made much of by those passing by--who didn't love to see the baby dragons? Still, the Weyrlingmaster and his assistants would ensure that the young weren't disturbed--these first moments were precious and new. The new weyrlings and their young charges would lack in nothing -- not food, not oil, not attention. Any questions would be readily answered, and any problems (should they arise) be taken care of swiftly. Every dragonet would be fed their fill, properly oiled, and then instructed to return to the Weyrling Barracks. The pair could then decide if they wished to clean up and join the festivities or remain in the Barracks to rest and sleep. There would be Assistants on hand for any who chose to remain--and no one would be pressured to attend.

This was their moment, of course, but they weren't going to force an exhausted pair out.

For those who chose to attend the feast, the glows had been opened, fires stoked, and lanterns lit outside in the Bowl. Given the snow-covered landscape, and cold air, much of the festivities would take place within the Lower Caverns. For those who wished to remain out in the Bowl, there were a few tents set up, with braziers lit for added warmth, and dragons could sit upon their ledges, socialize with visiting dragons, or sit within the Bowl as they waited for Theirs.

For Candidates who did not Impress, or who knew this was their last Hatching, they would be given the option to attend the celebration, or return to the Barracks. It wasn't easy being rejected, and for some, their time at the Weyr would soon come to an end. Some would be sent back to Hold or Hall, to start a life without ever having found a lifemate, while those who were weyrbred might remain as help. Not every heart was ready to move on, and the Candidates would be given this day to grieve, sleep, and take comfort however they saw fit.

For those who did wish to attend the celebration, HIgh Reaches would not disappoint. The Lower Caverns was full of life and merriment. Workers continued to bring out tray after tray of food, spanning across one enormous table. There was herb-crusted mountain wherry, multiple herdbeast roasts, a rich caprine stew, and a buttered Tillek spiderclaw scampi. There were meat rolls, veggie rolls, and sweet rolls all of various flavors; Deepfish Bisque, a spicy Igen Curry, a Nabolese glazed porcine, various vegetable chowders and soups, and a flavorful Western gumbo. There were fruits and vegetables from all over the Northern and Western continents, cheeses, hearty breads of various flavors, and a few meat pies with a variety of spices, flavors, and fixings. For dessert, there were bubbly pies of six different flavors, multiple cinnamon loaves with a sweet drizzle, and large Baked High Reaches that sat next to a six-tiered cheesecake! Klah, wine of all variety, water, fresh juices and ciders were spread out on various tables. It was clear that no one would be hungry this day!

Harpers were already playing music to entertain those celebrating. There was a mix of singing and more classical pieces while most ate, but as the night progressed, there would be a mix of jaunty dance numbers, and slower songs for which romance might well bloom. The dancing floor was open to any who wished to take a turn.

- - - - - -

OOC & IC Rules
1. The Horse Clutch Weyrlings are allowed to participate at the feast! For anyone who doesn't wish to participate, they can settle in the Barracks for the night. Weyrlingaster(s) and Assistants will be there to check on them.

2. Horse Clutch Weyrlings and Candidates have been given time to change into party-appropriate clothing. Western Weyr Weyrlings are not allowed to attend.

3. Horse Clutch Weyrlings do NOT get to drink, do NOT get to have pants feelings, do NOT get to get into tussles or fights. Candidates may take comfort however they see fit and are under no such restrictions--though fighting at a party will likely land them in heaps of trouble.

4. Western Guests are allowed to attend provided there is a reason for them to be there--this could be helping in the kitchens, helping transport guests/visitors/Candidates, bringing over once HR weyrlings things and setting them up in the Barracks, etc. They can also come if they are family to the Candidates, or a lover/partner/date. Western Weyr is trying to make amends for some of their previous behavior, and is expected to put their best foot forward.

Wingleaders are expected to keep their more troublesome/vocal wingriders in line or else--Hestina's orders.

High Reaches has also been told to keep the peace. This is a chance to smooth over some of the edges and make peace with their alliance.

5. Eating can happen anytime, though the Harpers probably won't start dancing immediately. There'll be time to scarf down food, before space is made indoors for couples to take a turn on the dance floor! Weyrlings are allowed to dance provided they don't do anything to get them worked up, ifyouknowhatimean.

6. The Weyrlingmaster's will be checking in weyrlings-- DO NOT PLAY YOUR WEYRLING as if they aren't getting their needs tended to. If their dragonet starts to get upset, an assistant will be there--even if we can't RP it.

The Weyrlingmaster Second and Assistants will also periodically be watching/checking on the new pairs. Do not hesitate to reach out to any of us if you baby dragonet needs something!

7. That said, while baby dragonets are allowed into the Lower Caverns to be with Theirs (they are still small enough) they are expected to behave and not run wild. Any adult dragon can still order a baby dragon around, even the golds; while golds have command abilities, as a weyrling, they are STILL lower rank than even an adult green purely due to being a baby. Weyrlings don't officially get true rank until they graduate. This goes doubly at Western Weyr, as a gold is looked upon no differently than any other wingrider.

