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Roleplay-o-zyalpeloR (New Character/Arrian timeline on pg 1) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 8 9 10 11 12 13 ... 27 28 29 30 [>] [>>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 12:38 pm
((I had a chip installed in the back of your head, I had it done the last time you.... wait why am I telling you this? On with the rp!))

As Velorius finished cleaning himself up and started dressing Davon filled him in on recent events.
"Phase one in Arrius while not going exactly to plan has achieved it's objectives, unfortunately we lost most of our Shadows and the Chaos Temple."
"The temple was only ever going to be a secondary base of operations and the Shadows can be replaced, what about the other Phases?"
"Phase two is proceeding to plan, teh Orcs have overrun most of the northern territories, the main Arrius army has yet to react though. At your command we'll begin the final stages in the North. Phase three though has hit a major snag..."
"It was our intention to gather the rogue elements in the southern areas and incite them to rebel against Arrius, however an unknown faction has already pulled many of these factions together, for what purpose we have yet to determine. If we tried to gather them to us and start a rebelion it would now draw far too much attention."
"Blast it... find out who is meddling in the South, the long term success depends on being able to open up multiple fronts and grind Arrius into dust. What about Phase four has that started?"
"No, an unexpected turn of events, Leonardo ordered the city evacuated, many of the nobility we had chosen as potential targets have left the city."

Sighing Velorius was deep in thought as he carefully folded back his wings so that he could fit his long robes over them.
"Everything I planned seems to have come undone thanks to that one little cleric, blasted gods should stay out of what doesn't concern them, damn leeches."
"It may not have been divine intervention that she found you... based on what I've managed to uncover she posseses an unusual power... that of a pheonix."
"How? I've never known a phoenix to take human form and she certainly can't be descendent of one, they don't-can't mix blood with humans. So how could she have the power of a phoenix?"
"I don't know, I am looking into the matter though."
"Kill her!"
"What? Why?"
"I don't want to take any risks there are already too many unknown factors at work, I don't want this woman interfering again, divine intervention or not!"
"Very well, but we are stretched, untill you can activate more Shadows we're shorthanded."
"What about Esme?"
"She had been running interference while you recovered, someone named Ixahrejem was looking for you, when she returned I sent her to aid the Orc's."
"Well call her back and send her south after this phoenix girl... As for this Ixahrejem who is he and why did he seek me?"
"No idea, but I suspect he may have some tie with the unkown party meddling in the south."
"Well look into it, now then I guess I had beter get to work."

Together Davon and Velorius walked out of teh chamber and followed a series of tunnels untill they entered a large cavern lined with hundreds of stone benches, atop of each was lying an unmoving Shadow. Velorius started walking along the line of benches checking everything over.
"Well my little Homunculi it's time for you to wake up."  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:18 pm
(Damn you, Velorius. How'd you know!? *Changes his plan* Sorry...i've been neglecting my rp duties)

Cyril looks over his shoulder at Azira, "I need to question you about what you was go on in the Temple and Felpoli areas." He turs back around and before he could bring himself to a stop, he walked right into a tall, Avian guard. The guard looked down at Cyril and cursed under its breath before saying in its soft voice, "Closed off. No admitting. Sorry to you." The tall man's feathers ruffled lightly then his long claws extended, showing he meant business.

"Well...maybe we should change our plans...uhh.." He turned around quickly and took Azira's hand, pulling her back to the direction where they came from, "Damn! What is going on here..."

((He's psychic. :O))

"I do hope you mean that hypothetically, because I certainly can't answer that."

"What do you mean, Fellipoli? I don't remember..." She thought for a moment. "I remember stepping through the portal, a voice, and then nothing. Until waking up here. Come to think of it...I can't remember much of what happened in the temple quarter either. We were being attacked by a hoarde of creatures, and the next thing I recall they were all dead and I couldn't so much as summon a spark of static. It's all muddy." She shook her head slightly and brushed some hair out of her face.  



PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:45 am
Esme stepped through the portal and found her self in a cavern, nearly pitch black compared to the city engulfed in flames she had just left. Looking around she spotted Davon entering followed closely by two Shadows.
"Whats the meaning of this Davon! First you send me up to Sutomoka with hardly any expalantion and then before I get any work done you call me back! I will not be played with!"
"I called you back at the Lord Zagores request."
"He's awoken! Where is he?"
"He is in the Homunculus chamber readying the Shadows, as you know no one is allowed in there while he is working."
Except for you thought an annoyed Esme as she frowned at the taller man.
"What is it that my Lord wishes of me?"
"As you are aware a cleric of the order of Perun became involved in our plans in Arrius, it turns out she is more than she seems and Zagore wants her destroyed."
"Of course it would be my pleasure to destroy the little wench who would dare to meddle in the affairs of the Master. Where is she now?"
"She was wounded and her body brought to a monastery of the Light south of the main city. It's divine protection prevents me from seeing within, but I do know she hasn't left the building. Her name is Azira, she is in her twenties has white hair, blue eyes and a red triangle tattoed on her face. Her aura is unique so it shouldn't be hard to track her down."
"Very well I'll leave immediately."
"Before you go, take these two Shadows with you, just in case you need backup."

Esme simply nodded before opening a portal and stepping through followed closely by the Shadows. The portal deposited her on the edge of some woods in the near distance was the monastery where the girl was supposed to be. Esme turned to the two silently watching Shadows.
"Wait here untill I call you, by now everyone probably knows to be on the look out for tall silent figures in red."

The guard leaned idely against the archway leading into the monastery keeping an eye out for any trouble, but mostly only people evacuated from the city passed him by. Suddenly he felt something nudging him and heard a whezened voice.
"Excuse me"
The guard loked down to see an old woman in front of him. The woman was nearly stooped double leaning on a walking stick, she was wrapped in a ragged brown cloak, her face was covered in wrinkles and her hair was thin and grey. He was slightly surprised for not spotting her approach and chastised himself for laziness.
"Uh... yes Ms."
"I'm looking for my granddaughter, I was told she might be here, her name is Azira."
The guard didn't know of anyone by that name, but a lot of wounded had been brought here, so he gave the old woman directions to where the wounded were being treated.  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:45 am
(Good to be back...being here...well...MY NIPPLES EXPLODE WITH DELIGHT!)
Nexol stood up and stretched, "Leon...why didnt we defend that town to the north? And just what are you doing?" The man looked around at the lab, his boredom apparent, "We could be hunting that ********, but you instead choose ot be in a lab." Nexol sighed then sat back down in the chair, waiting for Leon to finish whatever he was doing.
Cyril looked at her and thne looked back from where they came, "Is that so...?" She has an aura that matches her looks. I wonder who her parents were?

The man frowned deeply and then closed his eyes, "There is something not right...why didnt that guard allow me to go to the sickbay?" Cyril shooke his head then it hit him...he looked at Azira and smiled widely, his eyes gleaming, "Looks like we have to go to my office!" He grabbed her arm and pulled her down the hall and into a room...

"...Where am I?" Ixahrejem stood up. He was on a small bit of land probably only a metre and a half in diameter. All around this land, a sea raged as if a storm was raging. Waves battered him and he almost lost his footing many times, "WHAERE AM I!?" He bared his teeth...then something totally unexpected happened...


The man looked all around for the source of this voice, but it was nowhere to be found. The voice had send chills donw his spine; it rang in his ears. For the first time ever, Ixahrejem was scared. "Who are you...?" He asked, his voice taking a humbled tone and his body language changing from aggressive to timid to match it.


There was a flash of light, and Ixahrejem woke up. He looked around then walked off towards Arrius...
A figure sat on a throne. The figure laughed. The figure then said, "Velorius, you have saved me a world of trouble." It stood up and disappeared completely, "To...Arrius. It will be *MINE*."

