This thread is a listing of AIM, MSN, Yahoo, etc. screennames of our crew members, in case you need to reach one for any reason.
The ListKhalida NyokaAIM: shadowsldr3
YIM: shadow_soldier05"@"
MSN: khalida-nyoka"@"
email: shadow_soldier05"@"
Askeptykalemail: jwilson7"@"
AIM: Askeptykal
Y!M: Askeptykal
MSN: mr_wilson"@"
PulgaAIM: naturalB101
Add me:
MyspaceLingMingAIM: NicholsTears
MSN: ilivedbyyourlies"@"
Yahoo: Darknessgal101"@"
katsuhaiabiYahoo: fujiwara_no_fuhitomo
NadianAIM: Gigafrost19
Note- I'm mostly on at work.
UtasaMSN1: gomeinu"@"
MSN2: gomeinu2"@"
MSN3: janece_jones"@"
dboyzeroAIM: xOmegaTBOYx
MSN: dboyzero"@"
Wiedzienkae-mail: witchi.chan"@"
*only messanger I got is tlen and gg and I don't think that anybody here even know what are this two
emo *
Anatsu_BlacolmMSN: maxsgirl"@"
Zphal_girl87YIM: zphal_girl87
email: zphal_girl87"@"
FeneraAIM: Ottersomething
MSN: otternessess"@"
StrideoAIM: strideo1
ICQ: 376209490
email: strideo.1"@"
Angelic Light BlueAIM: quartzlcc
YIM: quartzlcc
email: quartzlcc"@"
Note- I'm hardly ever on YIM. And I don't often check email... I'm OFTEN on AIM.
Iris_16YM: garnet_kurapika"@"
I do not often check it sorry...
(also works w/ yahoo accounts)
Norran DupreeMSN: the_devils_advocate83"@" also is email
YAHOO: norran_depree"@" is email as well
AIM Norran Depree
locke317E-Mail & MSN: locke317"@"
AIM: SoccerJEP
Yahoo: Demosthenes317
Nanner_Munkie7E-Mail: SxxdeanxX"@"
Aim: NannerMunkie9703
MSN: Sxxdeanxx"@" (I dont have a hotmail account)
Yahoo: Nanner7703
Tau_2E-mail: bobs_news"@"
MSN: Noodles
SaikiiYahoo: i_made_waffles"@"
AIM: luckybidwell
Note- I`m on YIM quite a bit.
Ame no Tenshi MSN:cheez_monkies_moo"@"
Crew members: feel free to edit this as necessary!NOTE: Lingy recently edited the emails and put " " around the @ sign cause she recently found out that spammers will take email addresses from sites and add them to their spam list. Now I dunno if it will work where theyre not linked but I did it in case they can. I mean, no one likes spam so just remove the " " and all should be fine.