8. Remember, though, IC Action/Drama = IC Consequence! If action must be taken, please remember it is done so because of IC reasons and shouldn't be taken personally. That said, don't bring in characters just to cause trouble because you, as a player, think it's fun; that can spoil things for our other players or cause what we do to be shut down early. Please just try to have fun! Remember, this is a Big Deal for new weyrlings, and all guest and visitors in attendance; if you were lucky to come to watch and celebrate, you are one of the rare few on Pern to do so. The vast majority of Pern NEVER gets to see a Hatching in their life, much less stand as a Candidate for one.

9. Have fun!

10. It is well known in a Weyr that baby dragons are known to act fierce and/or be dangerous before they find Theirs. The dragonets that injured folks on the Sands will not be treated any differently than those who didn't; it's not taken as a personal offense. While it's clear the family and friends will be affected, and even spectators, at the end of the day dragons and riders know the hard rule--it happens. It's not a rarity, it's not a surprise, it's common. Dragons who haven't Impressed can be volatile, and every Candidate who enters the Sands knows this. The dragons won't be treated poorly or differently and they certainly won't be punished or shamed. Injury was a risk every Candidate accepted when they agreed to stand and will continue to accept if they wish to Stand again.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 3:14 pm

D'rok and Bronze Khazariath

D'rok had almost decided to keep Khazariath to himself, rather than attend the feast. The Weyrlingmasters had been dutiful in making sure they had gone unbothered unless willing and it had been nice. No prying eyes he didn't want.

But there were others he'd felt were more important to make introductions to - and he would have been remiss to not proudly show His to the entire Weyr - as well as Western. So he'd accepted the gift passed onto him from his father. Finery that was unneeded to make him suitable to stand next to Khazariath, but made him feel more the part.

Presentation is important, but you are mine without it, Khazariath assured, though there was no small hint of pleasure at D'rok's care about such things. They both were aware of what the future could and would hold. All they could do was be mindful and prepare in all ways for it.

I appreciate that, but this will be the last time I get to wear such finery for a while - and I'd like for it to be associated with such a fine memory as this. Of him showing off as fine a dragon as would ever hatch at High Reaches. He couldn't help but admire the way the oil made his hide gleam more than it already did as they walked, making their way into the lower caverns where many others would no doubt be found.

Khazariath stayed close even as they entered, pausing to bow at the older dragons they passed before they were left outside. D'rok already was looking through those gathered, trying to spot any familiar faces - His siblings, his mother, even Dehka.

As if they would leave you waiting, Khazariath said confidently.


Are you not going to come down and see them up close? Martirae, despite other distractions had not been deaf to the maternal gushing Anakumath had done over each little hatchling as she curled up with Elzebuth - a position she'd made no motion to leave now.

It is Zenobiath and Aresoth's time to be with their little ones. I would never intrude. Anakumath replied, and Martirae couldn't help but agree with that logic. Enjoy the festivities for me.

Of course she would. While she'd chosen a less opulent dress than at her own hatching feast, the purple remained - and if it had a more appealing cut for eyes she was hoping for...she'd not confess to it.

Now it was just keeping an eye out for Zyamel.

E'mel and Blue Brieteth

E'mel occasionally entertained the idea of how far he could go before Brieteth's thoughts left him. Down in the Weyrbowl he could feel Brieteth's burning affections as he curled on his ledge with Loreleth - Want me to nudge a green up for you? E'mel teased, half grinning at the jolt of defensive alarm he received in turn.

But he'd not been told no. Not that E'mel had that kind of ability anyways. And he was hoping to enjoy the festivities in other ways - food! Dancing! Maybe the harpers would let him sing!

He'd opted to step into one of the outdoor tents, rather than the lower caverns, for the time being, breathing in the cold early morning air as he lingered by one of the small fires to keep warm.

Meanwhile, above, Brieteth was content to curl up with Loreleth. I'm happy you could come, Brieteth spoke as though he hadn't gone running to every beach outing, or gone to every touching at Western to see him.


They'd only given a few of their candidates to High Reaches this time - and Danzik was certain they would do them proud as riders of High Reaches. Still, there was something bittersweet about waiting now to see them off to their futures.

At best it would be 5 years if they chose to come back. But they could possibly decide High Reaches was where they would stay. There was a lot in the air now.....

But Danzik wanted to keep an eye out on behalf of her home to make sure everybody who represented them stayed in line now. A little partying wouldn't be bad for their spirits but.......she'd not let the inciting incident pass forgotten yet.


When you are done, mine would like to see you at the Feast, Meigth told Nassiva gently, and perhaps with a small hint of amusement on behalf of the man who, after some checking in with his sons, now awaited her nervously.

The boys seemed to be holding up fine - though any disappointment had been handled in the normal fashion between them. Kahbrohm had already let it be a bygone and now was enjoying some of the spread of food that had been offered up for the Feast. Dehka was......



