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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] The Hatching Grounds
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Wrathful Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:08 pm
Jemaselle - High reaches Weyr

Jemaselle listened closely to the Candidate masters as they talked, noting that welp, that was I am totally done with your s**t face. There even was one of the Queens doubling down on the done with this s**t. She huffed, rolling her broad shoulders back and glanced down at her much smaller partner.

Whren simply gave her a serene look from his ridiculous pretty fair eyelashes and she would punch a man for him. To be honest she had already punched a few people for him, and she would do it again.

She did manage her bows decently, perhaps a bit stiff and her eyes never left the dragons but they were predators. She knew that well. She picked Fianth clutch to start.

Jemi liked starting with the large eggs and set a callous hand on the soft shell of the Go The Distance egg.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:15 pm
When You Wish Upon A Star
The egg seemed to almost starte at Tahirah’s touch. Oh, o-oh, so sorry! It had been deeply lost in a daydream but, ah, how were you? Once the egg settled a bit the wistfulness began to deepen around Tahirah. Oh yes, that and, well, everything! The world must be so wonderful out there, but since it had never seen the world, it could only imagine. Did she wonder too? Oh, why not share all her dreams, the egg would love to hear...It settled back with a sigh, adrift againon some flight of fantasy.

Felix Felicis
If Rhylune was hoping to hide her excitement, well, she had come to the wrong egg! The mind inside Felix came rushing up like a tide, bubbling, frothing with laughter and pep! It is an amazing day, isn’t it? And all thanks to you! You and all the other amazing, awesome candidates! The egg shivered under her palm, not enough to leave its wallow, but just too excited to sit still! Thank you so much for coming to say hi—you’re wonderful just how you are, energy and all!




Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:18 pm

Let It Go

Oh. That sounds like quite a bit to live up to. Yet, Soui knows quite a bit about expectations, doesn't she? No, it can't have been easy to face rejection in exchange for what she wants. Let It Go understands completely and encourages the girl to keep her chin up.


The little baby practically bursts with excitement under Fisher's touch. Hello! Hello hello!! Are you not getting enough attention from the others? That's okay! Stay and play with Firebolt! What? It's still in it's egg? Well that doesn't mean anything! Out soon, right? It can't wait! It doesn't want to wait! It's ready to goooooooooooo! Fisher knows something about not wanting to stay put when there's so much to do, right?


Go The Distance

Go The Distance is glad that Jemasella has both found their self confidence as well as something worth fighting for! Does Jemi know which battles are worth fighting or does one just tackle them all?
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:19 pm
Whren High reaches wery

Whren listened to the speech, there was more of a focus, a repetitiveness and while he had not been to the last two hatching that led to such trouble, he had heard it from the rumor mill. There was two clutches, two chances and plenty more to come if he kept being a candidate. He glanced up at Jemi at her sigh, lips giving the barest twitch of a smile before they continued on.

He had to take a few more steps to keep up. Jemi had longer legs. Whren bowed to the queens, to the sirs, to Krah who remained next to his lady love. Fianth's clutch then? He considered and set a hand on the When You Wish Upon a Star egg near by.  


Wrathful Shapeshifter


Wrathful Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:42 pm
Rylyrr - High Reaches

This was a serious occasion, and he had been swept aside by a queen tail to his ribs to know all too well what could befall them. Rhylune made him worry, his niece bright and bold and brash. Sometimes too much. The twins and his only younger brother were keeping well away from each other. Which was good but sometime... sometime that needed to be fixed.

Not today.

Usually... Usually he wasn't so focus on his siblings, on his niece, on everything else. Rylyrr sighed, reaching up to rub the bridge of his nose and breathed out and in and shifted his shoulders, relaxing. Things would be fine. He just...

There was two clutches of eggs to meet, at his home weyr, and no one was sick, and no one was on an island with tunnel snakes, and things were perfect for last chance to be out here.

And probably shouldn't focus on that either. He wonder faintly if Akaris was going to be here.

