Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 8:06 pm
I can do just fine with a sewing needle.
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 8:07 pm
invisible-weirdo YUSH. *sigh* I kinda wish he did more movies or tv though. After his run as the Doctor is over, he'll just be focusing on stuff for the Royal Shakespeare Company T.T Oh well. He's a thespian first and foremost, I suppose.
Oh shi-! They're gonna show an RSC production of Hamlet on tv O.O >w< Yaaaay~ I really wanna see him as the oh-so-very unhinged Hamlet~ [/fangirlism] blaugh He's an actor I don't feel stupid having a little fangirlism over, I'd love to see that myself. I'll miss him. He has sorta become my Doctor. My Dad's Doctor was the one with the long scarf. But I don't want him tied cast either.
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 8:11 pm
I think he's kinda my doctor too. Even though the first one I watched was actually the original ok dude, I've always just liked devid the most he a epic ^.^
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 8:15 pm
I watched and liked Christopher ..forget his last name... But something about Tennant (and it might just be his looks) or more likely his great facial expressions and the constant babbling ... I just like him more.
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 8:21 pm
And Christopher Ecceleson or whatever wasn't on very long. We've had a longer time with David with the three seasons, the books, animated stuff and all the specials, plus yeah agree he is very charismatic and likeable. It shall be sad to see him go D: but hopefully the new guy will be good in his own way too ^.^
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 8:26 pm
Surazal Dloc And Christopher Ecceleson or whatever wasn't on very long. We've had a longer time with David with the three seasons, the books, animated stuff and all the specials, plus yeah agree he is very charismatic and likeable. It shall be sad to see him go D: but hopefully the new guy will be good in his own way too ^.^ stare lucky Ausie I'm sure I'm missing out on most of that. Seriously animated things crying sweatdrop I've found the one special on youtube where he meets himself after the crash with the Titanic right after meeting Dona for the first time. I loved the comment he made about that Doctor being able to sport a leafy vegetable. or something witty along those lines. Loved it.
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 8:30 pm
Elcia I watched and liked Christopher ..forget his last name... But something about Tennant (and it might just be his looks) or more likely his great facial expressions and the constant babbling ... I just like him more. My thoughts exactly.
He's just so likable y'know whee Christopher Eccelston wasn't bad, not at all, but he just isn't nearly as charismatic, and I think that's the shining quality of Tennant's version of the Doctor and what attracts people. And now I'm babbling~
And I really do hope that the new guy will be ok. Really. In terms of looks, he's just...no (his hair gonk ). So I'm really hoping that his acting ability is good enough to make me not whine and b***h and moan about him taking over.
Elcia: Ooh the Time Crash thing? I actually quite loved that. It made me want to look up some of the old Doctor Who stuff, y'know?
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 8:36 pm
Elcia Surazal Dloc And Christopher Ecceleson or whatever wasn't on very long. We've had a longer time with David with the three seasons, the books, animated stuff and all the specials, plus yeah agree he is very charismatic and likeable. It shall be sad to see him go D: but hopefully the new guy will be good in his own way too ^.^ stare lucky Ausie I'm sure I'm missing out on most of that. Seriously animated things crying sweatdrop I've found the one special on youtube where he meets himself after the crash with the Titanic right after meeting Dona for the first time. I loved the comment he made about that Doctor being able to sport a leafy vegetable. or something witty along those lines. Loved it. Yeah I loved that little clip. I only saw/found it because some one three it in with "the Sarah jane adventures" torrent : D it was epic. And I'm not that lucky here in the land of oz. I had to download that animated episode (there is just on special animated one with martha). And my ex gave me one I the books for my birthday ^.^ the books are kinda everywhere now.
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 8:51 pm
Yeah I could probably find the books easy, but if we where all in England then we'd be taking the availability for granted ^_^
What's the new guy's name? I haven't seen/heard of him yet.
Oh yes, Invis I felt the same. Luckily, I own a few episodes of the old seasons on DVD, the scarf Doctor naturally. And in one a bunch of the old Doctors get together to stop the Master from I think making the scarf Doctor cease to exist if I remember correctly. Anyway I got to see like four Doctors work together. And I've seen a little of celery Doctor somewhere too.
Also I should be on my way to bed.
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 8:54 pm
The new guy's name is Matt Smith.
And good night Elcia (for whenever you actually leave)
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 8:58 pm
Thanks Invis. And apparently I need to go check when exactly the new Torchwood starts too.
Good noight!
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 9:32 pm
I can't wait for the torchwood mini series either! Do Want!
And I wonder if there is going to be anymore Sarah Jane adventures. Fair enough it's more for the teens but I still likes it. LOL @ children fighting off alien invasions.
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 10:16 pm
Foooooof! Suddenly there was aretoo! ...Aaaand apparently there wasn't anyone else. neutral
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 10:25 pm
Except a Paul, wondering why he fails so hard at people. emo
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 10:26 pm
"Yellowbeard" or "Dr. Goldfoot & The Bikini Machine"... Such choices!