Kahbrohm hadn't dressed up for the occasion - he saw no reason to. Instead, he'd focused on the things that mattered: dad, Meigth, getting some of this tasty food that was for everybody.

He didn't have it in him to feel sorry for himself over this....and he could already tell there were some who did.




Beloved Werewolf


PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 5:38 pm

Akaris and Green Samodith

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Now then. It was time for the best part! Akaris had little interest in Hatchings, truth be told: she had her dragon, and R'lyr had his, and with no one she was close to among the Candidates, she had no vested interest in what happened. And if she was being perfectly honest, she still found them a bit nerve-wracking to watch, even if she no longer had to worry about being on the Sands herself. Oh, she would have gone whether Western had been invited to visit or not, because it was an event, and to spend time with her brownrider of course, but she paid far more attention to the people around her than to the baby dragons, for the most part. And with Western in attendance? Well. All the more reason for her focus to be on the people around her.

Though she'd almost stayed in her simpler green dress for the Feast, to have even that little bit more time with the family she'd been missing so terribly, but vanity eventually won that fight and she had rushed off to change into something appropriately fabulous. It was fairly modest, by her standards, because it was sharding cold, and she intended to spend much of the Feast outside. She had extra special dragons to cuddle! So even though it didn't 'go,' she had a too-large wherhide jacket pulled on over her outfit to help keep the chill off, and wasn't the least bit concerned about how it looked. It was warm and she loved it and that was that.

After a carefully graceful landing, Samodith made her way to two particular dragons, immediately offering croons and nuzzles and affection as Akaris dismounted - and also made with heaping affection on the bronze and green she hadn't had a chance to properly kiss the noses of yet. And A'ral, of course (but with hugs instead of nose smooches). "I missed you all so much!"

xMr Cheri

she may have just...conveniently forgotten to ever give his jacket back. /whistles
PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 7:08 pm

Jynnat and Blue Begath - Open/ Open

Darkness tried to close in around them, but bright glows pushed it back. Jynnat had dressed up and with Begath watching, she headed to feast. She wore long sleeves to cover and hide the threadscore to her shoulder and arm. The food smelled delicious and she couldn't wait to start. There would be dancing, and she hoped she could find someone to take a swing with her.

Trickster was on his best behavior and sitting in the shoulder hallow of Begath. Jynnat kept an eye out for the new weyrlings. She'd like to congratulate them if she got the chance. Look there some come Mine! They are so tiny! Were we ever that smol? Do you think any will be good at stunts? The woman rolled her eyes with a smile, yes, you were that small once. You use to be adorable. Now he was just a terror. Don't go corrupting the kids before their first full day out y'hear?

M'ton and Green Zygmuth - Open/ Open

Look at that lucky group! The green gushed to her rider as the babies started to appear. M'ton smiled as he leaned against his dragon's leg. They all found theirs. That's lucky indeed. What'll be really lucky is if they all make it through weyrlinghood. Zygmuth turned her head to observe her rider with one eye as she gave a snort. I'm here. What more luck do they need? He laughed and patted her jaw. If she chose to believe she'd be enough to keep them all alive, he wouldn't disabuse her of the notion.

Guess I should go in. They'll likely start soon. Indeed he could hear the musicians warming up their instruments.

Candidate Nalacko - Open

Another Hatching over. She was still a candidate. Nalacko felt so bad for letting her friends down, but none of the dragons had been right for her. She'd managed to get herself a glass of wine and went to find an out of the way corner were she could admire the new dragons. Attention would be on them, and she wanted to avoid her father as much as possible. There'd be a lot of attention tonight for them. Perhaps she'd wait until tomorrow to offer congrats? Would that seem rude by waiting? She hoped not.



PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 11:58 am

Nadry and Brown Menankith

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Waking up in the middle of the night had fast become very familiar, and Nadry had to admit that humming had made for a much more pleasant sound to wake up to than crying.  Not that she would trade the crying!  Especially knowing that very soon now, the twins would be spending most of their time in the creche...which was where they were now, since regardless of the hour, a Hatching was no place for little babies who might start wailing at any moment. And since they were still happily asleep, that made the Feast a prime date night! Not that she wasn't pining a little, as this was the longest she'd been away from them yet, but she knew she was going to have to get used to it. It wouldn't be long at all now before she was back to wingriding.

Well. She was still determined to enjoy the night! It was a good opportunity to finally wear the dress that had been waiting to be worn for nearly a Turn now, although it had required some intervention (much of it from Ichta, bless her) to accomodate the current state of her figure. Because sweet Faranth, did she have more curves than she'd had when they'd made it.

Not that the Feast was just exciting because of the excuse to dress up, or the food - did she smell cinnamon? was that cheesecake? - but it was also a chance to check in with everyone they cared about who'd been on the Sands. At least they'd all come out unscathed, even if they hadn't been found by their dragons today.