(And now, angry ticks fire from my nipples!)
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 3:19 pm
Esme wandered unnoticed through the monastery, soon after entering she had picked up a pile of towels and blankets and started walking as if she had a specific destination in mind. The guards took one look at her and saw a little old lady helping out with the wounded and never payed any heed to where she was headed.

Esme was begining to get annoyed she had searched the main building yet had seen no one matching the description she had been given of Azira. Just then she turned a corner and down the hall saw a young woman who matched the description perfectly, especially the aura of power around the girl stood out.
"So that's the girl who stumbled onto the temple and set that chain of catastrophic events in motion. I think I'll skin her alive and use her hide to coat a throne for my Lord."

Esme watched from a distance as Azira and a tall frail looking elf walked down the hallway, there were a lot of guards around so she had to wait for the right opportunity to strike.


Velorius stood on top of a hill staring up at a fortress that seemed to be built into the mountainside above.
"So this is where the Dragoons are based? I had hoped my attacks across the northern territories would draw them out, however it appears Leon wants them kept close to defend the city. Lets see if this gets their attention shall we."

Velorius turned and looked over the forces he had assembled, the Shadows had been replenished and Velorius's two personal bodygaurds stood either side of him as moved along the silent and unmoving ranks of his homunculus army. The Shadows weren't going to be the main assault though, the salamanders were. The salamanders were distant flightless cousins to the dragons, looking like large lizards capable of launching intense firey attacks.
"It pains me to do this but I can't leave these traitors be, it is beyond me why such noble creatures as the dragons would ally themselves with Leonardos madness to begin with but it must end."

Velorius gave a signal and with a roar the salamanders began to belch forth massive balls of flame at the fortress above. They struck with tremendous force blasting rock and mortar from the walls and spreading searing flames, the barrage was unrelenting and it wouldn't be long before the fortress gave way under the assault. Once the defenses were crushed the Shadows would move in and slaughter any survivors.

With the southern towns lost and the orcish army occuping all routes from the south, there was no way reinforcements could be sent north save by the air.
"So will they defend the all important Arrius or rush north to defend their nesting grounds, how loyal are the dragons to Leonardo's cause?"  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:05 pm
((hey ya'll im new ^_^ and have no idea what is going on...is anyone in here?))  



PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:50 pm
((OK there is a lot going on so I'll try and give a brief summary, I'll assume you read through the into story and profiles so I'll skip most of that.
The story starts in Arrius capital of an empire founded 6000 years ago and currently ruled by Raejib Motosuwa with the guidance of Leon Motosuwa and Nexol. Along comes Velorius Zagore (me)and his Shadow minions intent on destroying the city and empire which he sees as an abomination. Things are going fine untill a priestess who happens to have the soul of a phoenix stumbles upon a secret temple dedicted to a god of chaos that Velorius uses as a base of operations. This sets of a chain of events that lead to a demented pyromancer called Ignus Ixahrejem Indalescio Meteorokku (Chibi seems to like complicated names) being set free and a large scale battle through the temple district of the city. Eventually Velorius trys to destroy the temple but is foiled by Nexol/Leon and soon after dies except the Velorius that died was basicly a soulless husk at this time, having made preperations for that outcome.

In teh aftermath while Velorius is being reborn, Ignus is summoned by some new power and Azira is brought south to recover after the battle. Velorius's two lieutenants Esme and Davon launch an attack against the northern territories using an army of Orc's and Leon orders the city evacuated of civilians.

Currently Velorius is leading an attack against the Dragoons in the north, Leon is doing ??something?? in a lab and Esme is hunting Azira. Ignus is being ??brainwashed/converted?? and Chibi just introduced another character who is currently just the mysterious gay on the throne

There, I hoped that answered any questions.))  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:15 pm
((*DIES* Best typo ever, Vel. '...the mysterious gay on the throne' X3))

Azira was quite thorougly confused. Before Cyril dragged her off, she managed to catch a glimpse of the old woman, and she shivered. There was something wrong.

