Y E S H!
~ This is my Why Not Blog! And, erm, you're reading it. Well, at least I hope you are... If you aren't, then you'd better start now buddy. D<
-AHEM- Any-who, let me introduce myself. I am Katie, but I preferably go by Heart Chan on Gaia. I am seventeen years old. My hobbies are some-what average for most typical girls-- Anime, sketching, reading, writing, singing.
You know, stuff like that!
My dissabilities- LEARNING to dance, but I can make up my own! : P Then there's waking up early and dressing into something formal. Did I mention resisting the urge to hum?
Let's see, what should you expect in my posts? Pretty much just social life, loves + hates... and maybe a few personal stuff squeezed into the mix! That's me, and I hope you like me, OR DIE. >D