Menankith was, of course, perfectly happy and content to be curled up outside with his loves, and cooing over the new little ones. He'd desperately hoped that one of the browns - especially that feisty one! - would want one of His' niece-hatchlings, but they'd been more interested in the boys. What a pity!

Mr Cheri
date night!

mmm cheesecake

Talis and Blue Holleth

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Fancy was definitely not, nor had it ever been, Talis' thing. Put together, yes, but frills were right out, and most any colors that couldn't be described as muted or dark. She didn't do those, either, and even within those already narrow preferences, she leaned very much into blues (no surprise there). But she also didn't like to match Holleth, as that would just be getting entirely too fussy. Really, for all that she might claim that she didn't care what she looked like...she absolutely did, in her own particular way she would admit to no one and that Holleth was careful not to needle her about overmuch.

The little blue settled himself somewhere he wouldn't be in the thick of things, and nosed her gently before she headed inside out of the cold to look for certain someones. Eyes a calm blue-green, he did a bit of looking of his own - politely interested in the babies (especially one blue!), but much moreso in the potential of seeing a particular bronze, or his mother. Not that he would disturb either one, Fianth in particular, as he was quite certain she would be busy at an event such as this one.

lowkey looking for some boys!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 12:33 pm

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T'roi and Bronze Destrierth

Walking toward the cavern where the Hatching Feast was being held, T'roi felt a confidence he thought he'd lost. Only it was a different kind of confidence; instead of being certain he knew everything about everyone's lives, he was certain now he could be greater than anyone thought he could be. And the source of that new certainty was walking alongside him, keeping pace with the tall young man's long stride though he was but a few hours old. T'roi looked down at the handsome gleaming dark bronze head of Destrierth -- his Destrierth. Never did he expect to Impress such a magnificent creature, for all he'd been something of a bronze chaser in his youth. This far surpassed all his expectations.

Sensing his rider's thoughts, Destrierth looked up at T'roi, eyes gently whirling a purple-tinged blue. Fear not, Mine, you will be great. WE will be great. We have in us the blood of heroes and the legacy of High Reaches Weyr behind us.

"I know, beloved," T'roi replied, and he believed it with all his heart.

They entered the Hatching Feast, and the lights from the glows and candles and the sounds and smells of Weyrfolk celebrating the new Weyrlings rushed over T'roi, and he couldn't help but smile. This was for him. Smoothing his hands down the front of his elaborately decorated black jacket, he looked around to see if there was anyone he knew right off.

My siblings! Destrierth's words reached out toward his clutchmates with a sense of strength, warmth and love. Tonight begins our path to glory!


Tipsy Codger

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko

Shameless Elocutionist

PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 12:57 pm

G'rey and Brown Karhath

It had been a good Hatching - that much was certain. Sure, there had been injuries but that wasn't particularly unusual. The worst injuries had already been declared nonlethal - the little brown hatchling mauled by his bronze brother had survived and was undoubtedly resting. And no hatchling had been lost to Between for the inability to find a suitable life partner. All of these were victories worth celebrating. And hopefully they would be able to celebrate just as joyously when the new Weyrlings graduated.

Are you going to socialize in the Weyrbowl tonight?

G'rey knew it was pointless to even ask. It would be warm and bright Between the day Karhath passed up the opportunity to find a partner to cuddle up to, and high on the joy of a good Hatching, he was certain to find someone tonight. So his dragon's answer came as no surprise to him.

Of course. Perhaps I'll even catch a better glimpse at the new hatchlings. I can't exactly follow them into the Lower Caverns, but I can certainly greet them on the way in!

The eagerness in his tone was enough to make G'rey smile, and he offered his dragon a wave of warm amusement as he stepped into the Lower Caverns himself, dressed in his gather best. It was far different than what he'd worn the day he impressed Karhath - he'd been so over the moon he hadn't even noticed he'd missed a button on his vest until halfway through the feast when an older brownrider had shown enough mercy to point it out to him. But there was none of that post-Impression blindness to the rest of the world tonight - his gather best was neat and tidy, prominently displaying the colors of Karhath's hide and drawing attention to the shoulder knots that declared him a brown wingrider of High Reaches.


Niselle and Green Uvaldoth

Shock and elation were words far too tame to describe what Niselle had felt in that moment. She had been on the Sands many times before now, had been passed up by dragonet after dragonet. None of them had been Hers and firm as she was in her decision to stay, even she wasn't immune to feeling a little discouraged.

But every single second of it. Every Feast spent wondering if there was a dragon waiting for her at the end of this, before she became too old to stand, was worth it. The moment Uvaldoth had exploded from her egg and tumbled onto the Sands alongside her twin. The moment the pair of them had charged at her and Kaniel - no, it was K'niel now, wasn't it? The moment, Uvaldoth had pounced on her and nuzzled her cheek and... And... How did she describe it?

She had never felt alone before. She had her twin, the rest of her family at the Weyr, her parents and Mischief. But none of it could hold a candle to being Uvaldoth's.