"Ah, what..." The door shut behind them, and the sound made her jump slightly. "...what's going on...?"  



PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:25 pm
((it cleared some things up...i know the history but i dont know what i should do cause im brand new....what should i do? Can you answer that please?))  
PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:10 am
((Well chibi is pretty open and lets us come up with our own plots and story lines. If you want some entry points, you could arrive at the city , most of the civilians have gone, but after my Shadows, well lets say the army is probably recruiting new members you could join the Mage-guards. You could be one of those who fled south to the monastery, and you could get involved in the coming fight with Esme. Or you could go to Valhad and start a new story arc there, chibi does want people to help describe that region. Or... Velorius is always looking for talented people looking for work...

Hope this helps))  



PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:06 am
(Basically what Velorius said. My whole thing is to create a world for people to play in ($). I want a very open-ended rp with mulipla storylines. I've always hated joining RPs that had narrow storylines and getting confused s hell...and i also hated explaining what ($) happened to a newcomer and all the rules. Here i decided to set it up so it would be easy to join hte world..think of it as a ($) text-based mmorpg...wait...ima be rich off of this...$$$)

P.S. (No post yet...maybe later today. I just jumped on for the Daily chance)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:29 pm
((Yeeesss a typo, I certainly would never say that on purpose.... No... never.... cough cough

Oh and shame on you Chibi, I assume that piss poor excuse for a profile is supposed to be for the new character you introduced. It's either extreme laziness or a poor attempt to be mysterious(god damn every cliche I could think of was used, you might as well of called him Lucifer or something), whichever it's no excuse, it would have been beter to leave us in the dark.... wait you didn't actually tell us anything usefull so you did leave us in the dark stare


Esme watched as her target and the elf she was with went through a doorway, she knew from her earlier exploring that there was only an office back there. Looking around to make sure she was unobserved Esme quickly approached the door, most likely there was no one else in there, meaning this was as good a time as any to strike. Taking one more look along the empty corridor Esme walked to the far side of the hallway and carefully started gathering energy. Once prepared she ran forwards and despite her frail appearance delivered a powerful kick to the door sending it swinging inwards without looking she unleased a deadly volley of spells into the room hoping to kill those within before they could react.  



PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:19 pm
Cyril knew something was happening. As soon as he closed the door, he thrw Azira to the ground behind him and put up a powerful multi-layered barrier around them, "you just stay behind me and allow me to take care of this..." He poured more energy into the barrier and began to recite a long incantation...

"Widjet estay yf shrol'ta ke-nu..."  
PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 4:26 pm
((Oh oh can I guess at the new guys name?
P?????? so it starts with a P and has a total of seven letters
Is it Pherios? No wait I have it, his name is Pancake! rofl ))

Raw energy flooded into the room as Esme unleashed her attack, it crackled and twisted lashing out at everything in the room. The windows burst outwards and great rents were torn into the floor, the furniture was shattered and papers spiraling through the air burst into flame. Yet through it all Esme sensed a pocket of resistence, a barrier holding back the deadly onslaught of magic she had released. She grabbed hold of the wild magcs she had unleashed and gave them focus turning all that destructive power onto the barrier seeking to overwhelm it in one blow.
As the energy swept through her she was overcome by a sense of euphoria that all ways came to her when she wielded such power with destructive intent, suddenly she found herself cackling in the shear joy of it.  



PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:47 pm
Azira wasn't arguing, at least not when Esme's spell came tearing into the room. Her hands went convulsively for the rosary she always wore around her neck, only to not find its familiar warm beads under her fingers. Her prayers went on anyway, voice blending with Cyril's chant. Maybe her prayer would lend strength to the shield.  

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