Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:11 pm
Goddess Ace jfm567 Goddess Ace jfm567 Goddess Ace whee heart That hot tub felt damn good, the deep seat - ah, heaven... we were in it for half an hour. its so hard to walk after getting out of those things...... gonk domokun Well it was dark and kind of cold out so we ran to get our towels and dry off... i got in during the summer.... xd talk2hand Werido. xp rolleyes why does it matter? neutral i prefer the beach anyways.....
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:12 pm
Rydia-Beck Interesting conversation tonight. I'm gonna have a mule with some clothes and he's a guy. What should I name him. Something that'll crack ppl up. I begged my brother to try gaia and he set himself up and never ever EVER came back! Blashphemy...lil snob. So since I don't have another e-mail and don't feel like making up one I'm gettiing his password tonight and making meself a mule. Maybe use him in sakura's RP. Hee hee. So..anyone gots a good name? call him moist towelette
Professional Conversationalist
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:13 pm
OMG! I'm sooo sorry scarlet! @ace- hilarious!
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:14 pm
jfm567 Goddess Ace jfm567 Goddess Ace jfm567 Goddess Ace whee heart That hot tub felt damn good, the deep seat - ah, heaven... we were in it for half an hour. its so hard to walk after getting out of those things...... gonk domokun Well it was dark and kind of cold out so we ran to get our towels and dry off... i got in during the summer.... xd talk2hand Werido. xp rolleyes why does it matter? neutral i prefer the beach anyways..... gonk Because during the summer you don't get ---- This message is temporary offline. mrgreen
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:15 pm
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:16 pm
Goddess Ace jfm567 Goddess Ace jfm567 Goddess Ace Well it was dark and kind of cold out so we ran to get our towels and dry off... i got in during the summer.... xd talk2hand Werido. xp rolleyes why does it matter? neutral i prefer the beach anyways..... gonk Because during the summer you don't get ---- This message is temporary offline. mrgreen id rather hottub in winter... its strange but it does feel good.plus less chance to get sunburn!
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:17 pm
Darthspanky Goddess Ace jfm567 Goddess Ace jfm567 Goddess Ace Well it was dark and kind of cold out so we ran to get our towels and dry off... i got in during the summer.... xd talk2hand Werido. xp rolleyes why does it matter? neutral i prefer the beach anyways..... gonk Because during the summer you don't get ---- This message is temporary offline. mrgreen id rather hottub in winter... its strange but it does feel good.plus less chance to get sunburn! it was at night...... xp
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:18 pm
Hopefully my dad will forget everything by tomorrow.
He doesn't even want me on a computer at all.
"You need to get off that damn thing and go outside before you get fat and ruin your eyes!"
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:19 pm
im just saying what my prefrence is.. but if i wanted to hottub at night i hope a cute chick is in there also.
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:20 pm
Yep.....sometimes parents can be a pain in the arse...
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:20 pm
Well then, Spanky... jfm.... want to get in a hot tub some time this summer at night? wink heart
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:21 pm
Goddess Ace Well then, Spanky... jfm.... want to get in a hot tub some time this summer at night? wink heart you jujst want to spy on us so you can watch some steamy hot guys...
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:21 pm
Goddess Ace Well then, Spanky... jfm.... want to get in a hot tub some time this summer at night? wink heart but you just called me a weirdo for getting in a hottub during the summer and now you want to?!!? neutral gonk
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:22 pm
Hey Scarlet. I dunno if it would help but if you think your dad would be open to info on gaia try showing him info online about it. I'm sure other older, wiser gaians could find you some sites or show you where to look on gaia for info that would explain to your father what this is all about...If he's open to listening. And then with his ok. Go to public chatrooms that are the scary places ex:america online and then explain you know not to put yourself in danger in places like that then take him to gaia as a contrast. I really hope it works out. @Darth! Yes! Moist Towelette! That's definitly gonna be one of the options if not theee name! rofl
Professional Conversationalist
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:22 pm
Darthspanky im just saying what my prefrence is.. but if i wanted to hottub at night i hope a cute chick is in there also. rolleyes doesnt everybody....