It had taken a little badgering on her twin's part to get her changed and making her way towards the feast. It wasn't that she hadn't wanted to go - it hadn't exactly taken any arm twisting to get her to. But it was just... So easy to get lost in the whirlwind of mooning over her new life partner. She doubted she'd have gotten a wink of sleep tonight, and it took her perhaps a bit longer than it should have to find and struggle into the dress her parents had bought her. For when you Impress, they had said.

The maroon dress had complimented her just as well then as it did now, and it was a small miracle she hadn't grown out of it in the four turns since she'd been Searched.

She wouldn't have called her entrance into the Lower Caverns anything grand. Certainly, the eyes that turned to her did so in admiration of Uvaldoth trotting at her side, freshly oiled and head held high. Small and gleaming with perfection, her little dragon.

But with Uvaldoth, the moment of dignity could only last so long. For the moment Destrierth's cry went out, her head jerked upwards and she darted forward. Destrierth! Destrierth, isn't it great!? We found Ours!

Have an overly enthusiastic green sister. I'm so sorry.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 2:13 pm

K'niel and Blue Wahokinth

It only stood to reason, K'niel thought, that he and Niselle had Impressed not just in the same hatching, but at the same moment (or close enough to it that it might as well count), and to a pair of twin dragons as well. Looking at it objectively, the odds of such a thing happening were... probably pretty small, but obviously it was meant to be. And Wahokinth --- amazing, perfect, awe-inspiring Wahokinth, who had knocked right into his legs with a honk and a delighted cry of Oh, there you are! Your Wahokinth found you before Uvaldoth found Hers, so I win! --- had completed him in a way he didn't realize he needed to be completed.

He hadn't needed to ask his twin how she felt; he'd seen it on her face and in the way that her eyes never left Uvaldoth for long. Not that he could blame her; it wasn't like he could look away from Wahokinth! Under other circumstances, he thought he might have felt a little hurt that there was now something that superseded their own bond, but it all worked out very naturally; and it wasn't like either one of them would ever want to go back, anyway.

All that aside, they have a feast to attend; he'd had to talk Niselle around a bit so she wouldn't simply stay in and coo over Uvaldoth all night, but it hadn't taken too much. He'd dressed in his own finery; tunic a slightly darker maroon than his twin's but still similar, and gathered up Wahokinth to go with him. His dragon insisted on walking at his side, but as they entered the Cavern his head started swiveling around, trying to take in everything at once, and soon it became clear that he was curious about everything. Or maybe he just couldn't focus on any of it.

What's that? And that? Is that really food, because it doesn't look like food, I want to see what it is--- Wait, Uvaldoth, wait, don't go without me!

Without another word, off he darted after his twin, intent on not falling behind.

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko
Excuse you Uvaldoth your twin wants to come!

Double dose of impulsive siblings! I'm not sorry.

Candidate Rian - Open

Another hatching, another time without Impression. Rian had stood for a few by now, and perhaps it would be disappointing that she hadn't Impressed yet --- and maybe it was, just a little ---, except she loved seeing how happy all of the new Weyrlings are. It's a wonderful thing, Impression, and she never really got tired of seeing that look of awe and joy and completion on the face of whoever had found their dragon at last. It was heartwarming enough that even the disappointment that none had chosen her couldn't stick.

Besides, she had Fidget, who was nothing like a dragon but good enough company to ease away any lingering disappointment or regret. Besides,she hadn't been hurt or anything either, and even if it was late Feasts were always fun,so here she was ready to celebrate a successful Hatching (though she didworry about that poor little brown who had gotten so hurt during it, and dearly hoped he would be alright). Making her way to the tables intent on finding something to eat, she had to stop every five minutes to coo over the dragonets ---from a polite distance, but cooing all the same. So handsome, so beautiful! Oh, look at them all!

Wylde Roses

Unleashed Healer

23,525 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Overstocked 200


PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 3:59 pm

Sylfie and Gold Hesperith

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Ohh, this was...this was just awful. Maybe she should have worn the same dress over again, this one didn't feel right at all. It was very delicate and there were gauzy bits and she was increasingly sure it didn't actually suit her. It would have been better on someone more...more...something she wasn't. She should never have given into the urge she'd had for a new dress, it was silly and the old one would have been just fine. It had never been not fine before and she was just. Just silly. If anyone even noticed she was in a new dress, it would only be because she didn't belong in this sort of thing, she was sure.

Keeping as much to the fringes as she could manage, Sylfie pulled her little fur wrap a bit tighter, for comfort as much to keep out the chill she could never shake during the winter, and tried not to look as miserably anxious as she felt. She was too nervous to even sigh to herself about how precious the new babies were, too busy scanning the crowd and both hoping and dreading to see someone in particular.