He gave his bows to the queens, to the bronzes, to Krah and stepped towards the clutches. Rhianth first, he stopped looking at the eggs. Perhaps this one, something about it was compelling. He laid a hand on the purple and gold shell of the Imperio Egg, and relaxed, focusing on the hatchling inside.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:56 pm
Soui - western candidate

Oh. It knew. But...well, what did she expect? Tsuyat and the others had told her that eggs could read a person's heart, read their mind in a sort of way, and despite having read it in the notes and everything else Soui had apparently forgotten that important bit. Perhaps it was because the first egg she'd touched hadn't given such a specific sensation, though this one certainly didn't beat around the bush. It addressed the rejection she'd obtained, and how it was all her choice and she should keep her chin up.

The little healer intended to, even if at that very moment her chin was quivering as she bit at her lip. There was no need for crying or negative thoughts, she chided herself; as she moved to pull her hand away she promised the egg she'd do her best. That was all anyone expected of her now, she supposed.

Thoughts sort of scrambling despite the warnings the Candidatemasters had given, Soui shuffled forward until she came to a pretty little egg near the center of the clutch. Like its sibs it was marked in a unique way, something like a music note, and Soui smiled as she placed a hand on its shell. "Are you singing in there? A lullaby, perhaps? When I was little my mother used to sing to me before bed, does yours?" The candidate's thoughts flickered towards her home before she pressed them back, trying to focus on the Remember Me egg.  


Sparkly Decorator


Wrathful Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 6:01 pm
Rhylune- High Reaches Wery

It really was! Rhylune managed to mute most of her excited giggles at the response, though her breathing was a tad rush and eye wide. It had moved, the egg had responded to her and like her! She beamed brightly at the shell, pulling back enough to move on.

They had to keep moving, and maybe they all would be nice? She glanced at the eggs, trying to pick ones that had the same feel as the rainbow splattered one she just left and finally settled on the large black and white one. She set a hand on the shell of the Firebolt Egg . 'Are you ready?' Rhylune was certainly more then read to meet the dragonet.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 6:01 pm
Helaku // He/Him // Western

Everyone's a little tense. The mothers seem very protective, but it should all be okay. Helaku smiled a little wider and offered his gratitude to the hatchling within nonethless. He wasn't going to burden a baby dragon, of all things, with what had happened at Western's previous Touching. No, let it focus on determining if its best fit might be one of the hands that touched its shell today. No stress, only greetings.

But he shouldn't linger overlong. Golden-brown eyes flicked from egg to egg before settling on one. Choice made, the young man approached the Be Our Guest egg and gently rested his hand on the yellow-white shell with another nod of greeting to nearby Candidates. And how are you doing today?  

Excited Apathy

Obsessive Hoarder

Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 6:03 pm
Tuelarua - High Reaches Candidate [X]
Gender//Pronouns .||. Female//She

A new experience was a chance to bloom, to grow. Certainly one as honorable as standing for dragon eggs, for the honor and privledge to stand amongst not only one but two queens and their mates (and sire!). Tuelarua’s eyes take in the sight, drinking in every aspect that she could and committing it to memory as the heat of the sands eeked up through her sandals. She turned, bowing to Rhianth before turning and bowing to Fianth as well. Yet she felt drawn towards Rhianth’s clutch at first, trying to drink in the vibrant colors of the different shells. Oh, how she could only wish to replicate such wonderful colors with her brush.

Many eggs called to her, and the painter takes in a slow, deep breath to steady her mind. Happy thoughts, of course. They were only babies, experiencing things through their minds. She slowly makes her way to the first egg that had caught her eye -- tiny and green, dark in a way she’d seen in the late evenings. Tuelarua thinks of the happiest things she can think of as her hand gently brushes along Forbidden Forest Egg’s shell, smiling gently as she greeted the little egg.

Nonami - Western Candidate [X]
Gender//Pronouns .||. Agender//They

This was… scary. A good kind of scary, the Another-Step-to-Growing-Up kind of scary. But, scary. Nonami reached up to fix their long hair out of habit, tucking a stray piece away from their face as they stepped out onto the hot sand. They could do this. Stories from their siblings, having sat in the stands while their siblings had stood. Now it was their turn to have their first standing. With a deep breath, they turned and bowed to each respective queen--glorious golden queens that had let them even step foot on the sands near their babies.

They could do this. Surely they could be brave..?

Taking a deep breath, they decided to start with Rhianth’s lovely clutch. Such lovely eggs, they were so pretty. Yet which called to them first..? Oh, oh.. This one. They could be brave for this one. Such lovely pink and gold, the Avada Kedavra Egg called to them. Their hand gently touches the shell, tentatively despite their brave front. Happy thoughts, right? But was this egg happy, too?

