Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 5:37 am
You are standing on the west bank of a large gentle flowing river that runs from the north to the south. There is a creek that feeds the river here that flows in from the west and it flattens out to a broad, shallow, and muddy flow as it meets the large river. Small fish and minows can be seen darting about in the muddy water. If you look off to the west you can see where a bridge crosses over the creek. If you look to the east across the river you can see that the landscape to the north seems to be wide open plains that give way to hills and small mountians to the south. Directly across the river from here there are some rolling hills. Head West along the CreekHeard South along the River Bank
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:33 pm
Clue The mud in this area is really thick, and as you slog through it, your footprints are left quite visibly behind you. As you continue, you notice two other sets of footprints in the mud that must have been made a few days ago. Following them, you find a rather muddy imprint of what appears to be a candlestick. It has since been removed, leaving the imprint.
Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:46 pm
What is this? Who would bring a candle stick way out here? And for what reasons? Who was out here and when? *Contiunes to south along the river bank*
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:57 pm
I struggle through the mud, my heels not making moving easy.
I get a odd feeling I'm going to need to fight soon. I take out my guns and strap the axe across my back. I load them, and c**k them, ready for battle.
I struggle south.
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:58 am
Zphal was slightly surprised to find no zombies here. She wondered if they had moved locations since she heard them.
She looked down at her feet. There were footprints in the mud, and some of the footprints didn't look so human anymore, with a lot of dragging.
It would be a game of hide and seek/tracking then. She followed the steps, hastilly.
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:38 pm
"Toward The West, I Go!" Becca began to sing to herself, as she marched westward.