Personally I think the problem is that children can handle a lot more than people think they can and can be taught a lot more than they are given credit for.
I grew up listening to WAAF when it was loaded with swears, but I don't swear often because my father taught me not too and why.
My daughter is the same way, she heard swear words all the time from certain people and she learned very quickly that they are not words that are okay for her to use yet.
It is people who say "Oh they are too young to understand" or "they don't get it" or "they are just children, they don't know any better" that are giving their children excuses to continue behaving unacceptably simply because they can get away with it.
True every child is different and they all learn at different paces, but so many parents think their children incapable of learning anything until they are much older and than suddenly expect that the child will just instantly know how to act in a matter fitting to their age. It makes me sick. [/rant]
I grew up listening to WAAF when it was loaded with swears, but I don't swear often because my father taught me not too and why.
My daughter is the same way, she heard swear words all the time from certain people and she learned very quickly that they are not words that are okay for her to use yet.
It is people who say "Oh they are too young to understand" or "they don't get it" or "they are just children, they don't know any better" that are giving their children excuses to continue behaving unacceptably simply because they can get away with it.
True every child is different and they all learn at different paces, but so many parents think their children incapable of learning anything until they are much older and than suddenly expect that the child will just instantly know how to act in a matter fitting to their age. It makes me sick. [/rant]