Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been on like all day but I was busy as heck. I saw how bad Kitters was feeling earlier now I feel bad.
sad I think she'll feel better after watching her gory sceery movies like she said she may do. *huggle glomp*
mrgreen What's going on? What's wrong with Knitterz? And my ears are gone; what the hell is she rubbing?
Why I am asking all these rhetorical questions?!
gonk Page 1353...she was acting very emo.
Hiya, Blue, Beck, Shaz, and anyone else that might be here and hiding....*hugs*
Funny, my appearence one page later didn't bring such sentiments forward.
I shall have to glumple her extra-good tommorow! For sooth!
scream You're such a sweetie, Shaz....
What can I say? Pain amongst friends is something I simply cannot sit by and watch. I've helped another friend of mine when she was feeling down, and just seeing her smile again brought such joy to my heart. You could say I'm an emotional parasite; in so much that the joy and pain of others invokes similar sentiments in myself. Therefore, I try to make everyone happy. ^_^
But enough of that, I've got something better; a formula me and Knitterz developed last night for making the most awesome movie in the history of everything ever!
What you need:
-Giant Robots
-People exploding from said lasers
-Explosions in general
-Gratuitios sex
-Guitar solo
-Cameo of Chuck Norris/Christopher Walken/The guy who played the Fonz
Combine, and what do you get? Pirates and Ninjas (pirate chicks are hawt! ;0) having sex on a giant robot that shoots lasers at people. Lots of people and buildings blow up. Movie ends with one of the aforementioned cameos rising up amongst the rubble and corpses and jamming out a kick-awesome guitar solo.
Now THERE'S a movie I'd pay to see.
EDIT: Oh, and maybe a blind guy playing the sax for good measure!
EDIT the second: Oh, snap! I forgot some of the most important things!
-Snappy one-liners
-Chase scene (either in cars, jets, or ski-doos)
-Stephen Hawking. Breakdancing.
Clearly the formula is somewhat lacking. Who will help me make it complete?