Out in the Weyrbowl, Hesperith had settled herself primly in a spot she hoped she might be seen. Eveleth had once invited her to sit with her entourage - might she again? Though she did not have the edge of anxiety that Hers did, there was a pining just as strong, a desperate want for companionship. She knew she would never have the coterie that the senior gold did, but she couldn't help but envy all that adoration, all that devotion. She didn't need that much, no, but...maybe some? She'd had such daydreams about what romance surely awaited her once they had joined a Weyr, and yet here she was. She knew that she was just a young gold, from what might as well have been nowhere as far as most were concerned, destined for no greatness, but surely she deserved her own share of love.

There was no harm in wanting to be courted, was there? Hesperith sighed to herself and surveyed those gathered thus far, gaze skipping quickly past happy couples and groups, and wondered if someone, anyone, might ever notice for more than a moment here and there.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 6:00 pm

Urzoh of green Cartujanth OPEN

Urzoh wasn't for Feasts okay? She preferred not having to dress up, just take the food she wanted and blending instead of having eyes all on her. Dresses, skirts no, no. Hardly out hardly vanity, it was just look stupid on her. No! Echoed Cartujanth with a particularly aggressive snap of her teeth. The green had watched her pull all her clothing out for the better part of an hour, and was sooner ready to tear the fabric into confetti.
Tunic and pants, classic. Clean. And it had fancy buttons. With Urzoh's head freshly shaved that'd be good enough as gather's best.

What strenuous awful work, that needed and awful lot of cake to make her feel better. Cartujanth had no want to stay hiding behind Urzoh. In a flash of brilliant green she was looking and staring at everything. Urzoh's watchful eye kept tabs on her between inspecting desserts and sampling the best of them.

Cartujanth's brassy little honk trumpeted to all of her siblings.Hello! Hello! Headbutting those who returned the greeting with just a little too much enthusiasm.

b]Candidate Rahmsii

Rahmsii took not impressing remarkably well. He's stood for clutches, had been left standing and he found it easier to just move on. There was no sadness tinged in him, except forbid friend who was looking to have lost her eye. He poked his head in once to have been shooed to have his own injuries examined.

He felt (and looked) like he ran through the meat grinder. Adrenaline and torn cloth hid the worst of it. The healers tended his claw wounds, bites from baby teeth. Angry, aching marks held together with a close stitch. He was decent enough health to take it easy at the Feast. Rahmsii knew better than to pick up a glass to loosen up, while there was pain-deadening salve working its magic. There would be ugly scars all, as if the bandages around his forearms and middle weren't ugly enough. He could stay at the Feast, with the promise he would make sure not to do anything strenuous as dance on tables. Ha, as if.

Rahmsii picked lazily at the food waiting for music to start. His brown firelizard Blood, quick as a fish snapped food from his fingers, then curled around his neck like a soft scarf. It was good fun to see each of the bitty dragons, more confident and bright paired to theirs.



Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 6:26 pm

La'hisen and Blue Othelloth

La'hisen never once doubted a dragon was waiting for him, but it still felt slightly surreal to have Othelloth at his side. To say Othelloth was incredible seemed like a gross exaggeration. Never had someone understood him so completely and not only accepted his flaws, but adored every aspect of the young man's being. The young blue sat regally as the man dressed for the Feast, his clothes befitting such an occasion without being ostentatious. To be fair, he couldn't afford some of the fancy clothes like others could. You don't need them. The dragon tilted his head, eyeing his rider almost critically. You and I are more than enough for anyone. But you've dressed well, and have nothing to be ashamed of.

His lips twitched a little at that, but he appreciated the honesty. "I have people I can't wait for you to meet," He said, and Othelloth straightened slightly with pure pleasure. If they've won your regard, I look forward to meeting them. La'hisen could only smile at that, knowing that his dragon meant every word.

Before too long, he was ready, and he walked quietly with the dragonet at his side. Othelloth held his head high, eyes whirling with reserved excitement as he saw his siblings and Theirs. They would undoubtedly have to visit.

It wasn't long before La'hisen found Talis herself, smiling widely even as he approached. "Hey," He said, as verbose as ever, eyeing her chosen attire appreciatively. "This is Othelloth."

The blue paused to regard the young woman in question, his eyes still whirling slowly with contented colors. A pleasure to meet you, Talis. He dipped his neck in an approximation of a human bow. La'hisen wasn't sure how verbal he would choose to be with others, but Talis was important enough for him to make an impression.

One boy for now!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 8:02 pm

Avali and green Zyreth

Oh, it had been absolutely blissful to get a bath! Still, though the girl had scrubbed thoroughly to remove any trace of sand and dried egg goo (fortunately the shell fragments had been much easier to eliminate), Avali didn't linger. Her dragon was waiting.

Her dragon! Her beautiful, incredible Zyreth!

It seemed incredible, to have such a dream come true... Impressing the best dragon on the sands at her very first hatching! As she pulled on the cream colored gown that she'd brought and fixed her hair, she thought back to that moment.

