Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:57 pm
Viral C umi505 Undakai umi505 ack . . .I just dissapear I lot . . .like *poof* . . .side tracked . . .not paying attion . . . .can't stay one the line . . *weird hand motions that looks like I'm drawing a line in the air with a lot of bumps in it, using both hands* dude...what did I inhale? @__@ inhaaaaiiilll? . . . .why would I inhhaaaaiiilll *speaking weirdlly* There is no descrimination in the war of the glomp! *shoots you with glomp cannon* . . .I"m conffuuuusssseeeedddd . . . .@.@ . . . . .*more weird hand motions* CONFUTION I SAY! . . . .oh uh . . uh . . ..uhhh . . .OH! . . uh . . .*forgets what I was suppose to do* . .uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:57 pm
Viral C Undakai Viral C *comes in a battlemech and shoots everyone with the glomp cannon* hello *fires back with dual heavy gauss glompifiers* *switches to glompthrowers* BURN IN FROM THE GLOMPAGE!!!!! twisted twisted *moves out of range and readies the X-Glomper Lazers*
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:59 pm
-starts dancing- whoot~ heart
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:59 pm
Undakai Viral C Undakai Viral C *comes in a battlemech and shoots everyone with the glomp cannon* hello *fires back with dual heavy gauss glompifiers* *switches to glompthrowers* BURN IN FROM THE GLOMPAGE!!!!! twisted twisted *moves out of range and readies the X-Glomper Lazers* *shoots you with gatling glomp*
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:00 pm
dolphinwing~ -starts dancing- whoot~ heart *shoots with glomp cannon*
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:01 pm
Viral C dolphinwing~ -starts dancing- whoot~ heart *shoots with glomp cannon* -pokes you-
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:01 pm
*sees the Weapons of Mass Glomping and hides behind the bar*
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:01 pm
isss there something that I missed or I'm I imagening things again? *blink blink* . . .what's a glomp canon? dos it like . . .shoot . . . .people at you whooo . . . .glomp you or somethen? . . ..wow eek . . .that's a lot of people! lol ^^
ahhhhhh . . .head *weird motions*
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:03 pm
umi505 isss there something that I missed or I'm I imagening things again? *blink blink* . . .what's a glomp canon? dos it like . . .shoot . . . .people at you whooo . . . .glomp you or somethen? . . ..wow eek . . .that's a lot of people! lol ^^ ahhhhhh . . .head *weird motions* they are midgets that were never loved so i'm shooting them at people to give them love. that includes you *shoots you with glomp cannon*
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:03 pm
*is feeling confused and lost*
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:05 pm
Viral C Undakai Viral C Undakai Viral C *comes in a battlemech and shoots everyone with the glomp cannon* hello *fires back with dual heavy gauss glompifiers* *switches to glompthrowers* BURN IN FROM THE GLOMPAGE!!!!! twisted twisted *moves out of range and readies the X-Glomper Lazers* *shoots you with gatling glomp* *gets in close and opens up with the massive amounts of glomp guns* I'ma gonna fill you full of glomps sucka!
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:05 pm
Viral C umi505 isss there something that I missed or I'm I imagening things again? *blink blink* . . .what's a glomp canon? dos it like . . .shoot . . . .people at you whooo . . . .glomp you or somethen? . . ..wow eek . . .that's a lot of people! lol ^^ ahhhhhh . . .head *weird motions* they are midgets that were never loved so i'm shooting them at people to give them love. that includes you *shoots you with glomp cannon* oh . . . .OH . . . . oh . . . . thennn . . . I'll be afraid now . . RUUNNN!! *runs around in a circle* BOBY SAVE MEEEEE!!!!!! gonk I'm cofused . . .but still
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:06 pm
Sanzoskitsune *is feeling confused and lost* *pulls Sanzo behind the bar*
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:06 pm
Sanzoskitsune *is feeling confused and lost* alas you must be glomped too. THE MIDGETS NEED LOVE!!!! *shoots you with glomp cannon*
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:07 pm
Undakai Viral C Undakai Viral C Undakai Viral C *comes in a battlemech and shoots everyone with the glomp cannon* hello *fires back with dual heavy gauss glompifiers* *switches to glompthrowers* BURN IN FROM THE GLOMPAGE!!!!! twisted twisted *moves out of range and readies the X-Glomper Lazers* *shoots you with gatling glomp* *gets in close and opens up with the massive amounts of glomp guns* I'ma gonna fill you full of glomps sucka! *Sticks artillery glomp cannons in your face and fires*