Ielin - High Reaches Candidate [X]
Gender//Pronouns .||. Male//He

Not only one, but two clutches this time. The excitement had been broiling in Ielin alongside the nerves, though for this occasion he had schooled them down as much as he could -- nevermind for his own sake, but Waves’ as well. Yet this clutch feels like there’s a pressure on his shoulders he hadn’t been aware of--and Ielin makes a concentrated effort to constantly check himself on his behavior. His eyes darting around--looking for the few friends (and Others) that he can see, and makes a mental note to try to talk to them later. With a deep breath, he bows to Fianth and Rhianth, before finding his way over to Fianth’s eggs.

Such lovely eggs, and so many choices of eggs to meet and introduce himself to. He passes some candidates, remembering to breathe even with the heat of the sands warming his feet. Yet one catches his eye, a large pink egg with ripples down the shell. Go The Distance was calling to him, and with the gentlest of thoughts -- for so many good things had happened recently, even with the downsides -- he reaches out to softly cup the pink shell with his hand. Hello there.

Cavera - High Reaches Candidate [X]
Gender//Pronouns .||. Female//She

So, this was a touching.. The experience of actually stepping out onto the sands, of being before a great golden mother (two of them, at that!) paled in comparison to what she’d been assured by Rizdax or K’tan. It was daunting, yes. But she’d been picked for some sort of qualification, so surely she was meant to be in this privileged position of being allowed into the sands to stand before these eggs. She remembers her manners, however--turning to bow to each of the radiant queens before making her way towards Fianth’s clutch--if to peek and try to see if she could see her foundbrother.

Yet as she drew close to the eggs, they became her focus. She could catch up with Riz later, surely! Yet one egg drew her instantly, up front and drawing her eye. A small pink egg, the sweetest color that made her melt. She thinks of her fondest thoughts, the warmth of her friends helping ease her nerves as she touches Baby Mine’s shell. “Hello, little one.” Were they having a good day, as well?  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 6:05 pm
Adjusting to life in the Weyr was still taking it's toll on Haelwen. The excitement she had felt when she had been Searched was slowly wearing off but now there was a new thrill in its place, Touching. Haelwen had read many stories about Touching, Hatching, Weyr life in general, but she had never once believed she would be able to experience it herself and yet, here she was. She diligently attended all of her lessons and did her best to make up for lost time and now it was time to see if it would pay off. Well, to take the next step towards finding out if it would pay off anyway. The woman filed onto the Hatching Sands along with the rest of the candidates, she nodded in understanding as the Candidatemaster gave his final warning and then she waited until it was her turn to enter the sands, she bowed low to each gold and their riders, and then to the fathers of the clutches and their riders as well.
"Thank you for allowing me this opportunity, I greatly appreciate having this chance to get to know your progeny." her voice was quiet but she knew that the dragons would hear her and hopefully it would help bring peace to Rhianth since that is the clutch Haelwen decided to approach first.
Stepping lightly across the sands, nearly dancing in her attempt to keep her feet from burning through the thin sandals she wore, Haelwen eyed the vibrant clutch and fretted about which egg to touch first. Finally her eyes settled upon a red and black egg near the back and she made her way around the clutch towards it. With another respectful bow to Rhianth, Haelwen extended her hand towards the Sectumsempra, as she did she felt a strange urge in her mind to draw it back but she pressed on, not one to be deterred by a strange feeling that had no physical accompaniment to warn her off. After all, this was the first egg she had touched and while she had heard stories about eggs pressing thoughts or feelings into the minds of candidates who touched them she wasn't sure what exactly that would feel like and so wasn't convinced that what she felt was coming from the egg. It was more likely to be nerves from being so close to an irritated dragon than anything else, she figured. As her hand came to rest upon the shell Haelwen opened her mind up to the dragonet inside "Hello there. Are you the one trying to warn me away? I wonder, how far could we go together? I felt drawn towards you, maybe you share the same ambition as I do? Perhaps you want something -more-?"

