My entry:
Night Of Shattered Glass:
Sleeping soundly as the rain meets ground
Silence surrounding the rains pattering sound
Foreign noise arises into the early morning
Slipping into our security and with lack of warning
But suddenly breaking and entering with an ear shattering boast
Breaking into our false sense of hoping
Deafening sounds from the guns rounds ringing
The Night of Shattered Glass has begun
It came as swiftly as the rain had come
Fists clenched and fear found everywhere
Hiding in terror while bullets slice the air
Blood and flesh being drug with each connecting round
Run, and run as fast as you can, our thunderous roar of feet hits the ground
Glass shatters and wood is splintered
Past is broken and forgotten as our present becomes withered
Cries are heard piercing the nights once silent stature
So why must this be the nazis nature?
So easily tricked and taught what cannot be proven right
We are outnumbered and out powered on this glass shattered night
The Night of Shattered Glass has begun
It came as swiftly as the rain had come
Fists clenched and fear found everywhere
Hiding in terror while bullets slice the air
Blood and flesh being drug with each connecting round
Run, and run as fast as you can, our thunderous roar of feet hits the ground
So I cry out to my bride tonight
"Run my love, run into the night"
And as this one last plea escapes my lips
I feel a sharp pain as the guns sounding off imimics a whip
Sight fading into nothing, I see no light
But even in the life after I will never forget this glass shattered night