- She'd been checking in with Shimmer, who had obligingly shown her what the hatching cavern had looked like from above. Avali had been about to put the image aside when she'd noticed that the vision included other hatchlings moving about, ones that she hadn't noticed before then. And one of them had clearly been heading right for her! She'd pulled her attention back from the flit just as the green had stopped and looked with whirling jeweled eyes at the mess that she had become. Oh, my poor Avali! What's happened? Can your Zyreth help? -

And then you stared at me, and couldn't speak, the green offered. And you hugged me.

And I thought you were resting! the girl thought back, giggling as she finished brushing out her hair.

I was, Zyreth replied. But others are going now. Will we be going soon, too?

As soon as I finish here, which will be in a moment, the girl reassured her.

Sure enough, a few minutes later the pair were headed to the lower caverns. Upon entering, the girl paused. Oh... Oh my! There were SO many more people than she'd been expecting! And she really didn't know a single one of them!

It will be ok, Zyreth said, gently nuzzling her hand.


Blessed Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 10:27 pm

Ch'el and blue Vardoth
Everything was different.

Ch'el couldn't stop staring at the most handsome, most beautiful, most gorgeous dragon on Pern. Since he'd found himself gazing up into the most beautiful, rainbow-hued eyes, he'd found his world colored differently. Impression had always been talked about as something special, something grand--but to fully experience it was almost overwhelming.

How did they expect him to go to a Feast when he could spend the rest of his night simply gazing at his blue?

Vardoth certainly wouldn't have minded an evening in--except a certain someone might be there, and additionally, a party sounded much more appealing than the work that was to come. It amazed Ch'el how much Vardoth knew, but also how much the little dragon didn't seem to know or understand. Chewing had been an adventure, as had been the surprise of itching, and the joy of oiling. The fact everything Vardoth felt was echoed within him was a feeling that was both rapturous and startling. To feel anothers every thought, every wish, every desire and to have his own washed over Vardoth was overwhelming. Honestly, tears weren't far at any given moment--but they were tears of joy.

Finally, he felt secure in his position and his place. Any fears he'd harbored had been stripped, and the emptiness, the defensiveness, every wall he'd built, had been toppled thanks to Vardoth. There was a new joy within him--and while it certainly seemed to radiate from the support of Vardoth, it was also his own--a feeling he rarely felt without Fe'ral encouraging or instigating. He'd once thought all he'd needed was Fe'ral--but Vardoth--along with Zadelraheth--completed the picture. They had both Impressed, and their futures were finally secure.

That was reason enough to want to celebrate, after all.

He hadn't marks enough for anything fancy--not like some of the Candidates. Thankfully, the Weyr always had hand-me-downs to pass on to those who were less-fortune, and Padmia (along with other talented weavers and workers) custom tailored the clothing to fit. They weren't about to allow those in their care walk around in rags--and while they weren't the most ornate, they were far nicer than anything Ch'el had ever been given.

He'd brushed back his hair, tying it into a small tail with a cord, and

"I'm ready when you are," he spoke to Fe'ral, settling down on his cot and immediately wrapping his arms about Vardoth's head and neck. The blue crooned in pleasure, resting his head comfortably and fondly against his lap. Faranth, help him, he felt like a new man. Maybe he was. The thought of facing the crowd didn't cause him to flinch; he had more confidence than he'd ever felt before, and he wanted to show all of Pern how wonderful his Vardoth was!

That sounds like an awfully long journey. Maybe we let them come to us instead? The blue mused, laughter bubbling up through their link.

Ch'el rubbed the blue's eyeridges and grinned. How could smiling come so easily?

Mr Cheri

- - - -

Another feast.
Another Hatching he left alone.

The red-haired man took his time changing out of his Candidate robe. He was in no hurry to join the festivities, the disappointment solidly gripping him. He used to be able to take comfort with D'zol--knowing that no matter what happened, they had each other. Hope had tempered the disappointment, and they had once been able to distract themselves together and look forward to a brighter day.

Now he got to carry the burden alone.

D'zol was a blue rider, and no longer welcome in his life--but Faranth if he didn't think he'd take him back if the man would only ask. But he didn't ask. Wouldn't ask. The blue rider had others in his life, and Rasthell had come to the conclusion he was simply replaceable. Interchangeable.


He gave a small grunt, pushing away the spiral of heartache and bitterness that threatened to spill over. No need to be a downer--weak of heart, foolish of spirit. He'd be returning to Western without Lauthisen--L'sen? L'thisen? L'this? Some other random combination?-- and he owed him at least a hearty congratulations. There were other Westerner's who had Impressed as well... and Rasthell wasn't about to spoil their moment.

Not, of course, that he believed he would. Their thoughts were likely only on their new companions, and he doubted little could spoil such joy. Still, he'd pretend to be fine, an art he was well practiced in. From his time at Keroon, hiding who he was; to his time post-D'zol, trying hard not to feel despair at losing not just his lover, but his best friend. He would be as good as gold, tonight.

So, Rasthell pulled himself into his gather best--not that it was as fine as some outfits he'd witnessed others sporting--and finally made his way out towards the Feast. The cold, winter air felt nice, and he loped languidly towards the Lower Caverns. He did catch sight of a new bluerider, but given the younger man seemed to be already engaged, he changed his course. He wasn't going to interrupt, and there would be time enough to say hello.

