Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:04 am
ello well please comment and tell me if you like it? ok well if not then you make me cry... anyway please read at least? thanks ok then
memory or dream
Memory or dream Were you really there? A figure in the mists of my memory Or a dream Of pain and love A dream I’ll wake from In a cold dark morning Where you won’t be there To say I love you Reality is harsh Wounds bleed and souls flee The ravages of our conscience A mysterious dream Of you and me In worlds unseen And adventures not yet adventured But all I see is you and me Your quiet eyes and voice Calming my racing heart I blink You’re gone Far away from where I am And I’ll never get you back Somewhere you’re not coming back Memory or dream? To me it’s all the same I dream of you when I’m awake And memories haunt my dreams Whether memory or dream I think of you And only you I close my eyes and ask again Memory or dream?
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:18 pm
awww! ^___^ i really like this piece! very emotional and great use of words
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:59 pm
Aww, that's just so...my style. I love poetry that isn't all gushy and sappy giggly happy. Absolutely beautiful. I can soooo see this written on old looking paper, maybe burned around the edges, in caligraphy or French script. Beautiful.
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:33 am
I LOVE your poem,it´s awsome...that´s excactly how I feel after losing someone I loved.If every poem you write is this good you could consider publishing...
I send you my love,Soulfire29
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:00 pm
Very good, i like your writing style 3nodding