xxxxB O B B YxxxR A YxxxW A L K E R xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Bobby Ray

              AGE 14

              BIRTHDAY August 31, 2038

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 11 7/8 inches, spruce and dragon heartstring, pliable with a bent shaft

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unsure

              FACECLAIM Colin Ford [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Spanglish, some Japanese

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              YEAR Fourth

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              HONORS Honors Recieved

              SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Activities

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Current Employment

              DREAM JOB Dream Job

          xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
              OWL SCORES
                  ♍︎ Astronomy ~ X
                  ♍︎ Charms ~ X
                  ♍︎ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  ♍︎ Herbology ~ X
                  ♍︎ History of Magic ~ X
                  ♍︎ Potions ~ X
                  ♍︎ Transfiguration ~ X
                  ♍︎ Elective ~ X

              NEWT SCORES
                  ♍︎ Astronomy ~ X
                  ♍︎ Charms ~ X
                  ♍︎ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  ♍︎ Herbology ~ X
                  ♍︎ History of Magic ~ X
                  ♍︎ Potions ~ X
                  ♍︎ Transfiguration ~ X
                  ♍︎ Elective ~ X

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ RECKLESS Bobby Ray is pretty reckless. He'll take anyone up on a dare, and even will do things just to prove he can. He's not exactly concerned for his own personal safety, much to the chagrin of his family.
              ◊ SOCIABLE Bobby Ray likes to be around people. He enjoys talking and making friends with anyone, and often can be found in a group. He's always willing to talk to anyone.
              ◊ SMART Bobby Ray is actually quite smart despite his rather reckless behavior. He can pick things up easily, he just doesn't always apply himself. This prevents him from being at the top of his class, even though he could be one if he attempted it.
              ◊ BRAVE Bobby Ray isn't exactly fearless. However, he isn't afraid to take risks. He knows that being afraid is normal, and doesn't let that stop him if he encounters it. He's willing to do the hard things so that no one else has to.
              ◊ BOASTFUL Bobby Ray is quite boastful. He's always confident he can do whatever he wants to, though whether or not he can actually do what he says is another thing. He however doesn't know when to stop.
              ◊ HONEST Bobby Ray is quite honest. Though he can get carried away with his claims about his abilities, he refuses to lie about important things. He doesn't see the need to, and his mom and dad taught him better than that.

                  Trying new things
                  Country music
                  Being outside
                  Being around friends

                  The cold
                  Bland food
                  Being ignored
                  Being bored

                  Dirt biking
                  Showing off

                  Is pretty resilient

                  Tries crazy stuff for fun

                  Losing his family

          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Bobby is the firstborn child of Clay Walker and Denise Evered. Having a twin, Bobby Ray had never really been alone, and often found himself spending a lot of time following around his cousins when they were doing 'interesting' stuff. For him, life was pretty good. He didn't have to worry about anything, though he did have to wonder as to why everyone sounded funny around him, even his cousins.

              As he got older, he sometimes experienced bits of accidental magic, like the time he accidentally caused his cousin Akira's game system to crash when Akira had just gotten it to work. Beyond that, he figured his magic made him lucky. It had saved him from getting worse than a bruised knee when he fell out of a tree once, and emboldened, he tried a lot of different things, wondering just what his magic could save him from. By the time he'd gotten his Hogwarts letter, he'd accumulated several instances of broken bones and sprains, but not enough to deter him from pulling stunts.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  ◊ FIRST YEAR Information
                  ◊ SECOND YEAR Information
                  ◊ THIRD YEAR Information
                  ◊ FOURTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ FIFTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ SIXTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                  Parents - Clay Walker ❤ Denise Walker (nee Everend)
                  Siblings - Dixie Lynn Walker
                  Grandparents - Parker Everend ❤ Caroline Evered, Emmerich Troy and Annalise Walker
                  Aunt - Carley Yamazaki (nee Everend) ❤ Itsuki Yamazaki (both deceased), children Shinobu and Akira Yamazaki
                  Cousins - Kenneth Holt ❤ Verily Holt (nee McHalen), child Sawyer Holt
                  Cousin - Elliott Holt ❤ Jesse Calvert, child Leiland Holt

                  Best Friend - Name

              SIGNIFICANT OTHER Name
              ENEMIES Name
              PETS Name

          xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          UPDATED (date of most recent update) xxx
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          PENDED BY Weasley 5/1/20xxx
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