Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:12 pm
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:13 pm
Indigo Project eek Just like a video game! dos this mean that I don't need to dig a hole?
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:14 pm
umi505 Indigo Project eek Just like a video game! dos this mean that I don't need to dig a hole? keep digging i might cut Undakia's life string haha
Undakai rolled 4 6-sided dice:
1, 3, 2, 5
Total: 11 (4-24)
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:14 pm
Dark_Wyvern Undakai Dark_Wyvern Undakai ... Dark...what are you doing with those strings? You can't cut them without my life string cutters...now I have a job to do...so if you could please hand me those life strings...*pulls out a black, distorted looking pair of wire cutters* *puts a barrier around the string* im not ganna let you kill her she is a friend and i dont let people kill friends *hits Undakia and pulls out a pair of white siccors cutting the string healing her* HA i have the siccors of life and i have the siccors of death but i dont use them dude... it doesn't matter what type of siccors you use...you cut her string of life...that KILLS one...you just killed her. WRONG the siccors of life pressurve the body and prepare it for a resurection so yes shes dead but it isnt permanent, count to five and shell be back like she never died moron -.- the only way to bring someone back after cutting the life strings is to repair the life strings... Don't try explaining to the Angel of Death(the roll is for a bluff check...success=12+) about how life strings work...it's my job to know about these things. The string of life is simply that...a string that when cut, signifies the end of the persons life. That's it. End of story. It's not the siccors that really matter (as long as the siccors can cut the wire...which require special siccers anyway), but that the wire is, infact, cut. EDIT: bluff check failed crying
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:15 pm
*keeps sneaking in dancefloor camo*
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:16 pm
Dark_Wyvern umi505 Indigo Project eek Just like a video game! dos this mean that I don't need to dig a hole? keep digging i might cut Undakia's life string haha yay! . . digging is fun!!! blaugh
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:17 pm
Dark_Wyvern *pulls out a black pair of siccors with Undakia's life string and i smile evilly* HAHA im from the other side so i can take any life string i want and i found yours ...I don't have a life string...I never was alive...advantages of being an angel.
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:18 pm
*sneaks into hole* Ahhh my cover is blown!
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:18 pm
Undakai Dark_Wyvern *pulls out a black pair of siccors with Undakia's life string and i smile evilly* HAHA im from the other side so i can take any life string i want and i found yours ...I don't have a life string...I never was alive...advantages of being an angel. wow, meang you'r non-liveing . . .you'r like an . . .object? . . yeah
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:19 pm
HermieKrab *sneaks into hole* Ahhh my cover is blown! HAY! that's my hole!
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:20 pm
Undakai Dark_Wyvern *pulls out a black pair of siccors with Undakia's life string and i smile evilly* HAHA im from the other side so i can take any life string i want and i found yours ...I don't have a life string...I never was alive...advantages of being an angel. damn angels evil i hate angels *chokes Undakia after i loose control of my anger and turn to my shadow form* HAHAHA DIE YOU STUPID ANGEL
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:20 pm
umi505 HermieKrab *sneaks into hole* Ahhh my cover is blown! HAY! that's my hole! *Climbs out* you know how deep that is?
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:20 pm
umi505 Undakai Dark_Wyvern *pulls out a black pair of siccors with Undakia's life string and i smile evilly* HAHA im from the other side so i can take any life string i want and i found yours ...I don't have a life string...I never was alive...advantages of being an angel. wow, meaing you'r non-liveing . . .you'r like an . . .object? . . yeah Not living in human terms...as In I wasn't born, but rather created for a job. Disadvantage=lack of free will...lucky humans =/
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:20 pm
Hermie will not escape! *super-flying glomps Hermie*
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:21 pm
Undakai umi505 Undakai Dark_Wyvern *pulls out a black pair of siccors with Undakia's life string and i smile evilly* HAHA im from the other side so i can take any life string i want and i found yours ...I don't have a life string...I never was alive...advantages of being an angel. wow, meaing you'r non-liveing . . .you'r like an . . .object? . . yeah Not living in human terms...as In I wasn't born, but rather created for a job. Disadvantage=lack of free will...lucky humans =/ HA im non-living and i have free will...SUCKER