What an adventure this was! Staying behind in Tillek with his sister had been the best decision he had made in years! Who knew they would end up being searched to High Reaches at the time of a double clutch? Who could have guessed they would be seen as worthy of becoming candidates? Hyseren was doing his best to make a good impression on the Weyrfolk but he couldn't help it if he spent quite a bit of his time so far flirting with various candidates, riders, and other visitors to the Weyr. After all, he wouldn't be himself if he didn't at least make it known he was available. Still, when it came down to it and he was called to the Hatching Sands with the rest of the candidates he was very serious and sure to follow protocol. He bowed deeply to the parents of the clutches and their riders before slowly making his way towards Fianth's clutch. He paused for a moment to scan the sands for his sister, seeing her near the other clutch and the angry looking queen he hoped that things would go well for her. Still, he returned his focus to his own task and eyed the eggs before him. After a few moments he felt himself being drawn towards a few eggs in particular and he made his way towards the first of them. Once he reached the You Can Fly! egg he reached his hand out and gently pressed it to the beautiful starry blue shell.
"Hello little one, your shell is quite beautiful, are you enjoying meeting everyone today or are you a little overwhelmed?" he questioned quietly while he opened his mind as he had been taught and waited to see what, if anything, would come of this.  



Wrathful Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 6:18 pm
Jemaselle High reaches

'All of them,' She replied simply, hand leaving the shell. If she had a choice between picking her battles or just going down the line... well she would start with the line. Whren was good at picking battles, she was good at punching things that were a problem. Restraint wasn't much of her strong point.

Jemi wandered slightly before settling next to a large white and yellow egg. It was rather pretty, she reached out touching the Be Our Guest egg.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 6:39 pm
Fisher she/her - high reaches candidate

HOLY SHARDS Fisher had not been expecting that. While she'd accepted that the touching was all about getting her hand slapped and other basic stuff the fact that something responded in a manner that wasn't mental/physical was startling. Even more that it somehow felt familiar, or at least she could relate to it. Was that what was supposed to happen, and was that why everyone had all those weird looks on their faces? If having something like this come in to your head was what was supposed to happen it made more sense. At the very least the teen was glad she didn't attempt to punch the egg in return for the jolt to nerves, instead settling for a laughing pat that was clearly not in happiness. She hadn't liked being startled that way but at least now she had some understanding of what it all meant.

"Yeah, you'll be out soon 'nough. Don't go causin' problems though, would hate to see you tied down." It wasn't meant as a warning or friendly advice or anything, just Fisher talking to an egg. Thank Faranth none of her dads were around (or her small "friend" ) or else she may have been mortified. "Anyway I can't linger and I'm actually talkin' to an egg, so." Her hand was pulled up and away from Firebolt's shell before Fisher moved away from the group she'd been huddled in. A good walk helped clear her mind, and when she approached the other clutch she figured trying these ones out might not be so bad.

Placing her large hand on the shell of the I'll Make a Man Out of You egg, Fisher tried to recall what she'd done before to get a response. "Should I lean on you or something? Nah, you're givin' me this kinda feelin' that it'd be a mistake." Her stomach was doing that weird sensation again, like it had with the second slap egg. Interesting.  


Sparkly Decorator


Predestined Cultist

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 7:24 pm
Veltanna looked at the egg hard and had to push down every puckish instinct to give the egg a hard time. The ones that needed to be told they were so great were the ones she wanted to poke so much. She took a deep breath and before her will chose to forsake her, removed her hand and moved on. She quickly moved to the next egg so as to not go backwards. She was going to be good and follow the rules. She was. Really. She placed her hand on You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly! Egg and waited.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 7:28 pm
Leiheti knew when she wasn’t wanted and chose to not take offense. She lifted her hand without any response and moved on to the next egg. It was time for the center egg. It had many people around it, just like every egg, but she was small and would fit. She snuck her way in under someone’s arm (they couldn’t stop her!) and placed a hand on the Slytherin Egg.  


Predestined Cultist


PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 7:43 pm
Oooohhh. The egg had homed in on That quickly. Vaali wasn’t too awfully surprised, though. She’d been in this Weyr her whole life and had heard some pretty wild egg stories. Thanks for noticing! was her cheery thought. I’m not really ready to do something about it yet. Maybe soon, though! Thanks again, it was nice meeting you!

With a mental grin and wave goodbye, she moved through the clutch until she came to the Colors of the Wind egg. Hi there! she said as her fingers made contact with the purple shell. How are you doing today?  
[IC RP] The Hatching Grounds

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