This, at least, meant a good opportunity to sample some of the fine fare provided--and he'd begin with a large goblet of Tillek's finest. Benden Red might go down smooth, but tonight, he wanted something to give him a bit more cheer, and quick at that. A shame there wasn't anything harder offered.

[Rasthell's open for whatever. Drinking buddy. Dance partner. Conversation. He's planning to get just tipsy enough to forget about his woes. He'd rather suffer the hair of the dog than be alone in his head.]
PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 10:30 am

I'zrin and Brown Maestoth

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.I'zrin had been of two minds about the Feast: on the one hand, he wanted to make sure Maestoth got some more much-needed rest and didn't strain himself, but on the other hand, they both wanted to be seen (and there was someone in particular I'zrin was keen to introduce his bonded to). This was their night, after all, even if some insufferable, idiot excuse for a bronze had tried to ruin it. The nerve! Maestoth wasn't about to let him sully yet another triumphant moment, or worse, chance give anyone the opportunity to even think that he was too weakened to emerge from the Barracks. They were going to the Feast, and he would be walking there under his own power! Let everyone see just how strong he was.

Even bandaged and stitched, the pale, muscular brown swaggered his way into the Dining Hall in front of His, who of course was the finest of them all. None of them could hold a candle to the tall, elegant young man, and they should get used to it. Now. Who would be the first to fawn over them as they deserved? There had been a lack of it at the Hatching, by Maestoth's estimation, and he was ready to collect on what he was owed.


Presentable was about the best that could be said of Savindri's attire for the Feast, or at least as presentable as a walking beanpole with no inherent understanding of fashion could manage. But his plain shirt and trousers, and the jacket that kept him from shivering in the mountain cold, were free of holes and dirt, and his dark hair had been finger-combed into a reasonably tame state, so while it was all quite plain, he wasn't a disgrace. The only item of any note was the young green firelizard on his shoulder; while he had the long string of colorful glass beads wrapped around his wrist, they were mostly hidden by his jacket.

In spite of the hour and his lack of dragon partner, he was nothing but cheerful. There were so many people! So much food! What wasn't there to be happy about? And it wasn't such a bad thing that a High Reaches dragon hadn't picked him, anyway, because it was awfully cold here, and while the snow was fun, it was...cold. Even inside he still felt chilled, fired or no - it was like once it had gotten into his bones, he couldn't get it out again! Brr. So he made a beeline for the food, but before he could even reach for a plate, Little dropped right onto the table and reeeeeached for the glazed porcine.

"Nooo, no no no!" The Candidate grabbed her back before she could actually touch anything, and she immediately started to creel about her misfortunes. "We talked about this, okay? You can't people food off of people plates unless it's mine, people don't like flit fingers in their food." He placed her back on his shoulder, but she went overdramatically boneless and started to ooze off, still lamenting her porcine-less existence. "Now you're just being silly!" he chided. "If you'd give me a minute, I could get us both some food."

Once he'd propped her back up, he grabbed a bowl a plate and proceeded to fill it up, leaving himself enough room for a small bowl of bisque to perch safely with the rest of the bounty. No sooner had he finished filling his plate than Little scuttled back down his arm and reached right into the bowl of bisque...only to be profoundly disappointed that it was all smooth liquid and none of the chunks she associated with bowls of soup or stew. With a huff, she seized a roll instead - but it was vegetables inside, not meat! She dropped it right into the bisque and looked up to chitter her indignation at her bonded. Where was the MEAT?

But he was a little distracted, because he had just discovered that curry was hot.



Feral Hunter

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 2:09 pm

Dr'stan and Bronze Ddraigth
User Image Another Successful hatching meant another bountiful feast. Dr'stan has almost been hesitant to join in on the festivities this night, until the bronze Ddraigth reminded His of who might also be at the feast. The bronze knew there was never a chance that his rider would not jump to when it came to spending time with Aniela.

With all pretenses of spending the rest of the early morning hours in his Weyr, Dr'stan made his way to the lower caverns. It would be nice to see the new weyrlings up close, even if he wasn't a wingsecond any longer. Ah, but that was matters for another time, the man moved through the crowd keeping an eye out for a certain tanned and blonde woman.

While Ddraigth might have normally spent the time of the feast lounging with Xaphrith, he did so enjoy the browns company, he could not help but notice an entrancing figure who looked quite alone.

Impulse, more then anything else, drove Ddraigth to take to wing from his ledge and move easily towards where Hesperith had settled herself. Although he landed the bronze did not move closer to the gold, he would wait and let her decide if his company was wanted.

With how lovely you look tonight, Hesperith, it is a shame you do not have any company. I would not mind being that company for you tonight, if you so wish it.

Mentioning of Aniela if you want to throw her in.

Hi! Have this big lug Hes!
[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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